Many Alaskans are blissfully unaware of how intolerant the State Capitol building has grown toward conservatives in recent years. To be known as a conservative legislator or a conservative activist in Juneau is to have a target on your back. Sooner or later, that means being subjected to a politically motivated prosecution from the misnamed Legislative Ethics Committee.
Rep. Tammie Wilson of North Pole was targeted by the Ethics Committee when she served in the Legislature. Sen. Lora Reinbold of Eagle River was targeted. Rep. Christopher Kurka of Wasilla was targeted. And my staff and I were targeted as well. It wasn’t any better when I was a member of the Ethics Committee several years ago.
Setting aside its original purpose, the function of the Ethics Committee today is to censor what legislators can say, especially conservative legislators. In addition to policing more traditional forms of communication, the committee has lately decided that it should also be able to police what legislators say on social media as well.
Of the five permanent members of the committee, all of whom are appointed by the chief justice of the Alaska Supreme Court, there is not a single Republican. Four are non-partisan, one is Democrat, and three of the five signed a petition to recall Gov. Mike Dunleavy in 2019.
Often, just the threat of being hauled before the committee, even on the most dubious of accusations, is enough to convince legislators to steer clear of things they would otherwise say and do. Over time, policing what legislators are permitted to say results in a huge power disparity between legislators who have the option to simply let the liberal media or unions do their talking for them, and conservative legislators who usually do not have that option. But that is a topic for another day.
It was April 14. I led the House in the Pledge of Allegiance that day, and I introduced two guests who were visiting Juneau from the Mat-Su. All told, the introductions lasted less than twenty seconds.
When I was first elected, it was not uncommon for legislators to extend the courtesy of an introduction to anyone visiting the legislature from out of town, even candidates who had run against them in the last election. But that has begun to change. All guests are equal, but some conservatives are less equal than others.
I was told afterward that, during this briefest of introductions, I had crossed a line. A fellow legislator, Rep. Kevin McCabe, told me that I shouldn’t have done that. The guest I introduced was a political enemy of his. The message was clear: I should have joined others in cancelling him, not welcomed him to the Capitol.
Who was the guest? The oft reviled Pat Martin of Alaska Right to Life, who was in Juneau that day to deliver 5,000 signatures on a petition asking legislators to halt the state taxpayer funding of abortion. There are at least two things that today’s legislators are disinclined to do: Moving the capital and ending state funding of abortion both make the list.
Even so, both are popular issues that a majority of Alaskans have supported in the past and continue to support today. I suspect an activist roaming the halls of Juneau advocating to move the capitol would have been treated similarly. To be clear, I would have welcomed such a person to Juneau as well. But some legislators would prefer to make the capitol building a safe space, insulated from such dangerous ideas and those who advocate for them.
On April 14, one legislator’s office flat out refused to accept the 5,000 signatures. One responded by calling security and saying that Martin had been seen with a firearm in the capitol building.
Security responded. There was no firearm. It was a “swatting” incident, the first I am aware of in the state Capitol. All Alaskans are welcome to come to the capitol building, but some are more welcome than others.
Three weeks later, Rep. Christopher Kurka awoke to the news that an ethics complaint had been filed against him by Rep. McCabe for the political crime of welcoming Kevin’s political enemy, Pat Martin, into his office at the State Capitol Building. Seven minutes later, I received, word for word, the exact same complaint.
Until April 14, it was unheard of that someone would file an ethics complaint against you because they were offended at who you chose to meet with in your office at the capitol building. It was also unheard of that the ethics committee would ever allow themselves to be used to prosecute such a complaint. Not anymore.
Picture, for a moment, yourself as a legislator in Juneau. It’s April 14, you just spent your day debating and voting on eight different bills, ranging from bills to unionize childcare providers to bills dealing with various oil royalties. Immediately afterwards, you move to a committee hearing where you consider further bills, including a potential salary increase for state employees and a bill requiring legislative confirmation hearings for members of the Alaska Permanent Fund Board.
