Did this Anchorage Assemblyman call Jamie Allard a ‘slut’ at end of the redistricting meeting?


At the end of the Anchorage Redistricting Committee on Wednesday, someone in the room uttered the word “slut.”

There was a murmur of laughter from Assemblywoman Austin Quinn-Davidson, who turned to the apparent source of the whispered word — Redistricting Committee Chairman Chris Constant.

Constant neither admits or denies saying it, but only responded to Must Read Alaska’s question with this phrase: “You should see an audiologist.”

He also wrote, “Thank you for all the coverage.  It’s been really valuable.  I couldn’t pay for this kind of media.  I don’t think anybody could argue with the prolific volume of your work product.”

The “slut” incident came after a testy exchange with Allard, who was trying to advance her version of a redistricting map for Anchorage, but she had missed Constant’s Friday deadline. Her map was evidently submitted to him on Monday. So was Assemblyman John Weddleton’s map version, which Constant accepted.

After the exchange, in which Constant interrupted her while she was speaking and reacted to her comments with agitation, he announced that because she had impugned his motives, he would change his vote to be against accepting her map.

Constant was visibly angry, while Allard stated her case. She had called into the meeting from a trip out of state that she had scheduled weeks ago.

There are many other maps already under consideration in drawing new lines for Assembly seats, some of them offered by left-wing political action groups.

Constant has, in the past, used derogatory words toward women. Several years ago, Constant called the publisher of Must Read Alaska a “cunt” on social media; he later apologized.

Watch the tape here and listen to the audio, which we have slowed down at the end to better illustrate what was said:

Assemblyman John Weddleton said he did not hear the comment. Allard did not hear it, but also has a hearing impairment and was on the phone.

Other than Allard, Weddleton and Constant, other Assembly members did not yet respond to a question posed by Must Read Alaska.

Last week, Constant appeared on a leftist podcast, calling Mayor Dave Bronson a clown and his team “fools,” who are not smart enough to know how to gaslight the Assembly.

Update: Assemblywoman Austin Quinn-Davidson, who had encouraged Constant to not allow Allard’s map, has responded to our question, saying: “That is absolutely false, like most things you print. I recommend you listen again.”

Assemblywoman Crystal Kennedy has responded: “I did not hear that but both of them were talking over each other so I’m not exactly sure what was said.”


  1. We need to convene an Ethics Committee hearing about the friends of Tom Sconce and these u professional outbursts.

  2. This fellow sure is fearless in use of descriptive words about women, calling Suzanne a Charlie Uniform November Tango, and now Allard a SLUT!
    Being hearing impaired myself I could take offense to the Assemblyman’s remark, but I think it’s important to remember that this guy is really nothing other than a little —-!

    • I see that the description of Mr. Constant being” nothing other than a little xxxxx” was edited out. Perhaps the writer meant to say Bravo Indigo Tango Charlie Hotel? We will never know perhaps, since there are words that apparently cannot be uttered. Strangely however words that begin with a C and end with a T are ok to print? I’m sorry, but I cannot keep up with the evolution of political correct speech. In my time the C word was an absolute no no… oh well, always something new to learn.

    • Are your mother, wife, and daughters, if you ever reproduced, sluts? Her husband is retired Special Forces; Cunstant isn’t brave, he’s just stupid. Call my wife that word and you’re going to get hurt, and I’m not even a professional at hurting people.

      • Agreed. It seems the honorable among the left, departed the cult sometime ago. What we have left are the absolute dregs and low life’s. Constant here is a fine example of this vile breed of petty partisan who craves power at all costs. These are the people who should never be put in positions of authority.

      • Do you wet your pants like this when President Trump uses the same vocabulary?
        Do you remember that saying from pre-school “stick and stones will break my bones but…” You know the rest.

        • Your level of civility is showing. Do you believe that it would be okay for us to call you or your mom a slut because of sticks and stones? Please answer the question rather than dissembling, as most progressives do when challenged.

      • Art, sadly dueling has been outlawed for some time. This is regrettable since it certainly had an effect in keeping things civil within society.
        I am reminded of a duel that Andrew Jackson had with a fellow who was talking smack about Jackson’s wife.
        The smack talker was better at dueling , shooting first and hit Jackson squarely in the chest, the bullet lodged in his lung and was never removed. Jackson refusing to go down took careful deliberate aim which resulted in his dropping the smack talker. Afterwards his aides rushed to him and exclaimed that they thought he was finished after taking the hit. Jackson reportedly replied. ” if he had shot me through the brain, I still would have killed the SOB for what he said about my wife.

