Democrat ‘swap day’ brings alternate liberal warriors to the battle for Legislature


Democrats persuaded primary winner Anita Thorne of Anchorage to drop out of her race for Senate Seat M, where Republican Sen. Josh Revak is running for reelection.

Thorne was strong enough to take on Revak, while a pretend independent candidate might have a shot in that moderate district.

Andy Holleman, of the Anchorage School Board, is that pseudo-nonpartisan who skipped the primary and went directly to the General Election ballot to give Revak a workout this fall. Appointed to the seat to fill in for the late Sen. Chris Birch, Revak must now convince his district to keep him.

In House District 28, South Anchorage Assembly member Suzanne LaFrance was subbed in for Democratic Primary winner Adam Lees, who was forced out. Although LaFrance never messed with the Primary, she’ll face James Kaufman in the General Election. Kaufman won the Republican primary against incumbent Jennifer Johnston. LaFrance is a member of the radical left majority running Anchorage.

District 14 Democrat primary winner Bruce Batten also quit today so that a pseudo-independent, Mike Risinger, has a chance to beat Republican Rep. Kelly Merrick.

Sen. Shelley Hughes in the Mat-Su District F seat won’t face Stephany Jeffers, who won the primary for the Democrats. Jeffers was swapped out by the party with Jim Cooper, the former mayor of Palmer. Hughes will be flanked on the right by Libertarian Gavin Christiansen.

 L is for leftovers in the District L race, where Jeff Landfield pulled out so that Democrat Roselynn Cacy can take on Sen. Natasha von Imhof. Although Von Imhof has money and incumbency on her side, Cacy is an experienced candidate who ran for this seat in 2016.

Republicans did not sub in candidates as the Democrats and their camouflage “independents” did. It’s a technique used by the Left in Alaska to try to gain advantage in a state that typically votes with Republicans, but is also proudly independent.


  1. Isn’t Revak one of Giesel’s crew? Big fan of the caucus system? A sworn vote against the PFD? Isn’t that how he was approved when Shaw wasn’t? So what are the folks in that getting exactly?

    Lots of questions.

  2. This shell game that the House majority is playing is going to backflush and get egg all over his face. He’s already squealing from the feeling from having his main people get voted out. When is Dillingham going to wake up?

  3. If I were a voter on the Democratic side and the party leaders decide to throw my vote to curb to in place somebody I voted for because they believe they can’t win then I would stop voting Democrat. This shows an utter disdain for the process and a slap in the face of voters who take the time to research and vote the person they feel best fits there interest.

    • After reading the article, this was my first thought as well. Hopefully there will be some that will be so upset by this lookyloo switcheroo that they will vote Republican (one can always dream).

    • You don’t seem to understand the Democrats of today very well. They’ll stop at nothing to win an election. This is only Phase 1. Phase 2 is election fraud. As Joseph Stalin once said…”Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” The Democrats have learned that lesson very well.

  4. After John Coghill’s request for a recount, and after he gets beat again, expect him to go support Independent candidate Marna Sanford for Senate Seat B. The son of Mr. Republican, Jack Coghill, will turncoat on the Republican Party because of his anger at his constituents for not re-electing him. Coghill, a preacher, will unload his anger and envy by NOT supporting Robert Myers, the victor in Coghill’s district. Watch what Mr. Preacher does! It won’t be pretty.

    • A lot of that seems to be going around. All of our so called “conservatives” are going to try and take their ball and go home because we bounced them out. These people are sick. It’s a blessing they were all exposed and here’s hoping we won’t be so duped least anytime soon..

      • Yeah. As I always refer to John: “He ain’t his daddy.” I worked hard on Jack’s ’94 campaign for Gov. The R’s deserted Mr. Republican that year because he didn’t have an “R” after his name. He had AIP. But he was both Mr. R and AIP.
        Then remember what happened.
        The Republicans can be blinded too…

  5. Doc Al Gross, a lunatic Lefty, admitting he will side with all Libs and Dems if elected. Now has ads retracting those admittances. Hey Doc, I wanted you to work on my left leg, not my right leg. Do you retract your medical errors too? Love to see your medical insurance records and look for medical malpractice lawsuit payouts. How many, Doc?

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