At 5:23 pm, the committee finally adjourns and you get to begin preparing for the next day, where you will take up a bill redefining the definition of rape in state law. As part of that bill, you will be hearing public testimony from rape victims whose assailants were never prosecuted because of the way the legislature defined rape in state law decades ago. That evening, you and your staff finally part ways to get some rest and begin the process anew the following day.
Three weeks later, you are informed by authorities that a fellow legislator has charged you with violating state ethics laws for your work that day. Instead of spending your day in committee and voting on bills, the legislator accuses you of spending most of the day in your office, with a political enemy of his no less. The kicker — and this is where the story takes a turn towards the incredible — the legislator who filed the charges wasn’t even in the capitol building that day. In fact, he missed the entire voting session that day because he was over a thousand miles away when it happened.
It seems like an open and shut case, right? Someone accuses you of spending most of the day in your office with someone they are publicly at odds with, and video from the day’s events shows that you were present for the entirety of that day’s protracted house floor session and the committee meeting that immediately followed it. Further, the written record shows that you were present for every vote taken that day, and it also shows that the person filing the charges was not.
But we don’t need to imagine this. This happened to two Mat-Su legislators. I was one of them.
These two complaints triggered an investigation and legal proceedings that lasted more than 18 months—all at state expense of course. I and the other legislator were of course obliged to hire attorneys to defend ourselves against the charges. The subsequent legal proceedings involved no less than four hearings and committee meetings, as well as numerous interviews over the 20-month period, between the legislator initiating the charges in April 2022 and the case finally being dismissed in December 2023.
Even after Rep. Kurka left office in January, rather than dismiss the complaint against him, the committee chose to continue the charade for another 11 months.
When Rep. Kurka and I were finally told that we were free to go in December, we had been obliged to spend more than $6,000 dollars in legal fees, and had invested hundreds of hours of time over the nearly two-year episode. Even in the very moment of dismissing the cases against us, the committee insisted on publicly criticizing both Rep. Kurka and I for the fact that we had each been unavailable during the height of our election campaigns. To add still further injury, we were told that the Ethics Committee considers legal representation a luxury. Accordingly, even after we were found innocent, we were told that the committee would not aid us in recovering any of our costs.
Alaskans are not able to recover any of their costs from these two cases either; the costs associated with the numerous committee hearings spanning nearly two years, the cost of the state hiring an investigator, the travel and per diem costs for each of the five public members of the committee, the time spent by at least six legislators who were involved in the case, and the time that our respective staff spent on these two cases instead of being able to engage with constituents. All told, it is quite the bill—and to think it was all triggered by a guest introduction lasting less than 20 seconds.
Rep. David Eastman is a Republican House member from Wasilla, House District 27.
The ethics committee has been weaponized, just like we see our judicial system being weaponized at the national level. All conservatives who hold the line will end up getting the Trump treatment.
Mr. Eastman’s post illustrates how the complete corruption has been refined, weaponized and entrenched in our legislature. An actual functioning representative government focused on the interests and needs of the citizens of our state cannot exist in such a toxic environment. Occasionally an honest individual is elected to serve in the legislature. They inevitably will be given the choice of cooperating with the system and rewarded with money or face personal destruction. Mr. Eastman’s detailed illustration of his experience is helpful to clarify the extent of the corruption and lack of any morals or ethics in our legislature. As the public, it is our responsibility to quit being apathetic, and support individual representatives who resist these influences and manipulations. At the federal level, the magnitude of corruption and stakes are far higher.
What can one really say in the face of this sort of blatant and utterly malicious partisan persecution, other than that pro-establishment politicians know no limits to their hypocrisy and their abuses of power?
You need to file a lawsuit against them for frivolous lawsuits and defamation of character. If they are not held accountable this will continue.
