COVID-19 update: Another 8 diagnosed, no new deaths


Eight more Alaskans have been diagnosed with COVID-19 since the last state report midday Tuesday.

A total of 293 cases have been identified in Alaska, with 106 of those cases known to be recovered, for a total of 187 active cases.

A total of nine Alaskans have died from the illness, including two who died out of state. None were reported in the last 24 hours.

There have been two more hospitalizations, bringing that total to 34. However, most of those people are not currently hospitalized; nine have died and others have been released to recover at home.

The death rate in Alaska is currently 3 per 100 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus that is believed to have started in Wuhan, China late last year.

Alaska communities that added cases in the past 24 hours were: Anchorage (3), Kenai Peninsula (1), Juneau (3), and the first case diagnosed in the Nome area (1).

Total cases that have been diagnosed in Alaska, (including recovered and deaths):

  • Anchorage: 139
  • Kenai Peninsula: 16
  • Fairbanks/North Star Borough: 79
  • Southeast Fairbanks Census Area: 1
  • Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area: 1
  • Mat-Su Borough: 15
  • Nome Area 1
  • Juneau: 21
  • Ketchikan: 15
  • Petersburg: 2
  • Craig: 2
  • Bethel: 1


  1. Seeing the daily case/fatality count, supposedly of Wuhan v, constantly updated by every news/information source, my curiosity has been piqued. Just wondering. How many persons have been afflicted by life threatening and/or fatal circumstances, including age related, other than Wuhan v, in the same time periods, in the same areas? I wouldn’t exclude accidents, crimes, etc. Just looking to compare numbers. Of course, I’ll look myself anyway. I think it may be difficult to discover numbers actually corresponding to reality but the info is out there.
    The WHO is demanding Sweden lock down it’s population, even though there are fewer fatalities there than many “quarantined” countries. Wonder why. We have conflicting “opinions” on mostly every pair of “expert” lips.

    • Didn’t take long to find the answer. The statistics for 2019 aren’t available yet. 2018 numbers are up. 2019 is expected to have slightly higher numbers than 2018. Same for 2020. The numbers for Wuhan v are current for 2020, of course.
      2018 U.S. citizen mortality came in at 2,835,20 for the year or 7,786 per day. That was well before the Wuhan v entered the picture. Out of those millions, heart disease was the leader with 640,000 or so, cancer 550,000 (roughly), and on down the list of non Wuhan fatalities. This year, about 22,000 Wuhan deaths, as of April 13. Many usual causes of death are now attributed to Wuhan v that were considered common before, so that “common cause” number of fatalities should be lower and the Wuhan v number higher for this year. The (Wuhan v) number should soon decline rapidly on a daily basis if we have been given correct information. Assuming the decline in Wuhan numbers, as ‘modeled’ and given to us are correct, 2020 should come within a couple percent of the projected total, or less, including fatalities attributed to Wuhan v. An interested citizen who looks at these numbers might do so two or three times to better grasp them. Some numbers for different things are more vague than others. That’s always the case. Interesting data. Makes one wonder just what the devil is going on with the entire Wuhan “experience”. I do believe Wuhan v is serious and life threatening to many Americans. Lots more numbers on all diseases and a large statistical database available if one is interested. I found it. So can you.

      • U.S. mortality based on positive tests is up again to 4.4%

        …the death toll rate is rising faster than the testing rate.

        The U.S. death toll increased by 29% over the past 3 days.

    • About 8,000 Americans die everyday from all causes according to CDC statistics. Do the numbers.

  2. Suzanne
    Do you know which KP community has the new case? Thanks.

    The Covid dashboard does not easily ID that.

  3. Three percent of those tested positive………many sources suggest that the actual number of infected, but showing only mild, or no symptoms may be twenty or more times that of the number tested positive.

  4. ADN is quoting some doc somewhere as saying that greater than 50% of the patients that encounter Covid-19 wind up with blood or protein in their urine indicating that their kidneys have been significantly compromised ostensibly by their exposure to the virus.

    That statement rings of irresponsible banter. I wonder if it’s possible to identify what percentage of recovered Alaskans have common residual effects?

    • All of these statistics are “cooking the books” since most of the patients who got Covid had compromised immune systems to begin with.
      Healthy individuals with strong immune systems develop “Natural Immunity” to the virus while those with decreased kidney function and underlying conditions get sick.

      • Care to cite an objective source for that claim of natural immunity?

        Perhaps you’d like to expound on how the virus kills healthy people, since we know it does.

        • bill,
          Objective source? Why, “CDC”, “WHO”, “NIH” “lamestream media”. Aren’t all these “objective” sources (little joke there)? As for ‘why the virus kills healthy people?” Maybe it’s the blocking action of the virus, acting in the bloodstream plasma, that makes “healthy” people prey. Lots of conjecture, especially from the “experts” and MSM.

          • I see once again, you provided no source whatsoever, leads me to assume you don’t trust your own so-called sources.

  5. When can we decide that “the curve has been flattened?” How will that be measured? Are there objective measures? Or must we be content to know that our leaders will know it when they see or feel it?

    My larger point is this: Very major, life-changing decisions are being made by leaders with few, if any, objective criteria. People deserve to know WHY decisions are made and FOR HOW LONG rules will remain. Leaders should fully disclose the EVIDENCE that is relied upon in making decisions. Citizens need to understand WHEN goals will be considered achieved. In the short term people will comply with edicts to protect the public health but resistance will arise the longer things go on. Leaders need to recognize that absent fundamental changes like Constitutional amendment, decrees and mandates will be temporary.

  6. As you note, we have no leader at the national level.

    As to the temporary suspension of rights during a national emergency, that’s been tested in court and is not questionable except by those who ignore that it’s already been tested in the courts and decided.

    The ‘curve’ flattens when we don’t have a rising case count.

    That’s not happening, we still have rising case counts.

    • “we have no leader at the national level”
      There it is, that’s what you’ve been driving at this entire time, why not just say it from the get go?

      • I have said that from the start.

        Right from the first days he started saying he had it all under control.

        You can pretend you don’t know it, but you do know it.

        Everyone knows it.

        Whether they admit it or not.

        • Right, you have absolutely no objectivity. Thank you for stating as much. You are stuck in a time that has passed, you are stuck in 2016 when your worldview was destroyed. It was a new world then and it sure is a new world now. I know you want to blame Trump for everything and we need more testing and because of Trump we don’t have enough testing…the problem is that what you want and the fact do not line up. You discount the results of testing, you completely disregard the results of testing. You disregard basic math.

          • Your imagination doesn’t define who I am or what I think.

            By the way, your imagination is extremely shallow.

          • Thanks Bill, good luck with your TDS. With some more testing maybe even you can see that the disease you are stricken with isn’t all consuming.

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