Dave Stieren joining administration


Dave Stieren, host of the Dave Stieren Show on KFQD, is joining the Dunleavy Administration, but in what capacity?

Word is he is going to be out in the community, from Anchorage to Fairbanks, listening and communicating for the Dunleavy Administration in the place where he is a familiar voice who tells it like it is. It’s a combination of roles for an Alaskan who thinks on his feet but pulls no punches.

The governor has not yet replaced Matt Shuckerow as press secretary, but the role for Stieren is not that job — it’s a combination of communication and outreach.

Stieren is a familiar voice in the Railbelt area, as he has had a daily talk show for years. Must Read Alaska has learned he will start later this month.

Update: A statement will be issued later today as the governor reworks the communication strategy heading into his second year and facing a budget deficit that is nearly as large as the one he faced upon taking office.


  1. Thumbs up….a voice out there. JUST TELL IT LIKE IT IS MR. DAVE STIEREN. Thank you. AMERICA FIRST!

    • “Well(…)a lot of people(…)have asked me(…)how is it(…)that you manage to(…)be on the air(…)for three hours(…)a day?(…)The answer is simple:(…)lots(…)of pauses.” – Phil Hendrie as Combover Boy

  2. Can’t hurt. Stieren is a good pick, he’s sharp, witty, and will do a good job.
    Would be better if the governor himself was out there selling his program, just as he did after he was elected. Since, its been pretty much a wall between him and his supporters.
    Mike created his own problem, with the coming session, because of his concessions. He still has the veto, but so what, if one gives back what one has taken? Yes, he cut the budget. However, there was never any quid pro quo regarding his concessions. I still don’t understand. And, I’m not alone in that lack of understanding. A lot of people in the Valley want to know why he made those concessions without anything in return . . . his primary campaign issue, the PFD, was conceded. There is no going back on what’s been done.
    Stieren won’t make any difference in that regard.

    • What’s to understand? He is simply attempting to stave off the Recall and is too soon to tell if it’s succeeding. He may need more concessions.

    • An interesting post. LW acknowledges that Dunleavy has failed to fulfill the promises he so glibly made but seems not to understand that, when it came to the PFD versus the future of Alaska as a functional, civilized part of the western hemisphere, he was doomed to failure.
      Fer sure, let’s hope there’s no going back!

  3. I see some people can’t stick to the subject and just have to rail on about Dunleavy but I digress. Good luck on your new post Dave, i’ll miss listening to your show every afternoon on my way home from work. I have zero doubt you will work hard for all Alaskans.

  4. Dave tell him to stick to his guns and cut a bunch more and let the people vote on the PFD. But make sure they are told the truth about why the libs want more money.

  5. Another sinecure foisted on us at state expense to try to cover up the incompetence of the Dunleavy administration at, what, $135K a year? Have we Alaskans turned into P. T. Barnum’s suckers?
    Has anyone noticed that as Dunleavy trims everyone else’s budgets by double digits, he’s increasing his own by a coupla mil? And for what? To hire someone like Stieren, a right wing shill without any other qualifications than a small time radio show?

    Even Rush would be ashamed.

    • I’ve listen to Dave Stieren talked on and on for years about Alaska’s need to cut state government speeding. He even supports a budget cap to do so. Yet, based on the news reports, his new state job pays him almost double what his predecessor earned. Doesn’t this make Stieren one big hypocrite? On the one hand, he claims it was correct to cut the UA budget by $130 million (without providing any financial analysis on why that was the appropriate amount) but wants his new state job to pay him a substantial increase over what it had been paying.

  6. I’ve listen to Dave Stieren talked on and on for years about Alaska’s need to cut state government speeding. He even supports a budget cap to do so. Yet, based on the news reports, his new state job pays him almost double what his predecessor earned. Doesn’t this make Stieren one big hypocrite? On the one hand, he claims it was correct to cut the UA budget by $130 million (without providing any financial analysis on why that was the appropriate amount) but wants his new state job to pay him a substantial increase over what it had been paying.

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