Sen. John Coghill has lost his primary race to Rob Myers, 1,723 to 1,739.
A longtime Senator and House member, known for his good character, statesmanship, and Bible studies in his office in the Capitol, Coghill has had close races before, but the current political climate did not favor him this time, and his alignment with Sen. Cathy Giessel, who served as Senate president, may have did him in with conservatives in District B, Fairbanks. Giessel also lost her primary in Anchorage.
Myers will face two non-affiliated candidates in the General Election: Evan Eads and Marna Sanford. Sanford is anti-Gov. Dunleavy and signed the recall petition last year; she is the preferred choice of the Democrats, who plan to take this district away from Republicans. It’s possible that Eads will drop on Monday to give Sanford a better chance. No one ran as an actual registered Democrat for this Senate Seat. Monday is the last day to drop and Republicans are expecting Democrats to start swapping out candidates now that the Primary election is behind them.

In House District 23, Anchorage’s Cathy Henslee has won the Republican Primary by 6 votes over Connie Dougherty. 631-624. She’ll face Rep. Chris Tuck, a Democrat, in the General Election
Dougherty has run for the seat before, and Henslee entered the race somewhat late, but had endorsements of people like former Gov. Sean Parnell.
This is the plan by the House majority leader. Get the senators on your side and then they get voted out and replaced with your own party. Beware of the smiling snake in Dillingham.
It was Coghill’s own undoing. Truly a nice guy from the start. But his attitude about big government shifted when he allied with Giessel. They started to lecture their constituents, not listen to them. Enjoy retirement, John. You earned it!
…….and deserve it!
Ted, I agree with you. In the past I always supported John with my money and vote, but not this time. As a loyal lieutenant/aid to the vindictive Senate President Cathy Giessel, I think John has lost his way. The Senate leadership fought Governor Dunleavy constantly.
People on the Left have characterized Mr. Myers as “some truck driver.” Well guess what? Truckers deliver our groceries, our fuel oil, our consumer products and our oil field supplies. Truckers keep America going. I’m educated, but not an elitist, like so many Democrats are. I voted against John Coghill. He did not support my governor, the statutory laws regarding the PFD, nor did he support me…..a common, ordinary private citizen. So, I will support “some truck driver” and hold his feet to the fire. “Some truck driver” may end up being a great senator.
Absolutely love this reply, Ted. Well put, and I too will vote for Mr. Myers.
Click Bishop was a bulldozer driver. And he gets re-elected.
Click is lucky that he’s got another couple of years in his term or he may have faced a similar fate. He also went right along with Giessel and the rest of the RINO group of senators over the last couple of years and was rewarded by Giessel with several committee leadership roles. Hopefully he can get it back together before the next election…
Races being won by 16 or 6 votes…all the more critical that voting is secure & that we know each vote is legally cast & that votes are not lost in a box somewhere, stolen or misplaced.
The tide started to go out on Senator Coghill when he was one of the primary sponsors of the “End Criminal Responsibilty As We Know It Act”, also known as SB 91. Chaos in the streets followed, with record levels of auto theft. Absent that misjudgment, he may have secured renomination.
Nope, it wouldn’t have been enough to save him. He was anti-PFD and people for far too long. Real workers and those stolen from do NOT forget! He deserves to lose and so do all the criminals that lost with him, i.e. Giessel especially and all the others who were as well obviously pro Big Govt. and anti- “the people and their private property!” Good freaking RIDDANCE! It took far too long to rid ourselves of these idiots! Praise God!
What’s really shocking is actually how many people STILL voted for him given his horrible record! They’re not paying attention! Just having an “R” after your name doesn’t make you a Republican!
Loser John Coghill has officially asked for a recount, still in disbelief that he lost. And he still doesn’t believe that Alaskans deserve a full PFD. John doesn’t have a college degree, but we thought he was a little brighter than he appears. Maybe a little pond near Nenana will be named after him.
Happier times coming I hope maybe the new group of legislators will do the will of the people.
Let’s see what kind of a man John Coghill really is. Will he back Republican candidate Robert Myers for Senate Seat B?
John Coghill is too much of a coward to face his former constituency, let alone come to MRAK and seek contrition.
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