Dan Saddler running for House again for north Eagle River


Dan Saddler, longtime legislator from Eagle River, lost his race for Senate to Lora Reinbold four years ago, and is now seeking election to the House, where he served Eagle River from 2011 to 2018, when he resigned to take a job at the Department of Natural Resources.

He let his colleagues know on Thursday that he was leaving his public information post at DNR and had filed for House for District 24, which is the new number for the area he would represent.

Saddler was a force in the House during the era when he served, when Republicans were mainly in charge of the proceedings under Speaker Mike Chenault of Kenai.

He has worked as a newspaper reporter for the conservative Anchorage Times, magazine editor, legislative staff, public relations professional, deputy press secretary and deputy director of boards and commissions for the Governor’s Office under Frank Murkowski, and was District 18 Republican Party chairman. For a period, he was press secretary for the Alaska House of Representatives Republican majority.

Saddler said he is already working hard on raising funds and securing endorsements.

Former Rep. Sharon Jackson has also filed for House District 24. Rep. Ken McCarty, who represents part the area under the old political boundaries, has filed to run for Senate and so has Rep. Kelly Merrick.


  1. I cannot support Dan Saddler in any capacity. He was a terrible legislator (and an outright pompous —) previously and there can be no expectation that he has improved over time. FYI: Sharon Jackson is also unacceptable.

    Aren’t there any “good” candidates who are willing to run to represent this new district?

  2. Another establishment RINO who will probably flip to a Democrat “coalition” at the earliest opportunity

  3. We need more people to run who won’t set us back to the last ice age! Wannabe dictator Bronson is doing his best in Anchorage! Get someone with half a brain into the legislature!

    • “Wannabe dictator Bronson”?
      Esthera, I would be fascinated to have you provide ONE example that demonstrates any incipient dictatorial tendency in Mayor Bronson. Particularly as opposed to the ACTUAL and numerous abuses of power, violations of the municipal charter, and literal dictatorial actions and statements from the Marxist Nine on the Anchorage ass-embly.

    • The wannabe dictators are the ones imposing masks of the free breathing and the jabs on the pure bloods.
      But go ahead, live in your own fantasy I suppose
      We have enough half-brains in our government, why would you want more?

  4. I am curious why you say that about Sharon Jackson. Yes, I’m asking. I served the people and never waivered on what they ask of me, a great reference of that is my voting record. Being in office is not easy. Is your opinion personal or political.

  5. Lora Reinbold, the low wattage science denier Karen, beat Saddler in the last election. If I were Dan , I’d be too embarrassed to run again

  6. When Saddler was running against Reinbold, he was kind enough spend about 1/2 hour of his time on the phone with me one night explaining the differences in their positions and personalities and trying to earn my vote. He was even gracious when I told him I was voting for Reinbold anyway. In the end, he was 100% right and I should have voted for him. Reinbold is a solid conservative, but she simply can’t get along with anyone and as a consequence really can’t get anything done. I should have voted Saddler then. Due to the redistricting, he’s not running in my district now, but if he were I’d vote for him.

    • Dee: your comment is perfectly reasonable and well stated. Oftentimes, that is rare in the MRAK comments.

    • The problem with Republicans is that they focus too much on “getting along” with communists and RINOs. Getting along is a recipe for tyranny

      • And yet when you refuse to work with people (as Reinbold increasingly did) you get NOTHING done for your constituents at all because in a legislature you have to work with others to get things done. She alienated people on both sides of the aisle. In a large part, this was due to her intractable personality, not her politics. And getting banned from Alaska Airlines was an embarrassment to many of her constituents. Regardless of one’s opinions on masks, airlines have the right to require them. Don’t like the rules on an airline, don’t fly.

        • It is about time the people reclaim their power. Obviously both sides of the uni-party are not equipped for the job. We will have to do it ourselves.
          But if you can’t handle being responsible for your own life, go ahead keep giving your power away to the unworthy. They have done such a fine job so far.

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