In the 1930’s France built the Maginot Line, an array of defenses along the German border to prevent invasion. The Germans, you’ll remember from history class, simply went around it through the Belgian wilderness. The French had a blindspot – the previously impenetrable terrain of their northern neighbour.
80-some years later, America may have a similar exposed flank to the north: Canada’s Arctic.
However secure Americans feel in their well attested military superiority, trouble could be coming over the ‘top’ of the world. As global tensions rise – as a future conflict between the Russia-China axis and Western democracies seems ever more likely – Americans have every right to be frustrated with Canada’s failure to properly equip military personnel in the north and enhance continental security in a serious way.
A recent audit of Canada’s Department of National defense revealed just how threadbare Canada’s Arctic defense infrastructure has become. One investigative journalism website, blacklocks.ca, summarized the audit in stark terms: “Canada’s military is unprepared to defend the Arctic with few soldiers on deployment, few airfields fit for use by the Air Force and little winter training of combat forces.”
Canada only has 308 regular forces and 2,021 reservists in the North – leaving a third of Canada’s Joint Task Force North unstaffed. Thirty-eight percent of military buildings are more than 50 years old. The military’s equipment is either non-existent or unfit for service such that a majority of expenditure’s for Arctic defense is spent on airlifts and equipment rentals from private contractors. And, as blacklocks.ca also points out, a majority of training exercises are done in the warmer months of the year, rendering their value questionable.
All this adds up to what Canadian military historian J.L. Granatstein wrote recently, “Canada, for all practical purposes, is undefended.”
Neither Canadian nor American politicians are unaware of this. On December 6, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, released a new Arctic Foreign Policy which, to the government’s credit, includes a section on strategic challenges and evolving security threats to the Arctic. The Arctic Foreign Policy claims: “The safety, security and defence of the Canadian Arctic comprise a fundamental priority for the Government of Canada and are critical to the collective defence of North America.” But, if that is the case, why is the military so under-resourced and under-staffed? The gap between the government’s verbiage and the progress towards equipping and modernizing the armed forces is palpable.
Earlier this year Canada also released a defense policy update, Our North Strong and Free, which was rightly focused on the Arctic, but, as defense expert Richard Shimooka explained: “From its production to the presentation of the details contained within, the government often seemed more interested in how it was perceived by the various constituencies it sought to impress.” In other words, the document was posturing for Americans more than a serious effort to fix the Canadian military’s deep set procurement and personnel woes.
What Canada’s needs isn’t posturing for friends, but, as professor Rob Huebert calls for, a serious effort to convince Canada’s “enemies that they cannot successfully attack the United States through our Arctic region.”
To paraphrase professor of Arctic studies Whitney Lackenbauer, the concern is regarding threats through the Arctic, not to the Arctic. The Canadian Arctic is an impractical place for a large-scale ground invasion, and there are no strategic goals accomplished by landing an army on Ellesmere Island or Tuktoyaktuk.
But the Canadian Arctic is an exposed flank of North America – an obvious path for cruise and hypersonic missiles to pass through on the way to targets in the United States. For this reason the Arctic has been a military theatre since the advent of nuclear weapons and the beginning of the Cold War. Sensors were placed along the DEW (Distance Early Warning) Line and the Mid-Canada Line to detect missiles with enough lead time that they could be intercepted before reaching their intended destinations. This later evolved into what we have today, the North Warning System.
Sadly, in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the peaceful decades (at least for the West) that followed, Canada allowed the capabilities of the NWS and its contributions to the defense of North America through the North American Aerospace defense Command (NORAD) to diminish. We are now vulnerable to new weapons systems being developed by our adversaries that can evade our outdated defenses.
With the recent belligerence of Russia and the ascendance of China, renewed effort is required to create Fortress North America: a continent with such exquisite defense systems as to be impenetrable in the case of attack, thus deterring such an attack in the first place.
Arctic security is not about insulating the Arctic from shipping traffic, preventing a race for resources, or maintaining sovereignty over specific lands and waters. It is about protecting a vulnerable flank of North America from Chinese and Russian nuclear missiles. The United States has its hands full neutralizing threats on the Atlantic and Pacific sides. If Canada could just defend its own Arctic through increased military investment and better detection and interception capabilities, the United States could concentrate resources in other hot spots.
President-elect Donald Trump, fixated as he is on ensuring NATO allies do their part, will no doubt push Canada to rise to the challenge of Arctic security. Trump, however brash his diplomatic methods may appear, would do all North Americans a favour by forcing Canada to take its national defense commitments seriously.
Daniel Dorman is the managing editor and director of operations at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute in Ottawa, and the Center for North American Prosperity and Security in Washington, D.C.
New leadership in Canada would be a good start.
According to our all seeing, all knowing resident commentator Denali, Canada isn’t one of out allies so why should they? They have been since the 40’s mind you but apparently that isn’t good enough. They were shoulder to shoulder with us in Normandy. Yes, they are quirky, but most families have one or two.
Well now FGF, western Canada is not the problem. Yes they were a good Ally during ww2. There current actions against their own people is atrocious. The one good thing I can say is that Trudeau is more than likely stepping down this afternoon. Do you agree with their arresting journalists for reporting?