I totally agree that our legislators have become, for the most part, a bunch of self-serving bullies who hardly represent their own constituents. Making rules of conduct doesn’t help either if there’s no accountability for breaking them. Having an ethics committee may sound good, but it’s really like having a law and order club for prison inmates. Most politicians of today have no sense of ethics, or other obsolete values such as integrity, statesmanship or honesty. They are there for personal profit and represent only special interest groups that put them there. That being said, I must question the sanity of the few who choose to confront them. It’s much like opposing the Anchorage assembly, it may give you a sense of expression but will accomplish nothing. Change will only come from complete failure of the system at their hands and there is no money left to fight over. Fighting them, with overwhelming odds against you, is useless, especially if you are trying to apply the rules that they can choose to ignore, but will gladly use against you. Now that you and others have been singled out, there is little chance of making any positive change. The best you can do is to muddy the waters and expose their real motives to the public. You can expect that they will not make it convenient for you.
One might call it a miscarriage of justice. It is worse.
The perpetrators know that it is all about aborting anything that is contrary to their purposes, with no regard to the resources and time that will be wasted in the process, which is the initial and perhaps intended punishment. Without even looking, it is safe to assume that they ARE pro abortion.
Regardless, they are guilty of moral turpitude.
Just shows how quickly and easily a fellow Republican will knife you in the back.
Y’all agreed on a raise for y’all why y’all cut our PFD. Y’all suck and I have no use for y’all.
Sounds like Rep. McCabe needs to grow up, or grow a pair.
Juneau will get worse for conservatives. Only solution is for legislature to meet elsewhere. Just to be clear, in Alaska.
How will moving the Capital suddenly make the state send better people to the capital?
It’s myopic and wishful thinking with no basis in reality.
MA you and I have had this discussion before, but let’s take this example for instance of Mr. Martin and his 5000 signatures (I am not debating his cause as it is irrelevant to the issue). It is expensive and time consuming to fly to Juneau and an organization relying on donations will only send one guy. Have the legislators meet on the road system, you can have 20 or 30 people show up roam the halls and deliver the signatures. The impact is much greater and that many people can not be ignored or declared “enemy of the state”. Remember the session in Wasilla and how some lefties made a great fool out of themselves by chaining themselves to the doors or sitting in legislators seat screaming their head of….It had an impact and showed all how silly and infantile their actions were and how little respect they had for any proceedings. The next day a large crowd of regular people seem to dissuade them from a repeat. Can you imagine a committee meetings where the gallery is full or people from these legislators districts?? I bet the snark would tone down quickly.
Do we need better legislators….maybe. I think the more important thing is to be able to show up and watch them do their job up close and personal. These days they hide in Juneau, where they can ignore emails and phone calls and play footsie with their buddies and lobbyists without consequence.
I suspect that avenger has a hard time with numbers and logic. You post probably went right over his head, taxpayer.
What other state sends its legislators to a remote retreat infested with public sector union employees and lobbyists? Juneau is remote to over 90% of the state. BTW, I wrote legislature, not capitol.
Yes we noticed: the democrats play filthy dirty and take no prisoners while republicans try to play nice and think that will make democrats treat them better. It won’t and it doesn’t. It won’t get any better.
The guilty need to be sued.
The solution is to have a do over and put true Alaskans in charge.
No lawyers and no person who has not lived here for less than say ten years.
No more re election only one term.
These politicians have quite the racket going steeling the peoples PFD and taking away freedoms under the law for more power.
Get rid of the whole bunch.
It took Eastman longer than usual to make it about himself. But it was gonna happen as usual because Eastman is Eastman’s favorite subject.
The condescending nature of his post is par for the course. He assumes scared knowledge the rest of us don’t have.
It’s actually clear to anyone who bothers to pay attention conservatives are an endangered species in Juneau.
We’re not “blissfully unaware” of it.
Most Alaskans are left of center or just don’t care. It really is just that simple and doesn’t require a David Eastman secret decoder ring to understand.
Further, most Alaskans know the GOP is a failed party up here, as well as much of the rest of the nation. Again, no secret Eastman decoder ring required.
Mr Eastman, as per his usual game, has discovered Alaska is cold and wet, then proclaimed it as some mystical secret revealed to him from his god (himself).