    • Pity we don’t have an ignore option on the new site. While I don’t censor, it would be nice to make some trolls just go away.

      • Remember the group who hijacked the ADN comment section before the ADN used the pandemic as an excuse to quietly discontinue comments? Notice any similarities to what’s happened here in recent memory?

  3. Good news.
    Keep Mr. Constant contantly on tilt, no telling what he might do or say that’ll end his political career.

  4. Where are all the people calling Constant out for his foul language regarding women. If it was a Conservative
    calling these names, it would be on the front page of the Washingtonpost/Alaska Edition aka Anchorage Daily News. Shameful . Give me a bar of soap, i will be willing to wash his mouth out.

  5. Wow, very unprofessional. I hope Anchorage voters, regardless of politics, will see fit to vote these folks out of their present positions.

    • Yes you did. You’re right though President Trump is the only politician in HISTORY who used salty language. If you liberals want to spend all of eternity screaming “yeah but Trump…..” you might want to take 2 minutes to look up colorful quotes from Obama,Clinton, James Carville, Sean Penn, Chelsea Handler, any Arquette, anybody at MSNBC, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Myers, SNL, Nancy Griffin, anyone on The View, anyone on CNN, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden or any other lefty a&$hat who couldn’t keep their mouth shut from 2016 until today. That way we don’t discount you as the clear delusional mental infant that you clearly are.

      • Peace and Hair Grease, thank you, well said. The only thing there is to add to all those who quite erroneously scream “45 did it first!” is this:
        All of have clearly assessed that calling people names is unprofessional, demeaning and wrong. Your outrage towards our 45th president is palpable, yet you apparently are ready to excuse this kind of behavior from MR. Constant “because Trump did it”? Really??
        Knowingly condoning wrong behavior still doesn’t make it right.
        Everyone in this town should be outraged at the nasty and disrespectful way Mr. Constant treats a fellow assembly person, while demanding complete and utter deference towards himself. ALL of his constituents should to call, email and write him, demanding he apologize in public to not only Jamie Allard, but all of Eagle River, whom she represents.

        • On second thought, it may be better to call, email and write the rest of the assembly members and asked them why they condone the continued harassment and denigration of Mrs. Allard, by their vice chair. One could argue that their silence makes them complicit!

    • Dude, get real. How long are you liberal crybabies going to keep bringing up President Trump as justification for your side to be infantile,nasty, misogynist dweebs? Can you blame Trump for anything now after what was said about him for 4 plus years? How about your hero Joe Biden calling a reporter a dumb son of a b??? Get a grip.

    • Slipstream – it’s time for another booster – go get one.
      Then go home and crawl up in the fetal position and clutch your pearls…

    • He is, but that’s neither here nor there. Constant and his fascist ilk are incapable of acting like human beings.

  6. I’m certainly not a ‘constant’ fan but, I’m sorry, after listening to this audio track three times I just don’t hear it.

    Come on Suzanne….this is pretty thin (At Best)

    • Younger ears hear it pretty well, it appears. It was pointed out to me by someone who has pretty sharp ears. -sd

      • Look, I think Constant is an unmitigated disaster as a public official and if he said the sun came up this morning I’d fact check him before taking it for true.

        That said, Maybe if I play it backwards I’ll hear the hidden message?

    • I was too distracted by the childish squirming and interrupting. Not sure I can bear to go back and watch/ listen again. And my ears are over 60 with some decibel loss. ☺️

  7. What more of a compliment! insults from catty insecure persons. 1st the profanity toward Alexis and 2nd vulgar insults toward Jamie.

  8. Wonder why the left isn’t outraged at the “ war on women” being waged by Constant?

    Could it be that in their pantheon of wokeness being gay is more important to them than being a woman? That being an obnoxious gay troll trumps all?

    Based on Constant’s ongoing behavior and the Assembly’s ongoing silence regarding it, the answer appears to be yes.

    Most telling is the loud silence from the liberal female members of the Assembly.

    Imagine the firestorm if Bronson had said anything close to this. It would be statewide news for months. Tom Sconce would have weighed in.

    Sooner or later the women of America will realize the left gives less than a damn about them, except when aborting.

