Conservatives needed to support Redistricting Board as it considers two maps of Senate pairings for Anchorage


Alaska State Sen. Tom Begich, a shadow member of the Alaska Redistricting Board, told the Redistricting Board this week that he was not involved at all in creating a map offered by one of his puppets on the board, Melanie Bahnke. But that is not what the record shows. Text messages show that the Bahnke Plan to divide up Senate districts in Anchorage is the exact plan provided to her by Tom Begich.

That was just one of the many dramas in Alaska redistricting capers this week as the Alaska Redistricting Board continues to try to find a Senate political boundary map that will pass legal muster, after the Supreme Court sent the last map back to the drawing board, saying that not enough time was allotted for public testimony.

Two plans are now being considered. The map offered by Bahnke has been withdrawn.

The first map being considered would give Democrats four Senate seats in Anchorage. It would also quash the military vote by pairing JBER with downtown Anchorage, making it pointless for military members to vote in local and legislative elections, as they would have their votes outnumbered by downtown liberals. If the military voters don’t vote, then it can have an effect on presidential races.

The second map, which is less partisan, would maintain three Republican seats and give the Democrats two seats.

Conservatives are needed to testify in support of what is being called the 3-B map, which preserves most of the political boundaries.

Here are the opportunities to testify:

two plans now. pages of testimony bullets to testify.

The Bahnke plan is no more. Two plans left.

Marcum produced a plan for Anchorage that is .

they all agreed not having names on plans is best thing.

Number 2 is hard core Dem.

3-B is the nonparisatan fair plan. it maintains three of the districts – senate pairings as they are in the proclamation plan. only makes changes to four of eight districts. of those, is one almost the same as current district. district 10-13=seat L, almost the same boundaries.

one is same as we currently haven.

going to have new numbers and letters.

one is same s Dem propose., dis. 20-21.

new districts would be with biggest controversy.

dist. 22 major part of eagle river. paired with 9, which is south hillside.

23 district is Uber churciak and Peters creek.

districts 14-19, Spenard midtown and med. university lake

3 opp to tesimoney this week. one or two more next week.

Thursday at noon.

Friday at 10 am

Saturday at noon.

most important meeting is wed. 13 at 10 am., testimony, and then debate and decide.

in person at LIO, call number or written testimony.

Democrats pushing hard for 17 and 23 to go together. most of JBER with downtown. so different. trying to nullify the military vote.

working class vote. vs hoity toity vote.

quad the legislative but get rid of military for presidential race. up ticket down ticket.

Melanie and Nicole badgering and bullying testifiers. make fools of them they don’t know answers to.

my testimony is give testimony and hang up.

make case for 9-22 together. eagle river with hillside. socioeconomic does not apply to senate pairings.

we have five republicans now.

plan 2 from democrats gives us 2 republicans. our plan gives us 3.

one more plan is hybrid of these plans, would give the dems four hard d seats. even worse than plan out there.

he is considering this hybrid plan. four hard d seats.

our plan is 3 republican and 2 democrats

theirs 2 republic 3 demo.

hybrid is four d seats.

The Alaska Redistricting Board will meet via Zoom. The public is invited to join the Zoom conference or attend in-person at the Anchorage Legislative Information office.  Public testimony will be taken in-person or via teleconference using the phone numbers below.

Zoom Link:

In-Person Location:
– Anchorage Legislative Information Office
– 1500 W Benson Blvd, Anchorage, AK  99503
– Denali Conference Room, 1st Floor

– Thursday April 7 at Noon

The public may listen or testify via the Legislative Teleconference System by dialing: 
 – Anchorage 563-9085
 – Juneau 586-9085
 – Other 844-586-9085

Thursday, April 7: 12:00pm (noon)

Public Testimony in Person at LIO or via Dial-in Teleconference

Teleconference public listen-in and testimony phone numbers: Anchorage 563-9085, Juneau 586-9085, Other 844-586-9085


  1. Redistricting is by the Board following the State Constitution, designating seats as Democratic, or Conservative is conjecture by MRAK. Voters can surprise gerrymandering as demographics shift over time. At one time Alaska was a solid Democrat State.

    • ‘At one time’ dinosaurs roamed in Alaska, pre human occupation….and the climate was salubrious – pre automobiles.

  2. They will accept information from anyone from anywhere else. They in fact prefer it. The last thing anyone wants is true representation for the geo needs to be known, articulated, published and ameliorated as the recent inauthentic, bolshevik voting scheme results graphically proved. What is desired is smooth hoodwinking backed up by copious fake support structures by having the correct democrats in the room conforming to WEF Davos inspired inclinations not the needs of actual dirty (still needing plumbing primitive infrastructure) Alaskans and Anchoragites still need in these billion dollar infrastructures bankrupt corporation daze fifty (50) years post statehood.

  3. Your article is chopped up and difficult to read. Ugg.

    To suggest conservatives support pairing district 9 with 22, totally ignores the constituency of Eagle River and throws out the reality of actually joining Girdwood and Whittier with Eagle River. Please.

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