Craig Campbell retiring as manager of Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport


The Alaska Department of Transportation is searching for a new manager for the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport.

In 2022, former Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell agreed to be the interim manager of the airport after the position opened up upon the departure of the previous airport manager, Jim Szczesniak, in February 2022.

Campbell told a group of aviation professionals earlier this month that he would aim for stepping aside in May.

Campbell spent 35 years in the United States Air Force and Alaska Air National Guard. A certified air traffic controller, he served as chief air traffic controller for Vandenberg Air Force Base and Elmendorf Air Force Base. He retired as a three-star general.

He was the commissioner for the Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, including the Alaska National Guard, under Gov. Frank Murkowski and Gov. Sarah Palin. He was appointed third in succession and became lieutenant governor when Palin resigned and Sean Parnell stepped into the Governor’s Office in July of 2009. Campbell also served for 10 years on the Anchorage Assembly.

Campbell was the Alaska Aerospace Corporation’s president and chief executive officer from 2012 to 2018. He has been an aviation consultant on numerous Alaska projects throughout his decades in Alaska.

The position was advertised last week at Workplace Alaska. The person selected will be in charge of the second busiest cargo airport in the United States and the fourth busiest in the world. TSAIA is responsible for one out of every 10 jobs in Anchorage, which is the crossroads for many Alaska travelers and cargo jets from across the world.

He has offered to remain part-time to assist in special projects and continue as the interim airport lead until a replacement is selected.


  1. “Craig Campbell retiring as manager of Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport”

    Thanks for clarifying there, Suzanne — I might have confused his airport with all the OTHER international airports in Anchorage.

    • Doug,
      Point well taken. Who cares how many government positions he holds, past and present?
      The bragging rights here are that some Democrats might be jealous of Campbell’s ability to float from Government job to Government job. Government work is purely within the province of Democrat aspiration. This is not newsworthy.

  2. Wow another one retiring back to Seattle with massive retirement!
    Or is it to Geneva Switzerland?
    WHO knows?

  3. Craig has done a great job at TSAIA, very disappointing to see anonymous trolling. You trolls need to get a life

  4. I think he has done a great job in all his endeavors including actions in support of the US Constitution. We were fortunate to receive his service through the decades.

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