D.C. services set for Congressman Don Young


U.S. House Sergeant at Arms William J. Walker released the schedule for the Washington, D.C. services for the late Congressman Don Young.     

Young will lie in state in Statuary Hall of the United States Capitol on Tuesday, March 29, 2022.

Arrival Ceremony and Congressional Tribute, Tuesday, March 29

An arrival ceremony will be held on the East Front House Steps at 10:30 am. A congressional tribute will be held in Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol at 11 am. 

The congressional tribute is open to a limited number of invited members of Congress and Congressman Young’s family, friends, and staff.

Members and staff with a valid congressional ID not attending the congressional tribute may view the arrival ceremony from the designated location adjacent to the Press Triangle on the East Front. Members and staff should arrive prior to 10:30 am for the arrival ceremony.

Lying in State, Tuesday, March 29 from 12-2 pm

Statuary Hall will open from 12-2 pm for guests invited by the Young family, members of Congress, and congressional staff to pay respects.

Staff with a valid congressional ID who wish to pay their respects may escort up to 15 guests to the crypt, where they will be greeted by Capitol Visitors Services personnel. Staff and guests may access the Capitol via the tunnels. Guests will not need passes for this viewing. Capitol Visitor Services staff will be posted throughout to assist.

Photography in Statuary Hall is prohibited during the viewing.

Because of these events, access to the Capitol Plaza will be restricted on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, until the conclusion of the departure ceremony. Members will park in underground garages.

Additional Services

A public memorial service will be held at St. Francis Episcopal Church, 9220 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls, Virginia 22066, on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at 11 am.


  1. Even if his body were to lie in state here in Alaska, most people would not be able to see him since we’d have to travel to Juneau. What a crapshow this state’s Juneau focus for government.

  2. Let’s just have a big wake party for Don at Chena Hot Springs Resort outside of Fairbanks. BYOB. Baseball caps required. Bernie Karl can officiate and recite the best Don Young jokes and stories. Leave the kiddies at home.

  3. Washington DC was having a major thunder and lightning event that lasted a very long time last night. Anyone being out and about would not have wanted to be out and about. The very expensive weather manufacturing industry should run out of funds soon I hope. I don’t believe we have had natural weather patterns for quite a long time in this or other nations thanks to Haarp and spraying operations. Your resident spoke of the One World Order. Hmmm.

  4. Amen! We must move the Capitol to the central part of the state, with road access for the majority of the population! The Knick Arm bridge, The new Port at Point Mac Kenzie, The Canadian Railroad extension!!!!! Alaska has the potential to soar! Politic’s are our Bain and must be remedied! Constitutional Convention here we come!

    • Every Capital of every state is the liberal progressive utopia of that state. It always becomes more liberal because most of those in Government think every answer is more Government. Anchorage is already 50% lib nuts. The last thing I want in my city is more politicians. Do you really think they care one iota what you think because you meet them in person? Look at the assembly meetings. People show up, they do what they want. People don’t show up, they still do what they want. Juneau can keep the liberal idiots. It will keep Anchorage somewhat tolerable a few more years till I can move like all the other conservatives are doing. This city is already lost, it’s just how fast it will happen. Just sayin…..

  5. Yeah, and if he were lying in Anchorage then the entire state would have to travel to ‘Anchorage’ for the services…

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