COVID-19 update: One case


The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services on Saturday announced one new case of COVID-19 in Alaska, in the community of Fairbanks.

This brings the total case count to 365. Recovered cases now total 261, including seven new recovered cases recorded Friday. A total of 21,399 tests have been conducted.

This reflects data from 12 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. on May 1 that posted at noon Saturday on the DHSS Coronavirus Response AK COVID-19 Cases and Testing Dashboard.

The new case is a male, aged 60-69.

No additional hospitalizations or deaths have been reported. There have been a total of 36 hospitalizations and nine deaths among Alaskans who have been infected with the Wuhan coronavirus. One new hospitalization was recorded yesterday, but it offset another hospitalization that was listed but was not verified.


  1. Given the original circumstances that our leaders were faced with I can understand how they erred on the side of caution. Perhaps too much though. However, is this the pandemic that we shut down the world for? Thirty six total in Hospital? Perhaps it is time to lift the Draconian rules in place and let society enjoy their God Given Freedoms. One being the Freedom of seeking out medical care for one’s ailing body. After all wasn’t the pretense of the Corona lock down to protect the health of Alaskans?

  2. Since the first case of CV19 was diagnosed in Alaska over six weeks ago, approximately 350 Alaskans have died from other causes. For those weak in math that’s 350 times the number of CV19 deaths.
    Hope that provides some perspective.
    The purpose of the CV19 restrictions was to flatten the curve, to delay a surge of cases from overwhelming the hospital capacity. The end result would be about the same, just spread out over six months to a year and a half instead of two months. For whatever reason the the virus in Alaska has been- relatively – a dud instead of a bomb. Yet here we are, still officially cowering in fear while in reality a large proportion of Alaskans have drifted back to normal social distancing while shopping and socializing among friends.
    I’m still trying to figure out by what state Constitutional authority the governor mandated statewide restrictions and limitations on personal behavior. If anyone thinks they know, I’d like to hear your version.

    • correction:
      Alaska CV19 death 9; other deaths 350 = 39 to 1

      Guess I need remedial math, also.

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