Criminal minds: A half hour with true crime podcaster and pop culture host Danny Murphy



I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Not Another True Crime Podcast co-host Danny Murphy, who has grown in popularity in the podcast world.

Having been a fan for some time, it was great to finally ask Murphy about how he created a fun and informative podcast on topics that some would consider taboo, as a program “for people who love all types of sketchy things—from cults to conspiracy theories to, of course, crime.”

Murphy joined Not Another True Crime Podcast in 2019.

Murphy talked about the trials and tribulations of getting started in the podcasting world, his goals and ambitions, and how people can pursue their passions while balancing everyday life.

His word of advice for those seeking to start a podcast is to make sure that you have enough free time to dedicate to developing the programming, and make sure that you can pay all of your bills. In other words, don’t bank on instant success in the field. It is crucial to be passionate and driven in the podcasting endeavor.

Hosting a true-crime podcast isn’t the only thing that Murphy does; he is also a successful writer, comedian, and podcaster for the New York Post. He was asked to produce for Page Six, a partner company of the New York Post that features the celebrity and entertainment columns. He hosts a second podcast for Page Six known as Virtual Reali-Tea.

His association with Page Six has allowed Murphy to interview celebrities on his podcast. His latest anticipated project is the case of Anna Delvey, the Russian-born German con artist who posed as a wealthy heiress to scam millions of dollars from wealthy elites in New York City. Be on the lookout for that future episode on Virtual Reali-Tea

We also discussed the difference between recording a podcast and hosting a live show, with an audience. While I anticipate hosting a live show soon, Murphy gave me and the audience some much-needed advice about producing a successful live podcast. For his live podcast sessions, he direct-messages fans and posts in Facebook groups to build momentum around the event and then begin negotiating with various venues.

A lot of energy and interaction with the audience makes it a fantastic experience for both him and his listeners because it doesn’t have the para-social (one-sided social) element of podcasting.

I asked Murphy what advice he would give others pursuing their “passion projects” while balancing full-time jobs. He said, think long term. People come up with ideas that may seem reasonable but then realize that they have less material than they could work with once they have a few episodes.

I proposed an example of someone who works at a hardware store, and he responded with the idea that such a person could branch out into a podcast about interior design or home decor. While it may not be everyone’s first choice, narrowing it down can help build an audience as Murphy niched down to true crime and celebrity gossip.

Murphy said he had to balance a 9-to-5 job while trying to develop his true-crime podcast. While it wasn’t easy, he knew it could be done. “Don’t rush into doing it immediately because you want to do it, make sure you have the foundation but don’t be too afraid that you’ll never do it,” he said.

One of his final thoughts was that for beginners in podcasting, even if no one listens, at least the podcasters is are doing something he or she is passionate about. With that passion, you can build the foundation and attract listeners.

The positivity that Murphy left on our audience with this episode will inspire others to begin their next step in their passion project journey — whatever it is.

Find Murphy on Instagram @kashmeredanny. His true crime podcast is at Not Another True Crime Podcast. Murphy’s celebrity podcast can be found at Virtual Reali-Tea.

Listen to this episode of the Must Read Alaska Show at any of the major podcast providers, including, and Facebook.

John Quick is Vice President of Must Read Alaska and prime host of the Must Read Alaska podcast, which has broadcast over 270 episodes.


  1. Hey John, check out the Darknet Diaries podcast if you haven’t already. The host interviews hackers from criminal hackers/fraud criminals to government cyberwar employees, to people paid by companies to test their security.

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