Alaska District 15 Republicans endorse Tshibaka for Senate


The District 15 Republicans in Anchorage have endorsed Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka, bringing the number of districts and Republican women’s clubs in Alaska that have done so up to eight.

District 15 is the Muldoon-JBER area of Anchorage, and is represented in the Alaska House by Rep. David Nelson.

The other districts that have already endorsed Tshibaka include District 21 Anchorage, and District 12, Chugiak-Gateway.

As candidate Tshibaka makes appearances around the state, she has also won endorsements from both Kenai Republican women’s clubs, the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club, and both Mat-Su Valley Republican women’s clubs. She was also endorsed by Alaska Bikers for Trump.


  1. Hey, isn’t this Gabrielle LeDoux’s old stomping grounds?

    Has Kelly been shaking hands in the trailer parks as well and hoping nobody gets a whiff of her swampy background?

  2. Aunt Sally:
    Kelly likes all people, even those that have little means, as you refer to as Alaska trailer trash.
    Princess Lisa, handpicked by her stupid father, prefers to live in mansions with her unemployed house-husband, and attend glamor events with the well-heeled and influential, who care not that they are courting a low IQ royal highness.
    At least the proletariat have some common sense. Lisa’s Lefties are fundamentally and morally bankrupt, as you seem to prefer.

    • Oh for gosh sake, Nancy, are you brand new to Alaska and utterly ignorant regarding the Gabrielle LeDoux scandal involving “as many as 17 people registered to vote who were purported to live in a tiny trailer in one of the trailer courts” in District 15?

      Here, put the brakes on flailing around with your pompoms for Kelly and take a trip down Memory Lane:

      And to your laughable suggestion that I’m some kind of lefty Lisa shill coupled with your delusional posturing as the proletariat’s champion, you might wish to mull over the proposition that some of us who’re likely to the right of you have had our fill of carpetbaggers, swamp rats, and windbags and Kelly looks very much like a unvetted, carpetbagging swamp rat while you come across like an oafish, starry-eyed windbag.

      • That’s it for you, Auntie. I’m telling Lisa to pull you off the Christmas card list. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.

  3. Really?


    I live in District 15. When was the vote? Where was the vote? How many from District 15 voted? How many Republicans in District 15 are/were eligible to vote? These are important questions. If eight or nine Rs got together in somebody’s living room for this vote, it should be included in this report.

  4. @M.A. There wasn’t a vote. There wasn’t anything like a vote. There’s no sweeping support for this DC chameleon as that’s not what this is about.

    This is about marketing. Six months ago you’d never heard this woman’s name and in the spirit of good clean politics you will be inundated with misrepresentations for the next 14 months and then there will be a shift to outright lies.

    You’ve been the target of marketing’s soft lies since you were a child walking down the cereal isle; ‘some settling will occur in transit’ masks the fact that mom’s buying a few flakes in a giant box. ‘Secret decoder ring inside’ to mask the fact that the cereal tastes like the south end of a north bound dog. A big photo of a flake with an accompanying statement ‘product enlarged to show detail’ masking the fact that you’re again buying something other than what you’re being sold.

    That’s the case here; Someone selling herself as Alaskan when she is not. She’s selling herself as conservative when by life choice she is not. And the only thing that matters to her is that you say her name often enough that she seems familiar by the time a vote to unseat Murky rolls around.

    This is unquestionably a swamp denizen with a husband that is also a swamp denizen, working the system in a manner that they believe will provide them an income.

    Murky will lose based on past performance. She might even lose to DC Kelly. Oddly, if she wins she’ll move back home.

  5. This is a job for Lisa Murkowski who has grown children and a mature attorney who is not wet behind the ears.

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