Dates and deadlines for primary election



Alaska’s Primary election is Aug. 16, eight weeks and change. Before then, General Election and Primary deadlines provide a to-do checklist for candidates, campaigns, and parties:

June 22: Deadline for General Election candidates for federal/statewide offices, candidates for US Senator, US Representative, State Senator and State Representative to file their Official Election Pamphlet materials so that the division can translate it into the appropriate Alaska Native language to assist limited English proficient Alaska Native voters.

June 27: Primary Election withdrawal deadline for political party candidates.

June 27: Primary Election deadline for candidates to change how their name appears on the ballot.

June 28: Primary ballots certified and sent to printer.

July 8: General Election deadline for judicial retention candidates for Supreme Court, Court of Appeals or Judicial Districts 2, 3 or 4 to file their Official Election Pamphlet materials with the division for Alaska Native Language translation.

July 11: General Election deadline for Division of Elections to provide voter lists to political parties. (120 days prior to General)

July 15: General Election deadline for political party submissions for the Official Election Pamphlet.

July 15: Deadline for REAAs (Regional Educational Attendance Areas) to notify Director of Elections of vacancies.

July 16: Regional election offices open for voter registration 10 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

July 17: Regional offices open for voter registration 12 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

July 17: Deadline to register to vote in the Alaska Primary.

July 22: General Election deadline for party and no-party candidates to file their Official Election Pamphlet materials with Division of Elections.

July 30: Deadline for United States President and United States Vice President candidates to file their Official Election Pamphlet materials so that the division can translate it into the appropriate Alaska Native language to assist limited English proficient Alaska Native voters.

Aug. 1: Absentee In Person, Early Vote, Electronic Transmission (for non-UOCAVA voters) and Special Needs voting begins.

Aug. 5: Deadline for candidates for REAA seats.

Aug. 6: Primary deadline to receive Absentee Ballot Applications requesting a by-mail ballot. Absentee and Petition Office open 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; 10th day prior to the election.

Aug. 13: Regional election offices open 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. for Absentee In Person, Special Needs and Early Voting.

More information relating to the Primary can be found at the Division of Elections.