Daily update: Six new cases, mainly on road system


Six new cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus were reported in Alaska in the last 24 hours since Sunday noon, bringing the statewide count to 191.

There have been three more hospitalizations, for a total of 23 hospitalizations, including those admitted and released.

No new deaths were reported; Alaska has lost six residents to the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China late last year.

As of yesterday, 6,883 Alaskans had been tested for the coronavirus.

No new communities were added to the list, but there is a new case of COVID-19 in Petersburg. The first person from that Southeast Alaska community who became ill with the virus died while out of state.

The cases are all tagged to the communities the individuals are from, although they may have been diagnosed and housed elsewhere in the state; the epidemiologists log them this way for consistency. Here are the total case counts from around the state and the increase in the past 24 hours:

  • Anchorage area: 88, a gain of three cases
  • Kenai Peninsula: 13, a gain of one case
  • Fairbanks/North Pole: 54, a gain of one
  • Southeast Fairbanks Census Area: 1, no change
  • Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area: 1, no change.
  • Palmer/Wasilla: 4, no change
  • Juneau: 14, no change
  • Ketchikan: 14, no change
  • Petersburg: 2, a gain of one case


  1. Let’s all pray for those who’ve been affected by this terrible pandemic, not only the ones that have contracted the virus, but the family and friends of the victims. It’s excruciating not knowing if their loved ones are going to get through this or not, but let’s pray for all, and hope there is a cure sooner rather than later.

  2. 6 resident deaths, but 2 who weren’t living here at the time-so looking at the actual spread of the virus 4 is a more accurate number for Alaska and the other fatalities should be reported in the states they occurred. Alaska appears to have done a solid job on containment and I fear these numbers are reported this way (not here but by the ADN et al) to add to the hype. You get the sense the media at large would like to see higher fatalities and more damage to the economy; for reasons due to equal part sensationalism and partisanship..

  3. So, looking at the numbers…out of all the people who are tested with symptoms only 2 percent have this virus onboard.
    Way less than 1 percent died from this disease (in AK) and all of the deaths associated with Alaska have underlying medical conditions.
    I personally wish online news sources had standard Obituaries like the print newspapers did.
    We would see quite a few of other Alaskans died in the last two weeks, yet due to the media vacuum of C-19, none of the other deaths make the news?

  4. More of the take it or leave it department:

    Disposable dust masks and particulate respirators are not designed to be washed or cleaned. Because of their cloth-like construction disposable respirator masks should be disposed of if they become wet and/or damaged.

    Do not attempt to clean disposable respirator masks with compressed air or detergents of any kind as they will damage the integrity of the masks.

    The World Health Organization advises removing and replacing a disposable mask as soon as it becomes damp, and not reusing disposable masks.

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