Chloe Cole, who detransitioned, to speak at Alaska Family Council dinner


A teenager who went through a horrific experience in which San Francisco doctors “transitioned” her with chemicals and surgery to appear as a male, is now on the speaking circuit, telling America that the transgendering of minors must stop.

Chloe Cole is the featured keynote speaker at the Alaska Family Council’s Aug. 16 and 18 summer events in Wasilla and Anchorage.

Cole had a mental health crisis as a child. Doctors at Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco diagnosed her with gender dysphoria when she was 9 years old, and began treating her at age 12 with puberty blockers, testosterone treatments, and a double mastectomy.

At age 16, when she realized she had been medically abused, she detransitioned and became an activist in defense of children who face the same situation. Now at the age of 19, she describes herself as a former “trans kid.” One who is on a mission to save others.

“Chloe Cole has a story to tell. She’s the victim of a woke agenda and a woke medical community, and she isn’t staying silent,” says Jim Minnery, president of Alaska Family Council. “Her story is powerful, and it’s one the Left doesn’t want you to hear – which is why we are giving you an opportunity to hear from her.”

Cole recently testified in front of Congress about the dangers of medically treating children with what the medical community and activists benignly call “gender-affirming care.” Her testimony can be heard in this C-SPAN clip:

These seasonal events by the group raise funds to support the mission of Alaska Family Council. This event does not include dinner and is more of a lecture format.

Past keynoters include well-known names such as Dennis Prager, Will Witt, Louisiana Rep. Katrina Jackson, Kimberly Strassel and Suzanne Downing. Tickets and table reservations for the Wasilla and Anchorage lectures, as well as more information about the events, can be found at this link.

Alaska Family Council is a family-centered nonprofit that believes life should be protected from the time of conception to the end of natural life; marriage is between one man and one woman as the essential element of the family; strong families are essential to a strong and healthy society; First Amendment religious liberties are critical to our freedom as a people and must be protected and defended; and that parents have a right to guide their children’s lives and to responsibly direct every aspect of their education and care.

Supporting the work of Alaska Family Council can also be done directly, even if attending the dinner is not in your plans. The link is here.

Those interested may also support Chloe Cole’s work as an activist directly through this link.


  1. Maybe her parents would have gotten better advice from Dr. Kervorkian…What a disasterous experiment on an innocent child by woke Doctors.
    They all should be castrated before they prescribe any more fixes so they have a clue of what these victims are suffering.

  2. Hurray for our hormones God kindly gave to us for free only to be stolen by woke liberal democrats.

  3. But… isn’t it better to have a live “trans” son than a dead daughter???
    Anyone using that BS is supporting an agenda, not supporting your family. And, if you do not think there are medical professionals who are using that line, you are delusional.
    The parents and doctors involved should never see the outside of a jail cell again…

  4. Powerful testimony. I’d like to know how much financial profit the medical industrial complex generated by steering Chloe and her parents wrong.

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