Dance party protest goes footloose on mayor’s ban on dancing and loud music



It’s not every day you witness a conga line forming in the middle of a political demonstration, but that’s what happened Tuesday evening at the Loussac Public Library. 

Two dozen protesters gathered outside the Assembly Chambers at the Loussac and threw what can only be described as a political dance party. The demonstration was in direct defiance of the recent emergency order (EO 14 v.2) signed by Mayor Ethan Berkowitz on Aug. 28, which restricts “loud or amplified” music and indoor/outdoor dancing. 

Using the greatest dance hits from the ’80s and ’90s as their soundtrack, protesters turned the library entrance into their makeshift dance floor. People of all ages participated in the protest, as many performed the Macarena, Electric Slide, Boot Scootin’ Boogie, Footloose, and the ever-popular YMCA. Some were sporting bare feet, others were in socks. They shouted and cheered, and some carried signs of protest.

Demonstrations at the Loussac Public Library during Anchorage Assembly meetings are becoming a regular event. Over the past several months, the community has turned out in full force to protest against AO 2020-66, AO 2020-65, and AO 2020-80. 

As the public’s frustrations continue to mount, the Municipality has continued to impede recall efforts, have prohibited in-person public testimony, and the public’s requests to vote down ordinances. 

Instead, many on the Assembly have taken to name-calling, labeling Anchorage residents as racists and homophobes. At a recent Assembly meeting, Assembly member Christopher Constant went so far as to say the very fabric of Anchorage is rooted in racism. 

Clearly, there’s a massive divide between the Assembly and Anchorage residents. But tonight was about calling attention to a rule, that for many, makes no sense.

Many in attendance were willing to dance barefoot in the rain to attract attention to the issues at hand, even if that means having a good time while they’re doing it. 


  1. A close friend who is an APD cop said that antifa was lurking at the protest and threatened many of the women who showed up, which explains why there were so few dancers. Obviously, the protesters who danced were brave and sent a strong message to the radical left who hate America, the flag, and President Trump.

  2. “Instead, many on the Assembly have taken to name-calling, labeling Anchorage residents as racists and homophobes. At a recent Assembly meeting, Assembly member Christopher Constant went so far as to say the very fabric of Anchorage is rooted in racism.” This is typical behavior when you don’t have the facts on your side to make a constructive, convincing argument for your position… not surprising in the least. Hopefully this behavior from our elected representatives will be remembered at the ballot box next election time(s).

    • The risk of being remembered at the ballot box tends to explain why the Anchorage Assembly forced its easily corruptible mail-in ballot scheme on voters.

    • Exactly. That’s the left’s whole modus operandi. They have no argument based in fact, logic, or common sense (something else they are woefully lacking), so all they have in their tool box is slander and name calling.

  3. You bet the mail-in ballot was a part of the Democrats’ Master Plan For Liberal domination of the MOA.
    Any backdoor, under-the-cover-of-darkness methodology is on the table for the majority of the corrupt Anchorage Assembly members and their lackey Berkowitz.

  4. Anchorage is rooted in racism, its genesis is the Loussac Library, from Constant’s very own mouth.
    It’s some seriously disgraceful propaganda, them/their is channeling Edward Bernays like a champ/chump.

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