Craig Johnson, former House Rules chair, files for House District 10, South Anchorage


The former Rules Committee chair for the Alaska House of Representatives has thrown his name in for House District 10, which is the old House District 24 in Anchorage. Craig Johnson filed for office on Wednesday.

Johnson, a Republican, represented District 24 for 10 years, from 2007 to 2017. He tried for Senate in 2016 but could not prevail over Natasha von Imhof, who became senator. Upon his retirement from the House, Chuck Kopp ran and won that seat. Kopp was replaced by Rep. Tom McKay, but now district lines have been redrawn and there is no incumbent for the District 10 seat.

Running for the Democrats in that seat is Sue Levi, a perpetual Democrat candidate.

Johnson’s professional experience includes working as a legislative aide from 1997-1999 and 2004-2006. He was the general manager of the Alaska Journal of Commerce and Alaska Military Weekly, and was vice president/general manager of KYMG radio.

He said he originally ran for office to help Alaska be a better state for the next generation and that those are his same goals today. Since leaving office, he has focused on his health, including getting knee surgery and exercising. Johnson is a conservative and would return to office as a veteran of the Legislature.


  1. I live in District 24 (now 10?). While I supported Craig Johnson for his conservative positions during his early years representing our district, I dropped him quickly after he voted to pass (along with many others) SB 91 which lead to a rapid increase in crime of populated areas of Alaska, and put more criminals back on the street, because he/they thought it would save Alaskans money.

    So, NO, I won’t be voting for Craig Johnson or Sue Levi (or Chuck Kopp, should he decide to run again; he helped craft SB 91 while serving as chief of staff for other legislators and before running/being elected to office in 2016).

    I hope another hard on crime and fiscally conservative will step up and run for District 24 (10).

  2. As a legislator he was trusted, honest, smart, realistic, and especially by the standards of the Alaska House today he was very successful. If I was in Anchorage I would be an avid volunteer for this campaign. It’s very easy to make the case that the Legislature and the district need him.

    • Coming from you, Mike Hawker, that is quite an outrageous, but predictable statement about Craig. I hoped we had heard the last from the both of you when the downtown legislative office building “fiasco” ended in what can only be described as a terrible and humiliating waste of big money. I am thankful that we were able to get out of the terrible deal you promoted and arranged.

      Alaska will be much better off if we don’t hear from you or Craig ever again. Please crawl back under the rock where you have taken up residency. We deserve much bette than either, or the both, of you.

  3. Craig was an outstanding member of the legislature. Very glad he is ready to dona sequel. District 10 would be wise to support this conservative Republican’s return to the Juneau.

  4. Craig Johnson is smart, caring, dedicated, conservative, and will always support victims and their families over the criminals. I can’t wait to cast a vote for him again!

    100% with you, Craig!

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