Democrats’ national convention postponed


Alaska Democrats planning to go to the party’s national convention in July will need to change their tickets.

The Democratic National Committee was scheduled to convene in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 13-16, but due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, the convention is now set to begin Aug. 17.

That is the week prior to the Republican Party convention, scheduled to gather in Charlotte, N.C.

Pressure from Joe Biden, who currently leads in the delegate count (1,217 to 914 for Bernie Sanders), and numerous Wisconsin residents led to the decision. A Marquette University Law School poll shows that 62% of Wisconsin residents think that the convention should not even be held at all as an in-person event.


  1. Ha. One more month of agony for Old Joe. Or, as the Dems will spin it, “one more month of his reign, thinking he will take out Trump.”

    • Democrats will dump Biden in August when the Delegates show up in NC. Poor Uncle Joe. He will be cast over the cliff to join his buddy Bernie. Cuomo lying in wait. And don’t discount Hillary just yet. She has been known to make sudden reappearances, especially if Trump falters in the next three months.

  2. Just give Joe Biden a plaque and thank him for his service and everybody just vote for Trump and lets get things rolling again..!!

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