Breaking: Don Young positive for COVID, feeling strong


Congressman Don Young announced today he has tested positive for COVID-19. He is working from his home in Alaska and says he is feeling strong and following protocols.

Young’s wife Ann is a nurse.

Several people associated with the campaign have also tested positive, Must Read Alaska has learned. All are doing well and are working from their homes.

Young, who is 87 years old, is in generally good health, although he has had some bouts of sciatica, a pain in the lower back. He just won his 25th term in Congress and has served for Alaska since 1973.

In past years, he has stayed healthy throughout his campaigns, and sometimes has gotten a head cold right after the campaign ends.


  1. Young was wearing a mask at GOP rally b4 election. Damn good thing he beat idiot Galvin first. If something did happen, Dunleavy gets to appoint.

    • After Frank appointed Lisa, the law was changed so that now there is a special election, not an appointment. I believe.

    • Actually, there would be a special election. This is how Don Young took office 47 years ago… Young lost to Representative Nick Begich (D) in the General Election, however Begich was lost in a plane crash and they never found the plane. Alaska held a special election and Young became our new Congressman.

    • Nope she doesn’t get in by default. The voters have spoken and just downright do not want her in that seat so if Don kicks the bucket God forbid, there would be another person in an election to take his place. Anybody, a warm body, anybody would be able to beat her.

  2. I hope the end result is favorable but at 87, I don’t have to tell anyone that he’s on borrowed time with or without the Kung Flu. At his age he could have a complications as far out as 3 to 4 weeks from now. Better get those miracle drugs that they gave president Trump.

  3. Well I have had strong opposition to many of this policies, and style. But somethings transcend this.

    I wish him and his friends and family the best. All of you take care of yourselves.

  4. Everyone who been told they tested positive for COVID-19, they all say the same thing: its another common cold coronavirus, and encouraging the rest of us don’t worry about it especially if the individual is a youth. Alaskans has a higher risk dying from violence inflicted by self or an aggressor than the novel coronavirus.

  5. Don will be fine, the virus ain’t nothing to worry about when you are healthy. All the haters can keep on hating. We are backing Don, wishing OUR representative all the best.

  6. To all the the naysayers out there – he tested positive for Covid. He is not hospitalized. It’s a little early for some folks to get their panties in a wad!

    • I don’t think panties are in a wad. I know what panties in a wad looks like and this isn’t it. Oh the loser he ran against probably has gotten her hopes up but that’s fine the pain will be more severe to her when he pulls through and she certainly has that coming.

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