Court allows Texas law banning doctors from doing transgender procedures on youth


The Texas Supreme Court allowed a new state law to go into effect Sept. 1, which bans medical transgender procedures on minors, including mutilations and puberty-blocking hormones.

Texas will be the most populous state with such restrictions on transgender procedures on children — procedures that leave the children sterilized. Nineteen states in all now ban the procedures in one way or another, while states like California and Washington have not only embraced them, but will even shelter children who want these procedures from their parents who may oppose the medical treatment.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other groups had sued Texas, saying Senate Bill 14 and the high court’s decision is “cruel” and calling the fight “far from over.”

In response, the 201st Judicial District Court of Travis County, Texas had earlier this year granted an injunction to pause the state’s ban on these transgender treatments.

CNN defends the transgender medical procedures, saying they are proven to be medically necessary: “Gender-affirming care is medically necessary, evidence-based care that uses a multidisciplinary approach to help a person transition from their assigned gender — the one the person was designated at birth — to their affirmed gender, the gender by which one wants to be known.”

While the conservative Texas Supreme Court lifted the injunction, the order did not address the lower court’s ruling that the law is unconstitutional. A hearing is expected on that aspect later, but in the meantime, the law will go into effect, and the court’s ruling today is seen by some as an indication of how it will rule on the underlying law.

States that have made it a felony to medically distort a child’s gender include Idaho, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Florida. Other states with laws curtailing this relatively new trend in medicine are Mississippi, Indiana, and Iowa, while a handful of states have laws barring state funding or the use of state property for the procedures on children.

Some states have passed laws that allow those children already undergoing hormone treatment to either continue those, or has a provision ordering doctors to systematically reduce their prescriptions to wean them off of the hormones.

The Mississippi law also allows people who underwent these procedures to later sue doctors for doing the transgender work on them, giving patients a 30-year statute of limitations to do so.

Alaska has no protections for children and youth against the doctors who are taking advantage of them for profit or because of some underlying belief that children would be better off sterilized. The Anchorage clinic run by Identity Inc. was highlighted by Heath Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine for its work to convert children to a transgender life, and Rep. Mary Peltola publicly supports the gender “reassignment” of children through puberty blockers and surgeries.


  1. What about Alaska?? Mary Petola is a sick person.

    No child should be out through these medical procedures.

  2. Let me see if I have this right…
    An 18 year old is not mature enough, and does not have sufficient adult life experience to understand the long term impacts of a student loan.
    But, a child as young as five is mature enough, and has sufficient experience to understand the long term impacts of changing gender.
    Have the leftists pushing this crapola explain how both can be true.

  3. I think that Mary Peltola should go through the transitioning process, so that she can understand it and prove to all of Alaska that she understands the process and fully supports it. Anyone who supports it without having gone through it themselves should not be allowed to give their opinion on it or makes rules in favor of it.

    • She would have to go through the transition of being a self-thinking human first, Ginny, rather than a slobbering follower of leftist ideology that benefits her financially, above all other things and circumstances.

  4. “CNN defends the transgender medical procedures, saying they are proven to be medically necessary: “Gender-affirming care is medically necessary, evidence-based care that uses a multidisciplinary approach to help a person transition from their assigned gender — the one the person was designated at birth — to their affirmed gender, the gender by which one wants to be known.””
    Gotta call BS (of course that’s redundant with CNN). Gender is not “assigned” at birth or at any time other than by biology at conception. The woke alphabet opinion is NOT scientific nor true, but it might give them a warm fuzzy. How long must we put up with this evil? When will Alaska stop mutilating children?

    • My understanding is that the “medical evidence” supporting transgender “care” is almost non-existent. Most European countries have rejected these perverse policies.

    • If a mentally ill individual that believes themselves to be something they are not is prone to self-harm, so shall they be also once they achieve what they are not as well.

    • Absolutely correct. Gender/sex is determined at conception. If you get a Y chromosome from your father, you are male. If you get an X chromosome from your father, you are female. There is no “assigning.” That is just another linguistic manipulation from the children on the left. No reality to it, except in their head.

  5. Laws that are ruled unconstitutional by judges should be held in abeyence by higher courts until finally adjudicated. This would reduce nonsense laws, nonsense lawsuits and judge shopping

  6. I believe that Texas handled this correctly on two separate levels.

    First, from a legal/Constitutional standpoint, the citizens of Texas decided to make these procedures illegal for children, IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. While I personally support this law in Texas, the Constitutional side of me also has to accept that some other states have made these same procedures legal. But isn’t that the point of having fifty states? Each state decides, for themselves, what is legal inside their state?

    The second part of this is that this law bars these procedures from being performed on CHILDREN. Only the most depraved sociopath supports harming children, so can the vast majority of us (no matter the religion, ethnicity, political views, etc) agree to do no harm to children? Is it harmful to wait for a person to become an adult before ‘modifying’ his or her body? After all, we are the Timothy Treadwell state! We believe that adults should be able to make choices for themselves, even if the rest of us feel they could be dangerous.

    A shout out to Maureen. I look forward to more sparring with you on this site. I’m praying for your health and if you need anything, just say so.

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