Democrats elect Eric Croft as state party chair; he is a close ally of Ethan Berkowitz


Eric Croft, longtime Democrat politico in Alaska, is the new chairman of the Alaska Democratic Party, which met in Juneau over the weekend for the party’s quarterly State Central Committee meeting.

Croft most recently served as treasurer for former Rep. Mary Peltola’s failed bid at reelection. He was a state legislator from 1997 to 2006, was elected to the Anchorage Assembly in 2016, and ran for mayor of Anchorage in 2020.

He is the son of the late Chancy Croft, who served in the Alaska House 1969 to 1971 and the Senate from 1971 to 1979. He ran for governor in 1978 but lost to Jay Hammond. Chancy Croft died in 2022.

Eric Croft is a close political ally of former Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, who got caught up in a salacious scandal involving a woman news anchor during his second term as mayor. Berkowitz left office early.

At the time, one of the favorite refrains of the Democrats was “believe all women.” But Croft took the side of his buddy, Mayor Berkowitz, and wrote on Facebook: “Ethan Berkowitz shouldn’t have to go through this. There is no basis for any of it. Stay strong my friend.”

Croft, of Anchorage, takes the place of Mike Wenstrup of Fairbanks, who had also been chairman from 2012 to 2016, and who then returned as chairman after Casey Steinau retired from the position and moved out of state. Jessica Cook remains vice chair of the party.


  1. Not sure what Croft has been doing lately. He was one of two legislators that introduced a bill that I and a couple other people brought to the legislator and it was passed and is currently law. Free hunting and fishing licenses for Alaska National Guard members. Thanks Eric for getting that done, I’m long retired but my son gets to take advantage of your efforts.

    • Freebies, that’s about all Democrats can do. What’s the price of a fishing license, $28? A real economic shot in the arm, not much more than a dozen eggs.

  2. Women only get benefits of being a woman if they swear allegiance to the Democrats. Otherwise, all bets are off. You could get beat up by a trans athlete.

  3. I tried to explain to my roommate about the pay raise Ethan dished out was going to ruin Anchorage economy. In order to afford the pay raise for every single Muni employee, all taxes the city collects. The pay raise was far too much for the city to afford.

    He just countered that it was long over due.

    That was one of the many terrible decisions he made. Not sure why anyone thinks Ethan was a good mayor.

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