District 21 Republicans endorse Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate


Anchorage District 21 Republicans endorsed Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate at its meeting on Wednesday. It was the first in-person meeting of the year.

Tshibaka is running against Sen. Lisa Murkowski. She has earned the endorsement of three Republican women’s clubs in the state and District 21 is the first district to also endorse Tshibaka.

District 21 is the old Anchorage establishment district, with longtime party members. It is considered a very moderate district, whose state representative is Democrat Matt Claman. The chair of the district is Win Faulkner. The vote was not unanimous but was overwhelmingly in support of Tshibaka.

Tshibaka last week announced that she had won the endorsement of former President Donald Trump.

Read: Tshibaka announces run for Senate in bold rollout


  1. Four months now, still no License Plates for our car.

    Good job with Administranglia, you’ll be perfect as a do nothing.

  2. Kelly Tshibaka HAS NOT registered with the State of Alaska Elections or APOC as a candidate for Senate.

  3. Why was the state picking up her moving to Washington bill for 81k? Some of us still have our sense of smell intact, and this stinks.

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