MA, I disagree with you about Rep. Eastman. I was not aware of the story and I am glad that he shared it here. McCabe has it out for Eastman and has formed a clique inside of Juneau and in the valley where they both live. I have, personally, witnessed the members of that McCabe clique bad-mouthing Eastman when Eastman was not around and was not invited to defend himself.
Rep. Eastman, thank you for continuing to stand for the truth and equal justice for all.
Yep, and as per usual Representative Eastman proves himself to be the best Democrat in the legislature.
Some folks can focus on the work for which they were elected to bring to ALL their constituents. Why doesn’t the thought come to the mind of Mr Eastman, some of these ‘conservative’ folks aren’t really representative of their voters, or weren’t representing anyone other than their own agenda? He needs to get out and establish better working relationships with all the legislators, not just his own exclusive club.
And, in another point, why does Mr Eastman choose to portray himself as a conservative’s conservative? Why doesn’t he just work for accomplishing what is right, for the majority? Maybe it’s his index finger he has to blame, licking it and sticking it up in the wind is not a terribly reliable way to understand what long-term goals the folks he represents would prefer he expend energy to choose and accomplish.
But, someone did bring up the situation of crunch time and traveling back and forth to Juneau. That’s a consideration. Still, having all the politicians in one place from which they can’t readily escape working across the aisle is a good thing, right?
Oh, and I suppose you represent the “majority,” Mrs. N.? Hardly. You are one of the fools in this country who believes that everyone shares your attitude in politics and that we should all acquiesce to the mandates of what our government tells us we must do. Eastman is a free thinker. He doesn’t need to be reminded by mental midgets and brainwashed robots of the Left to get in line. Unlike you, he does fine on his own. The government works for us, not the other way around. So, move along, N, and be a good little socialist with your band of malcontents and sycophants of the Left.
Face facts. The MAGA crowd is not the majority in the USA. And, yes, in AK we’ve been part of the USA for a while now.
I think you’ll be surprised at MAGA this fall. The wave is coming. Get in your little government purchased lifeboat and get ready for a dunking.
Masked Deranger,
Look pally, the hallmark of an intellectual is to comprehend the difference between an issue or argument and the one who exposes the issue and or makes the argument. I suggest that you in your keyboard magnificence reflect upon that one.
It’s obvious that you harbor an illogical visceral hatred for Eastman, has this hatred somehow blinded you?
MA, although I do not espouse all of your expressed views in this venue, I do find some plausible and truthful. In this instance, you appear to be letting your politics speak rather than your reasoning. Now you appear to support the democratic “guilty until proven innocent” stance. Obviously you don’t care for Mr. Eastman, and that’s just fine, but your views on this are out of line. Please refrain. – Cheers
This is both appalling and ridiculous!
Rep Eastman is an upstanding citizen and an excellent servant to the people of Alaska.
In reading this account, i am seeing not only nit picking but also the well maintained “machine” of politics that is echoed throughout U.S. politics these days. If the “servant of the people” does not comply, they use whatever means necessary. Bring charges, sue, slam them in the media and accuse before ever hearing their side of the story. Media being complicit in many of these cases. Thank you Rep. Eastman for telling your story. Wake up Alaska! The silent unliked man in the story was there for 20 seconds. The thing is, the silent man had a right to be there. He sadly represents a subject that has been pushed for many, many years. Do not touch, do not look, do not see, do not speak it, do not support it’s existance. This unwritten rule of which you speak Representative Eastman, needed to be brought to light, simply because WE THE PEOPLE of Alaska get to decide, not McCabe or anyone else. If there is to be freedom to represent, this so called ethics committee will need to go. Maybe the tattle tale babies can go back to the basics of serving we the people and not themselves. Oh and by the way, ANYONE should be allowed access to the state capitol and access to any of their representatives voted in by the majority. Thats how government runs. There should be no subject that is taboo!
Im here to declare that I will not be voting for McCabe in future. He is obviously not a servant of the people.
Eastman once again flies the flag for victimhood, poor poor conservative. Today’s MAGA GOP whine and whine and whine.
