Couples that file together: Jessica Wright files to run for House; James Squyres and Pam Goode file

Jessica Wright in 2020, on her way to attend a Trump rally in Anchorage.

Republican Jessica Wright, who ran for Alaska House in 2022 but lost to Rep. Jesse Sumner, has thrown her name back in for the seat, with an official letter of intent to run for Wasilla House District 28. Already in that race is Republican Steve Menard, who ran against Sumner in 2022 and came in second.

Some politicos believe Sumner will pull his name out at the last minute and that he has recruited Menard as his choice for his successor. Sumner has served since January of 2023 and has complained that the time away from his construction business has cost him greatly. Sumner is running out of time to get his filing completed; as of this writing, only Menard is an official candidate for Wasilla House District 28.

Jessica Wright’s husband Stephen Wright, is a Republican challenger to Sen. David Wilson, also a Republican. Wilson serves the Wasilla area in Senate Seat N.

Another couple that is working the political odds are James Squyres and Pam Goode, both ultra-conservatives in the Delta Junction neck of the woods. They’ve both filed letters of intent, but have not indicated if they are going for the House seat opening up in District 36, or for Senate Seat R. Or maybe one will file for House and one for Senate and improve the odds.

On Wednesday, Sen. Click Bishop said he would not run for again this year and Rep. Mike Cronk of District 36 immediately announced he will file for Senate Seat R.

In 2018, Squyres ran for House District 9 [now mostly District 29, after redistricting in 2020]. Goode ran for the seat in 2014 and 2018, both running to knock out Rep. George Rauscher, who has managed to keep his House seat since beating cross-over Muskox Coalition member Rep. Jim Colver in 2016.

As of midday Thursday, Jessica Wright, James Squyers, and Pam Goode are still only in the “letter of intent” stage of filing. The filing deadline for the seats is June 1.


    • We must not forget about Steve Menard’s somewhat recent damage, huge mess, and resulting major repair and replacement furnishings that resulted from his stay (as a fully grown adult) at the Westmark Hotel in Sitka. He peed on two mattress and a chair, burned one mattress due apparently to his smoking in the room, and vomited on the carpet. You can get all the details online.
      No matter what the incumbent says, this is not the kind of guy we need representing us in Juneau!

  1. Having talked to Steven Wright when he was out on the campaign trail last time, I found him lacking in any real substance he was a 1 trick pony stating almost everything with “When I was in the Air Force, we used fraud waste and abuse hotlines to root out corruption and waste”. When I asked about the PFD he had no response, when I asked what he thought would fill state coffers (legalize gambling, or taxes/other options) he had no response aside from citing his time in the Air Force as his experience which had nothing to do with state government. No matter your opinion on David Wilson he is always willing to respond to calls and give the hard answers. If Mr. Wright gets elected we in his district are screwed. Seeing that his wife is running for an office reminds me of when we in the valley had Colleen Sullivan-Leonard and her husand as a pair of elected officials or the Dee and George KcKee fiasco.

    I hope valley voters wise up

  2. George Rauscher has done an excellent job and is also “ultra conservative”. What reason does Pam Goode have for attempting to oust him?

    • No
      He isn’t ultra conservative-not
      By any stretch-and he doesn’t always
      Listen to the community-better than McCabe-but he ain’t no angel imho-not that I love
      Goode-see my post…and Rauscher isn’t in our

  3. When Pam and James blocked
    Me from their “Liberty minded” Facebook Delta area news the day before a trial by ambush against me on the same non profit we were elected to be on-because of their
    Fear of what I might say-I lost respect for both of these people. Dare say one of this
    Couple -and I won’t declare which one-is a
    Control freak and a bitter, and vindictive person. This is my opinion-I am outspoken when someone goes after a dedicated, volunteer who
    Was elected and re-elected to her seat. My downfall-I allowed this person the ability to bully me and demean me for
    Too long-because
    I desired to
    Help the community. I won’t be waving signs for one of these people. Guaranteed-ps I was right about
    The fire chief of
    RDVFD-it appears that he is under scrutiny-shame I was asked to step away from shining a light on it-by
    Both of
    These people-and dang-I was right imho.

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