Club Berkowitz members are hoping to run the state


Candidates and sitting Democrat politicians in Anchorage are among the many liberal donors to the 2017-2018 campaign of Ethan Berkowitz, the now-disgraced mayor of Anchorage, whose last day is Friday.

While they were donating to Berkowitz, the mayor was finishing up his first term in Anchorage. He went to fundraisers. He spoke at rallies. He was the social justice warrior mayor, the politician who now won’t even answer questions from his friends at the Anchorage Daily News.

And Berkowitz was already deep into a sexting relationship with one reporter, Maria Athens, although he may have been in sexting relationship with at least one other reporter, Must Read Alaska has learned.

There were dozens of naked photos of Berkowitz in Athens’ phone, according to a person who saw them earlier this month. The pictures include those of a well-used pink dildo that was referred to by participants as “PeeEthan.”

The relationship, as explained by Berkowitz, happened “several years ago,” and was just “messaging,” but actually went from at least 2016 to 2017 and possibly later, according to MRAK sources. A private investigator is now on the trail to uncover the actual nature of the relationship. There’s a lot more to it than what people know.

One could say Mayor Berkowitz was in bed with the press that was covering him. As the highest elected Democratic Party official in Alaska, he was on track to run for governor in 2022; “was” is the operative word here.

Although the phone message left by Athens on Berkowitz’ answering machine states emphatically she will kill him and his wife, a threat that is at least a Class C felony, police did not charge her with that crime of terroristic threats. Such a charge would result in Berkowitz being called to the witness stand and having to reveal the nature of their relationship. Even as he steps aside, he’s being protected by the police and district attorneys.

The leading man for the Democrats has thousands in his inner circle who have contributed to his rise to power, but those who are either currently in office or trying for higher office include:

Stephen Trimble, running against Sara Rasmussen for House District 22. He donated $500 to Ethan in 2018. Trimble is running as a fake independent, but with the backing of Democrats.

Suzanne LaFrance, running for House District 28 against Republican James Kaufman, donated $200 in 2017.

Matt Claman, incumbent Democrat for District 21, donated $250 in 2017 and $250 in 2018.

Forrest Dunbar, current Assemblyman running for mayor of Anchorage, donated $50 to Berkowitz in 2017 and $50 in 2018.

Andy Holleman, running against Sen. Josh Revak for Senate Seat M, donated $100 in 2017, and $100 in 2018..

Austin Quinn-Davidson, incoming acting mayor of Anchorage, donated $100 in 2017.

Ivy Spohnholz, incumbent in District 16, donated $100 in 2017.

Liz Snyder, running against Rep. Lance Pruitt for House District 27, gave $50 in 2018.

Harriet Drummond, incumbent for District 18, donated $100 in 2017.

John Weddleton, Assembly member, gave $500 in 2017.

Chris Constant, Assembly member, donated $500 in 2018.

Eric Croft, running for Anchorage mayor, gave $500 in 2017, and $250 in 2018.

Zack Fields, incumbent for District 20, donated $150 in 2017, and $500 in 2018.

Elvi Gray-Jackson, incumbent for Senate Seat I, donated $100 in 2017.

Alyse Galvin donated both in 2017 and 2018. She’s running for Congress.

Pollster Ivan Moore donated $500 in 2018.

Scott Kendall, who heads up the Recall Dunleavy Committee, donated $250 in 2018. His wife donated as well.


  1. I don’t know whether to laugh or shake my head. You can’t make this stuff up! Photos of Berkowitz “toobin’ing his Jeffrey” and playing with “peeEthan the party penis” are probably out there and you can’t “unsee” that! His Royal Highness is undoubtably lawyered up to the gills. Grab a brewski… this is going to get good!

    • People usually are who they are by their mid-thirties, so with the former mayor being 58, there is probably some other examples out there…speaking of the pound me, too-bin, turns out there is some history

    • I hope he goes back to Kalifornia maybe the “sewer by the sea”. He could clean up the homeless population by housing them in Candlestick Park. By the way Ethan, make sure you are standing up when you push the handle. I’d hate to see you go where you belong.

  2. All appear so “generous” to their buddies! Appears they have no need since they have the mainstream media to help them!

  3. The Berkowitz debacle certainly unravels one major political dream for the Left – installing the soon-to-be ex-mayor as governor or US senator. In the 80s, 90s and 2000s they succeeded with Anthony Knowles and then with Mark Begich. Actually, if one steps back, both major parties have problems developing a coherent pipeline of leaders. The results seem to be electoral chaos at regular intervals. Next year, Anchorage voters will look at six or more candidates for mayor. The legislature is good at creating legislators that rarely develop broader constituencies. Seems intractable. Wish I had some answers.

  4. The fact that he’s being protected by the police and district attorneys is disturbing in one aspect as to why they would protect a liberal pervert and not let the chips fall where they will? It will be very interesting to see what comes of the report by the private investigator Anchorage citizens are not hearing the entire story .