Why do you not disclose your name? You like most are the opposite of your nom du plume
Curious how the subject of Rep Eastman’s column, who whines significantly louder and longer than any MAGA Republican is not called out in your comment.
I guess whining a bit is OK in your book if a leftist does it.
Dear Rep. Eastman, Retaliate much? Did Rep. McCabe’s recent article about “sacrificing the truth in favor of an agenda” strike a nerve? Aren’t you doing exactly what the title of your article says?
My observation over several years is that you and your BFF, Mr. Martin, continually create situations with your diabolical schemes, resulting in consequences, which you then protest loudly and throw down the “victim” card.
You have gaslighted conservatives; maliciously prosecuting and persecuting those who will not march in lockstep with your philosophies or tactics, using your henchmen to attack them so you can appear pure and untarnished.
Your techniques use to work for you, but not so much anymore. Thankfully, the people are wising up. Sadly, you have rendered yourself nothing more than an irrelevant bully; attacking other conservatives, then claiming you are a victim of the circumstances you yourself have created.
What you’ve described are typical leftist tactics, Representative Eastman has employed typical leftist tactics for years. Conservatives do not employ typical leftist tactics. Representative Eastman’s record speaks for itself, he votes against conservative causes and sides with leftists, sure he speaks with a forked tounge and has duped many conservative folks in to voting for him but he is no conservative.
How someone who gets nothing done continues to get re-elected is not unique to Alaska
It’s not just Alaska, it’s our entire country, look at how long some of them have been in office.
Back in the day when the CBC ran the show we called it “getting taken to wood shed” I know because I was a wild card. Even to the point of having another legislator threaten to kick my butt. Which was funny to me. It’s politics by children. The graft in Juneau is still heavy but that’s what you ran for. Stand your ground.
Time to start suing the bullies…when these things happen, protect yourself. Then sue them.
Correct. Go get them.
Why are conservatives such cry babies? What do they expect as they tend to be corrupt and support a traitor, fraudster, rapist, and insurrectionist for POTUS?
Given today’s malicious partisan political, decisive division, and weaponized lawfare, I fear that we will no doubt see a similar society play-out as narrated within Ralph Peters book: “The War After Armageddon” all of which will be a very dark time.
I thought a bigger story to cover would be of that New York house race for the departed Santos. I’m guessing the result deems it to be of no interest to these readers? Don’t want to trouble them with another leftist win post Supreme Court Roe decision? Reality bites a bit too hard for this tender constituency to handle. This November will be decided on abortion and the economy. Best of luck. Best start obsessing on Dominion and mail-in voting. Maybe throw in seizure of guns and a few more rubes will get sucked in?.
It was an election in NY, a liberal bastion of the country and after all the deception of Mr. Santos, I am not surprised that the voters threw their lot in with the other party. I personally doubt that abortion is a big issue this election cycle. To quote James Carville: “It’s the economy stupid” and the economy ain’t great. Then there is all the crime from illegal border jumpers, that has descended on the states. That will be an issue. To see an election in NY as a bellwether for things to come in my opinion is projecture and wishful thinking…..
I’m not sure the left wants to make Bidenomics a key talking point during this election cycle.
Not true, Steve-O!
“Bidenomics: (whispering) it’s working.”
It’s working for me, maybe you are just too stupid to make it work for yourself JEFFY.
Anybody that thinks Bidenomics is working ain’t been to the grocery store or a gas station.
Dave, you are not a conservative, you are a zealot.
Why, my 401k is doing great, I can afford groceries, maybe it’s because you are a whiny loser you are unhappy with the current situation.
I’m glad your 401k is doing “great”, I guess you don’t understand how inflation has completely undermined the value of the dollar and your 401k.
Still gonna retire with plenty of money Steve, it’s your fault if you can’t afford Capitalism. You know personal responsibility
I too will retire with plenty of money, whether it is worth anything is an entirely different discussion and one you are clearly not ready for.
