Dems on the warpath: Al Gross is a ‘proven loser,’ the party says, trying to bump him from final four ballot


Al Gross, running for Congress, once had the love of the Alaska Democratic Party. When he ran for Senate against Sen. Dan Sullivan in 2020, the Democrats even backed him, although he remained an undeclared candidate, which means he didn’t have an actual party. He convinced them that he would be their solid voice in the U.S. Senate, and they believed him. He was even caught on video saying that he leans left and would caucus with the Democrats.

But the honeymoon is over. The Alaska Democratic Party now calls him “a loser” who couldn’t even win a seat on his local Petersburg hospital board. The party is backing Democrat Chris Constant, who is the vice chair of the Anchorage Assembly.

This, in spite of the fact that Gross is all-in for abortion access. In a social media post last week, he wrote, “My mother Shari always reminds me that before Roe v. Wade women had to choose between the law and their lives. Monica and I refuse to allow our daughters to be forced to make the same life and death decisions.”

In a savage social media post on Monday, the party went even further as it dumped on Gross, saying that he’s not a Democrat “and he sure as hell doesn’t share your Democratic values, but pandering Al Gross still has the audacity to beg for your money after saying he’d caucus with Republicans…”

It’s exactly what the Sullivan campaign said about Gross in 2020 — that he would say anything to get elected. Their video showed a meeting that Gross had with the Democratic National Committee, where he admitted that although his values are to the left, he could never get elected as a Democrat.

Why would the Democrats all of a sudden turn on Al Gross? A poll by Ivan Moore at Alaska Survey Research tells the story. Conducted on behalf of Democrats over the past few days, the poll posed various combinations of candidates including, Sarah Palin, Nick Begich, Al Gross, Santa Claus, Mary Peltola, Chris Constant, Tara Sweeney, Josh Revak, Jeff Lowenfels, John Coghill, Andrew Halcro, and Adam Wool.

According to the poll, Al Gross is edging the Democrats out of the final four candidates to appear on the November ballot. Democrats may have supported a no-party candidate in the past, but not this year.

Some Democrats still admire the doctor from Juneau. Former Gov. Tony Knowles, for example, has endorsed him and is his campaign chair. Knowles was the last Democrat elected as governor, and he served for eight years.


  1. The bear hunting, opioid pusher finally got a whiff of stark reality. Never believe a thing Democrats say or promise. They can always find another drug dealer to give them a fix. Being a Democrat (socialist) is a lot like being an addict.

    • LOL…..when Democrats prove that one of their own rock stars is an idiot not to be trusted, you know the Democrat Party hit the iceberg. Man the life rafts. The rats are about to jump off.

  2. Senile Joe Biden has brought the Democrats such unfavorable attention that their dislike of another candidate will actually work in favor of Al Gross! This can only be construed as good publicity for Al.

  3. Democrats very rarely have a spoiler in their mix. They need to out the self proclaimed “Bear Slayer “ to save “ I Can see Russia from my house “

  4. Huh, I’m left wondering how it is that the Democrats would consider abandoning Alan Gross.
    I mean isn’t the “Proven Loser” handle an apt description of their party?

  5. It is also worth noting, regarding Tony Knowles, that he last served in public office twenty years ago. I had some angst at the time that Alaska would not survive his regime. Given that we descended into Palinism shortly thereafter, perhaps we didn’t.

    • JMARK, great observation! Never forget Knowles ” Fast Ferries” and handing over all of Alaska’s rights to ” submerged lands” in Glacier Bay!

  6. This is glorious. Dems eating their own while dissing their former front runner in public. Is this the smell of desperation? Glad to see this grifter getting kicked to the curb. Hopefully that curb is in front of his million dollar Santa Barbara home where he can lick his wounds and have a good cry.

  7. He might be in the same boat as Lisa Murkowski. He has sold out to them but isn’t really one of them. Al has that Democrat look with the glasses, but he needs some blue streaks in his hair and a crazier look in his eyes. Perhaps a she/he after his name would ;might help?

    • Along with the streaks of blue or purple hair, Gross Al should definitely acquire a hyphenated surname and announce that his sexuality is officially “questioning” if not “gay”, in order to become a Democrat apparatchik in good and sufficient standing. Announcing that he absolutely supports a woman’s right to abortion during the first year post-birth would just be icing on the cake.

  8. What’s the real story? That the demi’s publish a hate speech annoucement against one of their own to trick the small but dedicated voters into
    voting for a man, demi’s supposedly hold a rift? At least the ak gop were
    geniune when it supported sumner
    over eastman.

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