Democrats needed as election workers


The Division of Elections is in the market for temporary election workers, and is having an especially hard time recruiting Democrats in Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley.

The Division has reached out to the Alaska Democratic Party for help getting the polls staffed for the Primary Election on Aug. 21 and the Nov. 6 General Election. ADP Chair Casey Stein has put out the word to the party faithful.

Normally at polling stations, the Division has a person from both the Republican and Democratic parties as a form of checks and balances.

Those interested in a temporary job are encouraged to contact:

Pat Oldenburg
Hava Trainer/Recruiter
AK Div of Elections
Toll free (855)977-3592
Text (907) 419-7738
[email protected]

No word yet on whether the Division is struggling to find Republicans to work the polls in the solidly Democratic districts in rural Alaska.

Qualifications include:

  • Must be a registered voter in Alaska.
  • Be willing to work an approximate 16 hour day or more on Election Day OR share a position and work a split shift and attend a four to five hour paid training session.
  • Must be willing to remain non-partisan on Election Day and NOT express any political opinions while on the job.
  • Cannot have a familial relationship with a candidate on the ballot.


  1. The Democrats would have to give up their Welfare benefits if they took the job. Maybe the Administration should offer “welfare hold harmless” for the election workers.

  2. Maybe they would lose their Medicaid Expansion if they were paid as election workers. It would seem as if the government unions could scare up an army of election workers.

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