I am glad to hear that life has worked out for you wonderfully. Sadly one can not extrapolate from one’s individual experience to all others. Look beyond your own door and do not arrogantly assume that all others are “too stupid” because they did not choose YOUR path. Inflation has affected all and paying approx $10,000 more for the same things that you bought last year, is a considerable burden for many, who are just as industrious and hardworking.
Overall the economy is a mess, our self-reliance on natural resources has been destroyed and the “climate change” agenda is attempting to rob us of our free economic power to purchase products that work for us (gas stoves, gasoline cars etc) while giving card blanche to our enemies the Chinese and Russians (where is your collusion scream now??).
Illegals are pouring over the border because the president changed the rules of engagement, robbing and plundering businesses and individuals, causing more financial hardship and misery for many.
You Rino do as you please, but for myself and many others it seems that our powers in charge are hellbent to force regular Americans to see the country ONLY their way.
Sounds like more whining from people who can’t figure out how to win. I work overseas a lot and your constant whining about how bad you have it makes me laugh. Shut up and color is what most third world residents would say if they saw how you lived. You are spoiled, that’s a fact.
What really amazes me, truly amazes me is your type think a NYC Billionaire with a history of bankruptcies, that’s stiffed how many working class Americans for construction jobs they did, shook hands with Despots is the answer. You are either incredibly stupid or you need an Authoritarian style leader as you have failed in the greatest country economically for what the last 70 yrs. Why is that, is it the so called Deep State or is it you, poor decisions, missed opportunities, maybe even just a victimhood mentality. I pay more in taxes then my parents ever made, I didn’t come from money, what I did have is motivation and a belief in achieving more then my parents. So cry me a river.
Cute, Rino and once again you make assumptions not in evidence. Applying your values as the absolute and only measuring stick and denouncing all, who dare to have a different opinion, reeks of authoritarianism. It is the antithesis of the founding fathers vision of many different opinions coming together to find the best solution for all. You support and believe what you want, but how dare you tell everyone else that they are only entitled to YOUR opinion!
Sebastian, speaking of Reality biting too hard, you just might want to begin thinking about the state of the economy and that other wondrous Biden/ Democrat caused event at our souther border. Oh, last I checked your contention regarding the SCOTUS abortion decision didn’t make the top ten things Americans were interested in, ( outside of the Democrat echo chamber).
Yup, Border security and Bidenomics topped the list for the majority. Good luck with whipping up enthusiastic support for baby murder!
The winner in New York ran on the border issue. That is what happens when Republicans pretend they care about the border and then refuse to act.
We don’t give a rats behind what they do in NY, try sticking to the subject for a change.
A leftist got elected in NY State. Big news.
Also big news:
Water is wet, nights are dark, Gen. Francisco Franco is still dead, Travis Kelce is dating Taylor Swift, and politicians are egotistical jackholes who will screw over their constituents to advance their careers.
McCabe and his buddies must have seen this article. Just like with McCabe filing the complaints – all behind closed door so that no one knows who is complaining and filing complaints.
if you click the link eastman provided you will see that he says the representative from big lake is not here. how then could mccabe object to his introduction of his friend. there are two sides to every story and it seems like eastman is lying here and cant even keep his story straight. he always trys to make it about him. probably the only way he has to be relevant is to make himself a victim so people will continue to worship him. he does absolutely nothing except talk. I looked at his record and he has not passed a single bill. so what does he do. i wonder if we will ever know what the back story is. why file an ethics complaint against a do nothing, know nothing liar.
Legislators who are out of town often watch the floor session online to see what they are missing.
Am I having a stroke?
Do what Democrats do. Support one another. Conservatives and Republicans can still call out one another’s mishaps and flaws. Cause that’s what keeps one another accountable and humble. Still support one another holding fast to one another. Unless a district and party will be better served by another conservative or Republican replacing the incumbent. support one another’s re-elections and protect one another. In a state where Democrats dominate government, unions, non profits, mental health, health care, scattered throughout the private sector, conservatives and Republicans need to be tight as a herd of elephants. One elephant can get taken down. A whole herd a lion a pride wouldn’t attempt.