No I don’t but that’s what Trump would like to do to a story he doesn’t like. You gotta take the good with the bad.
Well Trump is doing an excellent job of getting Canada to help us, what with the referring to them as our 51st state and insulting their leader. Classic Trump! Seems the only people he can get to his side are autocrats and dictators.
Lol. Yeah. That fifty first state comment was trump, trying to bribe/threaten them so they didn’t have to pay the tariffs.
Their “leader” Trudeau is an insult unto himself and is on the outs anyway. Most Provinces agree. Even The Sun is pushing this sentiment now. It won’t be much longer. Of course, he’ll whine and moan the whole way, but Canada will be markedly better for it. Put a fork in him, he’s done eh.
Would you like some cheese with your whine?
Please continue to comment here! It provides ready entertainment.
Maybe Greenland is Trump’s real Northern Defense Plan; China has lots mineral mining investments in Canada so that may stall any real Russia/Chinese invasion plans until we get back up to snuff militarily. You notice that he’s also reclaiming the Panama … that’ll slow China down on that front. One thing we can depend on; Trump won’t bluff & that’s enough to slow most bullies.
“…….Seems the only people he can get to his side are autocrats and dictators……….”
‘Autocrats and dictators’ are clearly the only leaders who matter anymore. The clowns are busy entertaining, the crooks are busy ripping you off, and the appeasers have sold you down the sewer. If I thought you could, I’d suggest you catch the clues, but you won’t. So just watch it unfold before your very eyes as Justin fades into history over the next few days just like Brandon did last month………even though he’s still officially the POTUS (he’s busy napping after his daily ice cream treat……….)
As Must Read Alaska, and no other Alaska media outlet so far as I have seen, reported at the time the new Canadian arctic policy includes putting a consulate in Anchorage. But federal overspending has put the Canadian economy on the ropes so no one should expect the Canadian Armed Forces to be able to do their defense (defence for Canucks) share very soon. Ottawa is much more concerned about law-abiding Canadian subjects (not citizens by any definition Alaskans would use) owning firearms. The people I happen to know in Whitehorse would happily invite Alaska to absorb the Y.T. and I think there is much to recommend that.
Ah. The ‘Trudeau Line’.
The invisible line between his legs whereas his balls should be.
Seriously, he is so effeminate he could not be reasonably be called a woman within a ‘cough’ man’s body, as every biological female is so much more than what he could ever wish to be, and ever so much stronger…
Just saying…
The Canadians intend to preemptively surrender toChina.they’re mostly there already
Canada aside, I have doubts that the United States military would defend against invasion of Alaska by Russia or China. Too cold and it would be hard to build a career that far away from the Pentagon where the real battles for status are fought.
Well, and the current CINC is a hired lackey of Beijing., who only thinks of Alaska when he’s working on ways to screw us over
The last thing the Canadian government is concerned about is military readiness. The township of Emo, Ontario was just fined $10k, and their mayor $5k for – get this – refusing to fly a rainbow flag for pride month. No really. The mayor was also ordered by the Rainbow Nazis to attend a “human rights” class, which he has refused to do. Canada could not repel an invasion by North Korea. Maybe we should think about building a new base somewhere north of Fort Yukon….
A close relative works on the North Slope, Aurora Camp, & says there’s plans on a big airport going in up there. I don’t know exatly where the Aurora Camp is but I searched for airports & the only paved Industrial Airstrips are in the Purdoe Bay area … maybe the new airport will be in that same area. Does anyone reading this know?
Also regarding a new base in the Fort Yukon area: I believe we have a large base in Greenland called the Thule Air Base… located in the northwest (within the Arctic Circle)part of Greenland; the airstrip is 4000 ft long easily capable of mounting an impressive air defense strick (US Navy flight decks are 1/4 the length) … So it seems we & the Canadians are safe for the near future … W/Trump in office it shouldn’t surprise anyone for the U.S. Defense to “muscle up” … he has requested an increase in the DOD budget … it seems feaible that our not-so-allies will not want to start amping up their already stretched military budgets. Isn’t that how the U.S. defeated Russia when it was the USSR …by outspending them?
Unlikely that a ground war would develop in either Alaska or Canada!! Air power is infinitely quicker and more destructive especially including missles!! A small nuke could easily dissolve any ground invasion with minimal collateral loss!!
A few points to consider:
There is no such thing as the “limited” use of nuclear weapons.
Maintaining a belief that US defense technology is always superior will get a lot of people killed.
Similarly, are US security goals always “correct” and on the side of truth and justice?
Lot’s of folks use the term ‘nuke’ not really meaning nuclear … but like bombing the hell out of them; now that we know Russia has faster missles … what’s the term … subsonic .. I think means mock 3 which I think means 3 times the speed of light … maybe the Rand folks will slow down on the neocon stuff … It may be a good ‘time-out’ period! We can hope!
unusual and appreciated to read reality grounded comments.
I don’t want a war with Russia and China, but unfortunately we seem to be heading in that direction. According to the Rand Corporation they assume that fighting would start and remain in East Asia. For missiles coming through the Arctic to strike America? Hmm. Military planners must already have it figured out.
Good article.
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