Liz Cheney colluded with and coached at least one witness on J-6 committee testimony: Report


Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney colluded with at least one witness during the Jan. 6 Select Committee investigation that she oversaw before she was removed by Wyoming voters from office in 2022.

Cheney should be investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for possible criminal activity, the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight report concludes.

“Based on the evidence obtained by this Subcommittee, numerous federal laws were likely broken by Liz Cheney, the former Vice Chair of the January 6 Select Committee, and these violations should be investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” the subcommittee report says. “Evidence uncovered by the Subcommittee revealed that former Congresswoman Liz Cheney tampered with at least one witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, by secretly communicating with Hutchinson without Hutchinson’s attorney’s knowledge. This secret communication with a witness is improper and likely violates 18 U.S.C. 1512. Such action is outside the due functioning of the legislative process and therefore not protected by the Speech and Debate clause.”

The report, at this link, calls for the FBI to investigate, as federal law prohibits any person from procuring another person to commit perjury.

“Based on the evidence obtained by this Subcommittee, Hutchinson committed perjury when she lied under oath to the Select Committee. Additionally, Hutchinson was interviewed by the FBI as part of its investigation into President Trump. This Subcommittee sought a copy of the FBI report 302, documenting this interview and Hutchinson’s statements, but the FBI has refused to produce this vital document. The FBI must immediately review the testimony given by Hutchinson in this interview to determine if she also lied in her FBI interview, and, if so, the role former Representative Cheney played in instigating Hutchinson to radically change her testimony,” the report says.

All of this may be moot, as President Joe Biden is providing cover for thousands of criminals and may pardon Cheney before he leaves office. Sen. Bernie Sanders has called for preemptive pardons for Jan. 6 committee members and reports have confirmed that Biden is considering pardons.

An investigation by the FBI may be fraught, since the agency has recently admitted that it had one two dozen agency assets on the ground and in the crowd when the Jan. 6, 2021 protest got out of control and some protesters entered the Capitol, while others become violent outside, fighting with Capitol Police.


  1. War Hawk Cheney is headed to the pin where she belongs. She can take her dad with her. Be fun to see actual facts on 9/11. Crooked bastards. In the end these type of people fall on their own swords. Always.

  2. Well no wonder she needs a pardon from “The Big Guy”.
    Being on the investigating committee and facing criminal charges.
    We know the DOJ and FBI was in on the J6 scam so they all need pardons as well.

    Maybe it is time for a blanket pardon for the entire work force of the federal government and fire all of them so they can all just “work” from home without pay.

    Start over with a clean slate with new employees that show up for work just like the working class who are footing the bill for their paychecks.

  3. Yeah, it would a waste of everyone’s time at this point. Why waste the taxpayers dollars to investigate? With Biden pardening everyone possibly including the president elect, the only one clean anymore is Pence but he was too clean for DC, and most of America. The country sees that as a fault these days

    • Well worth the price for the American people to know the truth about 1/6. Judas Pence is as dirty as the 30 pieces of silver he accepted on that day. You honestly don’t believe he wasn’t bought by Nancy and the establishement.

    • I’m not sure about “waste of time”. More like “seek the truth”. Coaching a witness to perjury is against the law. Kind of like a DA in Palmer coaching his witness. He did not like getting called out for what it was.

    • Does Pence have vocal cords? I’ve never heard him speak. Way overshadowed by Trump with an uninspiring and bland personality.

    • If they all get pardons congress can then question them without 5th amendment protection and at least the truth about the Biden family corruption will be out in the open for all of to see. Then we will watch the liberal media tuck their tails and run.

        • You sir are once again incorrect. Just like Hunters pardon predicament. Once pardoned one may not be tried, but if they are called to be questioned by congress they may not use the 5th ammendment. They have to answer or be in contempt of congress, which can be jailable until they decide to answer. It must suck to be so ill informed.

          • Silly boy, a person although pardoned can still be charged on a state level or future charges from that investigation. The 5th still applies to those future and as such, unknown charges on a state level. The 5th still applies. Hate to keep doing it to you but you keep bending over.

            • What you don’t understand dodo is that hunter can come in to congress and his pardon nullifies the 5th ammendment, he cut be charged, but will be held to answer questions. If he committed a state related crime he can be brought up on charges. OMG you really don’t know what’s going on. He was pardoned on federal charges, that doesn’t automatically make the 14th apply.

        • Once pardoned for the crimes in question, the need for protection from self-incrimination no longer exists, as there are no longer consequences attached. Ergo the 5th amendment no longer applies.