Like for example replacing Republicans as in Vance take care of her as long as she is sworn-in. But as soon as election. Come up to election electing Republican challenger micheal Daniel he’ll make a better leader for the kenai to protect what kenai values most. Then help the newcomer to be successful to protect and provide Kenai from those in the legislature so they can hold on to their traditions, maintain their history and community values, their freedom.
Vance would make a better leader from a smaller community leadership position than legislator presiding over a state from the House.
REP. David Eastman is absolutely accurate regarding these events. It is beneath civil society members to be as disrespectful to Rep. Eastman and his constituents as they always are. It demonstrates the flaws of this state that allows such corrupt ignorance of its corporate members and does not understand the duties and limits pursuent to the US Constitution. They should never run for office again because they are too ignorant of what civil society requires of them.
Agree! What is sad is that Speaker Cathy Tilton lets this crap continue instead of telling everyone to behave during sessions.
“….all of whom are appointed by the chief justice of the Alaska supreme court “. Nomination of judicial candidates is, for all practical purposes, controlled by the Alaska Bar Association, an extreme leftist organization. We are never given conservative, or even neutral judicial candidates to vote for. “four are non=partisan, one is democrat” . In Alaska, that equals five democrats. It’s no surprise that this committee is rabidly anti-conservative.
Continue fighting! Many support you, including any like myself who are not in your district.
Illigitimi non carborundum!
I want this man as my team leader.
Kevin McCabe, seriously? I will never vote for you again. I would vote democrat b4 I would vote for you. Shameful, disgusting, petty behaviour. Grow up.
i called mccabe and asked him if he had read this story. he said he was pretty busy but he had seen it and just assumed it was another cry from eastman to be relevant. he said it was almost two years ago but that he does not recall saying anything about martin at all. also said he could care less who introduces who and in the large scheme of things it was meaningless. he also said while martin might think mccabe is his enemy nothing could be further from the truth. he just doesn’t care what martin does but that he provides some good examples of how not to be an activist. so basically the whole piece is based on something that may not have happened. mccabe said what did concern him was that martin barged into his office and harassed and frightened his staff. staffers are not elected and do not deserve to be treated disrespectfully.
If McCabe moved his lips he was lying. He remembers this incident and has commented on it in the past two years.
David, this is nothing new. The little commie town called Juneau has always been like this. All the way back to the 70’s. The Legislature changes composition periodically, but not the lefty environment in Juneau. Ask Suzanne. She lived in Juneau and worked for the Empire. She knows.
This morning (2/16/24) House Select Committee on Legislative Ethics Meeting
The demons found some more b.s. charges to bring up against Eastman from what I hear. What is the deal? Because Eastman would not take bribes or sell his soul to the devil he is now paying through his nose and his pocket and the demons “won’t allow” anyone to help him financially. I hope that something opens up as an avenue for Eastman to turn around and sue the pants off of every person (McCabe, this includes you!) on that committee and that has been trying every which way to bring Eastman down. Prayers for Our Heavenly Father to guide Rep. Eastman to do and say the right things, provide protection for his soul and that of his family.
Ginny. I don’t pray, but you do. Could you ask your god to convince Eastman to resign?
Only in your dreams would you ever get such a thing! I hope that Eastman moves on to become governor or VP of our nation!
I just prayed to God that Eastman runs for Governor
Jose, if Eastman doesn’t run for governor, does that mean prayer failed?
Why is an Alaska Superior Court Judge appointing members of the Legislative Ethics Committee? Too many judges are incompetent, arrogant, corrupt and downright sh#t balls! Just look at the lunatic in NYC who just returned a 335 million dollar civil suit penalty against Trump for a “crime” without a victim! Keep judges away from our citizen legislature. They have too much power already. They need to be reigned in.
You were Bullied. It happens often at many government entities. Judicial branch and executive branches of government against grand jurors. OCS against parents they do not like. I have observed it against you at least twice.
The point is to quell public dissent.
There is a strong concerted effort from forces against you.
Unfortunately your days as a representative of the people are numbered.
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