    • It may be less corrupt than it sounds. No point in pressing charges if the “victims” refuse to testify. And one of the elements of the crimes (AS 11.56.810). is that one “place a person in reasonable fear of serious physical injury to any person by means of a dangerous instrument” First, she made no threat of using a dangerous instrument, and second a lot of background could some in to show that fear would not be unreasonable in the circumstances. That reasonable fear has to be shown beyond a reasonable doubt. She identified herself. She was familiar to the whilom mayor. It was a non-specific threat. She was obviously overwrought and he knew she had no history of violence. Mr. Berkowitz obviously has such bad judgment that he should not be involved in government. He certainly made himself blackmail bait, aside from being a cad. Pictures? That is too foolish to insult an imbecile by calling it imbecilic.

      • Most folks who threaten in this way do not do so out of the blue. There is a demonstratable history out there. Be sure to look for all the facts folks.

        • Are you speaking as a licensed counselor or as a defender of philanderer-in-chief Berkowitz? Asking for a client.

          • Interesting google search of my name.

            Neither. Talking as a reasonable adult.

            All the facts are not out there. Be sure you get them all-and for the president, too, speaking of philanderer in chief.

          • Interesting google search of my name.

            Neither. Talking as a reasonable adult.

            All the facts are not out there. Be sure you get them all-and for the president, too, speaking of philanderer in chief.

  5. The old quote from Britsh Lord Acton:” Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” applies well here. We gave him that power and in the end in a democracy we are responsible. I am proud to say that I never voted for any of the democrats listed in this article but somehow they have been returned to power again and again. Don’t be surprised to see Ethan “reformed and rehabilitated” for another run at power in the near future ala Bill Clinton. I hope to see all of these clowns run out of office soon but I will not be surprised to see all of them back again.

    • 558 innapropriate texts on a State of Alaska attorney general phone. To State of junior Alaska employee. After hours. Not about state’s business.

      Where’s the outcry for that?

      • I don’t understand how someone can receive 558 “unwanted” texts. She could have blocked him after the first “unwanted” text. With all the labor laws and the Human Resource Department, she could have won the “lottery” if there was ANY retaliation or negative results because of the blockage………

        • He was is a much more powerful position in a corrupt administration than her. That is the problem our governor who ran on support of women in these type of situations. He won’t talk about it.

  6. I think the Anchorage Press messed up with that cartoon hit piece against Ms. Downing. They have “awaken a sleeping giant”. By the Press releasing that disgusting cartoon. MRAK has dove even deeper and unearth new issues and evidence that seems to include much more serious problems for “pink dildo Ethan.” …. and I’m sure there’s more to come.

    Eddie Burke.

  7. Independents and Conservatives need to come together. We need to find candidates who will work well for both sides which, ironically mirror more than we would like to admit. If that happened, both the far left AND right would be put back into the minority and perhaps there would be civility in politics.
    As for Berkowitz – nothing pleases me more than to see a guy like him crash & burn.

    • Independents and RINOS are joined with Berkowitz Liberal Democrats… Conservative Republicans need to stand strong. There is no civility within Anchorage’s Liberal Democrats.

  8. Knew it!

    Weddleton is a closet liberal.

    Vote them out. AND, under no circumstances let them move up the political food chain. If you think providing for the wants of the homeless instead of the needs of the taxpayers is a good idea, imagine how much of Anchorage’s budget will start getting siphoned off for political pet projects across the state.

  9. There are a lot of “sources” and unconfirmed accounts but we have not seen one bit of proof. If you got it, spill the beans. Otherwise it appears you’re taking a play out of the Dems playbook with unsubstantiated claims and unproven theories.

  10. Note to Governor Dunleavy,
    Nothing to see here, move on to the next scandal.
    Flying below the radar seems to be his leadership style.
    How low will he go.

  11. What a waste of time and money. Just goes to show politicians are in it for them self’s first. All the smart people on this list look pretty dumb now. I hope they will learn a lesson and quit backing looser liberals.

  12. Typical Democrat behavior. Thank you SD and Maria Athens for sparing Alaska another despicable Democrat governor !

  13. There is 1 and 3/4 Conservative Republican on the Anchorage Assembly.

    Anchorage’s Vote by Mail needs to be replaced with Alaska’s Division of Elections Standards.

  14. Anchorage Press headline: Save Anchorage, Must Read Alaska and the plot to overthrow the mayor
    By Anchorage Press Staff. So I guess he did nothing wrong. Shame on us.

    • Anchorage Press panders to those who’s address is their parent’s basement and their opinion parrot’s that of a segment that doesn’t have a positive effect on the economy.

      They should be proud to have made a statement that raised them off of the bird cage floor if only for a moment.

  15. I can only imagine what it must be like sashaying into the office during these last few days of mayoral shame, knowing that everyone you pass en route to your office door is envisioning you with a pink dildo stuffed up your south 40, wondering how exactly PeeEthan might be a term of endearment, and generally returning to their conclusion that you are a complete clod.

    Aberrant behavior and cameras. Yeah, no.

    Now that he’s nearly out of office Anchorage can get back on the road to recovery and we can all go back to forgetting about this idiot …or can we? There’s a torrid little story lurking around the corner that should be given voice if only to express disappointment with Ethan in a manner befitting his abbreviated term.

  16. Good riddance – and now for the rest of them? The tramp steamer for Seattle, SF, and Portland is still at the dock and loading. May the Lord have mercy on Anchorage.

  17. Come on Alaska, let’s not let them make Alaska the next California. We have a choice between Freedom or Socialism. Elect conservatives to office or we will suffer the same fate as New York or California that have turned into retched hives of scum and villainy.

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