Crickets from mainstream media



You have to wonder sometimes whether Anchorage’s news media are asleep at the switch or whether their failure to report the news goes to something deeper.

Take, for instance, Assembly Chairman Felix Rivera’s assertion there are too many white males in public office.

Rivera, an Hispanic gay Assembly member, made the comment during an Alaska Black Caucus Facebook page forum.

“I really think our political establishments need to get over this idea that only a certain typecast of individual can run for office, because when you do that, you’re typically going to go to someone who is white and someone who is male, and we need to get beyond that very rigid thinking in our political establishments,” he said.

That racially tinged nonsense was reported by The rest of the city’s media? Crickets. One might think when the chairman of a city’s primary legislating body says such a ridiculous thing it might dutifully be reported by the news media as news. Not here.

As the website points out, Rivera’s statement was especially “curious because the Anchorage Assembly of 11 has at least two Hispanics, one Alaska Native, and several gay and lesbian members, some whom are public about their sexual preference, others who are not. The Assembly also has at least two Jewish members, and one veteran.”

The idea of public officials employing racism ostensibly in the pursuit of racial equity is not only silly and self-defeating, it is dangerous. Stirring racial prejudice, especially from positions of authority, can carry heavy consequences.

Of course, as a member of the public, you need know when a public official resorts to such a thing, but, frankly, in Anchorage the odds are against you.

Read more at the Anchorage Daily Planet.


  1. The victim identity agenda is the biggest free-money entitlement racket in America today. The leftists, Marxists, Totalitarians, Fascists, Communists, Academia, Hollywood, mainstream media, and Democrats are all in on it lock, stock and barrel.
    The new lottery ticket is the highest position on the victim intersectionality hierarchy scale. How much victim status is in your wallet?

  2. Disturbing report here, it would seem that Anchorage is heavily over represented by homo-sexuals and very under represented by people of African heritage. One can only hope that Felix takes the cue and fades away in order to allow a person of color to take his place.

  3. I recall an Anchorage media person being asked why nobody reported on the North Slope Borough voting in favor of opening ANWR. His reply? “We feel the Borough is too heavily influenced by the oil industry”.

  4. Of course the cricket effect… it doesn’t align with the MSM narrative. It may seem like the light at the end of the tunnel is no where to be seen, but soon all this bravo sierra will be behind us. Our Republic for which it stands, under God…will & has returned… momentum is stronger than its been before Nov 2020 and the Felix mentality will be no more! Hold the line!

  5. How far will the Alaska Democrat and Alaska Republican parties, the biggest and older political establishments, go if the White looking members pulled their monetary support of its candidates and the party itself.

    Maybe One-party system that’s the whole goal for Rivera’s disingenuous remark, “I really think our political establishments need to get over this idea that only a certain typecast of individual can run for office, because when you do that, you’re typically going to go to someone who is white and someone who is male, and we need to get beyond that very rigid thinking in our political establishments,” he said. To get ride of the two party system replaced by a one party system and one opinion.

    I like the two party or five party system. Difference of opinions allows and promotes competition and resistance, especially when one party lost its noodle.

  6. I wonder how far will Felix Rivera will go if all he tried an experiment and he told all his white supporters not to contribute any money to him next election supporting him that He only wants money coming from non-whites.

    C’mon! White families have shown themselves more generous donating their money into continuing the political organizations Democrat and Republican as well as far out giving monetary contributions to its candidates than and indigenous individuals collectively as whole groups — (Alaska Native, Native Americans, Hispanics, Filipinos, Chinese, Samoans, Africans, Arabs, Kurdish, Koreans, Japanese, Thai, Turkish, Sudanese, Hmong).

  7. The ADN went total crickets when the Byron Mallott and Bill Walker scandal and resignations were all over the national media. WTF? The Ultra-Lefty ADN didn’t want to besmerch the pedophilia tendencies of the Lt. Governor and his scared-to-death soul mate Bill Walker. Cherry-picking news stories is a Democrat thing. I thought ADN was run by the Binkley family from up in Fairbanks. Republicans turned Democrats? That’s what extreme wealth does to some people.

  8. Kind of a dangerous situation when the tv media has a single “Alaska News Source” on not one, not two but three big stations (CBS, NBC and MyTV). There are many local issues they don’t cover and most all the national issues are puppeted from the national media. I not saying these liberal biased outfits are “fake” but compared to conversative voices they have been wrong quite a bit with few corrections. The local 9pm fox news may not be very slick, but they have a policy of reporting crimes which I appreciate. I got a degree in journalism from UAA so I would have a better understanding of the industry. More voices are better; a monopoly of opinion is bad, very bad.

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