  9. Another assembly member needing a bar of soap for his potty mouth. Guess his parents didn’t learn him nothing. Seems to be a growing trend amongst the nasty nine. Better wake up and vote, Anchorage. We in Chugiak/ Eagle River did our job. It’s your fault. Or maybe you have grown comfortable living in a s—- hole, run by gender confused socialists. Why do you think we want to separate from Anchorage ? Because most of you can’t be bothered to vote. Enjoy your own mess, you made it. And stay on your side of the river, please.

  10. Is the video available without being zoomed in? I wonder if the sign-language interpreter was still signing after they ended. I know sign-language and was watching, hoping it was signed.

  11. Whatever happened to the #MeToo movement? Gone I guess, sure didn’t last long. Oh well, it only applied to Democrat women and only Republican men could be accused.

  12. Regardless, it’s certainly in Constant’s capacity to say something like that considering what he’s said previously and, if one notices, whatever he uttered got quite a chuckle out of AQ Davidson. I doubt it was necessary.

  13. Watching Constant squirm around is like watching an antsy eight year old boy made to sit in a classroom too long. Then the interrupting. Beyond annoying. I would expect such behavior from an eight year old but a grown man elected to make decisions for a city?!

  14. This should have been about meeting content. Evidently, this person really doesn’t like women. One half of the population of the largest city in Alaska is female. He really appears to have antipathy toward them. He has a difficult personality for his interesting part-time job. Others on the assembly are also unpleasant. Next election let’s have people who like others and want positive things like not draining the people’s bank accounts and who genuinely like the city well enough not to spend on unnecessary projects and who welcome community input and are totally committed to US Constitutional rights for all of Anchorage’s residents.

  15. I couldn’t hear much either. But his body language was unsettling to me. He clearly needs anti-anxiety treatment. Public service is obviously wearing on him. He didn’t appear healthy to me.

  16. I heard the stupid language; technically not a vulgarity; rather, just a course insult. Too petty to worry about much less get all up in arms about with complaints etc. Anyone uttering such things in a public arena does more harm to himself than anyone else; that also includes Trump for the communists posting on here…. and I would still vote for him again on account of his results.

  17. To clarify a point in this story, Alaska’s News Source originally reported that the committee rejected Weddleton’s proposed map. They later changed it to say that the committee approved his map only to subsequently reject it. I would interpret this as back-pedaling to spite Jamie Allard, just in case she thought of complaining about favoritism.
    They also reported that one of the maps which made the final cut was the one submitted by Anchorage Action. One of the key figures in Anchorage Action is Andrew Gray. He hosts the podcast whose interview with Christopher Constant was the topic of your story of several days ago. Anchorage Action, The Blue Alaskan, Constant and Forrest Dunbar all engage in the exact same tactics to censor people on social media who dare question their agenda, er um, “infinite wisdom”.

  18. True Constant:

    Couldn’t take Allard’s rebut
    You decide to smear her with smut
    From a Fellow Amongst Gays
    AQueerD laughed at your ways
    As you end by calling her a slut

    But God forbid you should list
    When someone too far bends their wrist
    And like a child you will pout
    When unmasked photos come out
    You’re part of this city’s cyst

  19. It is my impression that Mr. Constant lusts after the JBER area (to add to his district) and is hell-bent to wrest it from the Eagle River folks, even though historically JBER & ER have more in common. This seems to be a long term plan to hedge against the time when EaglExit comes to fruition. His ordinance for a advisory separation vote made it clear that he plans to deprive Eagle River of as much area as possible, to take with them when they leave. It appears that he quite erroneously believes he can exclude Birchwood, Eklutna, Peter’s Creek from self-determination and hem ER into a small corridor surrounded by the Muni. It appears it is his mission to do just that, by rejecting every plan Jamie Allard advances, getting his jollies by interrupting her repeatedly, admonishing her and calling her names. What a despicable display. As for AQD, her reaction of allowing his antics makes her just as culpable!

  20. Let’s flip this scenario, if Allard would have used a derogatory term towards Mr. Constant, how would the citizens of Anchorage be reacting? Would it be crickets from the local mainstream media as it is now?

  21. I spoke to Constant, and he flatly denied saying it. I asked him, “who did say it?” He said nobody said it. But Constant has no credibility with me. He always plays the victim.

  22. I think it would be hilarious if, at the next assembly meeting, attendees held up signs with variations of “Christopher Constant is a SLUT!” He would wig out on camera, no less.

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