Dr. Anne Zink, the state’s chief medical officer in the Dunleavy Administration, announced that she is resigning this year.
She was hired by Dunleavy in July 2019, and six months later the Covid pandemic hit the world, putting her front and center in managing through what was then an unknown, scary, and often deadly virus.
She said on X/Twitter: “Deeply honored to serve as Alaska’s CMO, grateful for the resilience and spirit of Alaskans. I am transitioning out of state service later this year, but my dedication to health, wellness, and #Alaskans remains unwavering—thank you for your trust.”
She will leave state service in April.
Please replace Dr. Zink with someone who has a rational and sensible approach to COVID-19. I propose former Senator Lora Reinbold. No lockdowns, no essential businesses, no forced vaccination, no proof of vaccination, no mask mandates, no social distancing, no WHO compliance.
“No lockdowns, no essential businesses, no forced vaccination, no proof of vaccination, no mask mandates, no social distancing, no WHO compliance.”
None of those things happened under the authority of the state of Alaska, so while you might blame Governor Dunleavy or Dr. Zink for a multitude of things, you can’t blame them for things that didn’t happen under their watch and authority.
I’m glad to see you used the words rational and sensible in a different sentence than when you mentioned former Senator Lora Reinbold
Yet you very disingenuously refuse to acknowledge the FACT that Tyrant Zink, and Spineless “Go along to get along” Dunleavy, DID in fact implicitly support the entire globalist Covidian agenda, including most damningly advocating for and pushing the experimental, unsafe and ineffective mRNA clot shots. Just as you supported them as well.
You can attempt to run from your rabidly dishonest pro-establishment past, Steve, but you cannot hide.
Have you seen the clots? They are huge and different colors including white. Quite the reverse of protecting health etc. Was the CDC a vendor or distributor of the wealth building injections? And what particular use were they to pregnant women and tiny native children? May we ask? Or little children against their will. Is that OK on this planet?
They may have pushed them but they didn’t mandate. People were allowed a choice. Many took it others didn’t.
So you acknowledge that none of those things happened under the authority of the state of Alaska, there’s hope you will recover from your long covid yet!
Yeah. Nobody died that didn’t get the shots either.
Your straw man argument is moldy.
Get a new one .
Your position on masks and mrna helped people catch covid.
Steve you can run but you can’t hide.
Do you think you have a firm grasp on my positions regarding masks and mrna vaccines now? Last time you were wholly mistaken, then after you were corrected as to what those positions actually were using years old direct quotes you continued to outright lie about what was directly in front of you in black and white.
I see you’re still struggling with what a strawman argument is and isn’t, hang in there one of these years you’ll figure it out.
What Dunleavy can be held accountable for is his near criminal silence regarding mandates and shutdowns. He has a bully pulpit and repeatedly fails to even attempt to use it.
Other states have Governors who took aggressive stances against these things and mitigated the damage.
Same regarding Zink. Especially regarding the brutal way hospitals treated patients and their families. She could have come out forcefully against pharmacies who refused to fill prescriptions they didn’t approve of.
Leadership often means taking stands which may rock boats. In this respect Dunleavy and Zink are deeply accountable.
As you know out for of government does not allow for authoritarian tyrants to d3mand their will be done at punishment of imprisonment or death. In fact here in Alaska authority is spread out in a lot of cases to local governments and the centralized state government does not have authority over local government, similar to how the federal government doesn’t have carte blanche authority over states.
Sometimes leadership involves letting people decide for themselves, instead of using the full force of government to bear down upon individuals. There are some on the left and some on the right who would be well advised to consider that fact.
Bring it on Steve “O” !
It is weird how the State of Florida managed to avoid those things, but AK did not?
Explain how, please.
Yes, Reinbold would be fantastic. We would get rid of seatbelts, child car seats, and crosswalks. Bleach sales would soar! Good times.
Lora Reinbold is not a medical professional. The requirements I assumer would be that background. I assure you Dunleavy will not appoint Reinbold after her bad mouthing him at every chance. First of all, the Governor NEVER mandated masks or vaccines. He also did not shut down anything in Anchorage because he doesn’t have the authority to do so. Just stating facts.
Lucas, it seems Suzanne didn’t like this so I am trying again! This is the details she wouldn’t print !
Ed, all of your comments that use the term Dumbleavy or some other mangled spelling go in the garbage without further ado. Please do better. – sd
You would rather see people gets sick?
Lucas–thank you–one of the worst marks on governor Dunleavy legacy will be having Dr. Zink at the helm during Covid–what she perpetrated caused more harm than the “disaster” itself. Future generations will suffer because the governor chose her. She was a bad choice indeed who defied our constitutional and medical rights, withheld and mocked life saving treatments, and relentlessly pushed an ineffective and often dangerous jab covid jab on Alaskans…even to the most innocent among us, the babies. It was disgraceful. I simply tried to expose the truth early on and got relentlessly attacked by our governor which is despicable.
Good, the person for that job should review all the science data! Not just believe the government pushed B.S. she was not qualified!!!
Leo: Luckily YOU are highly qualified..
Dr. Anne Zink saved thousands of lives, is a Hero in the Great State of Alaska, and this to those who are unqualified commentors lacking medical school and are not doctors.
Wow, another servile boot-licking conformist and quisling for the powers-that-be!
Do you happen to post under the name “cman” as well?
One does not need a medical degree, or ANY degree, or have spend four or more years in an institution of higher propaganda, to recognize politicized propaganda and BS. And the medical and political establishment’s entire fearmongering Covidian campaign of misinformation and lies was exactly that — politicized BS, with the goal of furthering a global control agenda.
Next ‘pandemic’, try using some critical thinking and some independent judgement, if you can.
You really hate don’t you?
Yes, Greg, I do.
I hate dishonesty, tyranny, abuse of authority, cowardice and conformity. ALL of which played key roles in the Covidian psychosis and fiasco.
“Hatred corrodes the vessel that contains it”.
I don’t need to be a biologist to know what a woman is, and I don’t need to be a medical doctor to know that, for most people, Covid was nothing more than a bad cold. Face it, the government lied and Anne Zink at best believed the lies (long after it was apparent that they were lies) and, at worst, was in on it.
What about all those that died? Ignoring the narrative?
Those that died in the hospitals died as a result of the treatment protocol that the hospitals used as a result of orders from the CDC. The protocol almost guaranteed a negative outcome. Those that survived it did so in spite of the protocol not because of it. Had an early treatment protocol been used 85% of those infected would have survived, but, that didn’t fit the CDC narrative. Do some research on Remdesivir. You’ll find that it was a re-purposed drug that was used on Ebola patients. It was discontinued because it killed 54% of the patients it was administered to because it destroyed the renal system. The same thing happened to those infected with Covid. The massive amounts of blood thinners that were given to Covid patients also caused massive internal bleeding, and the long term effects of high flow oxygen destroys the lungs.
Cares Act money was doled out in massive quantities to the hospitals that followed the CDC protocol for treatment. Essentially is was murder for hire.
What was the real cause of death Greg? Not the one listed because the hospital (and the State) got handouts from the Feds, but the real reason?
The guidance from the state was (paraphrasing here), “It does not matter if the life was shortened by 15 years or 15 minutes. If you think it was COVID, it was COVID.”
Tell me Greg. If COVID shortened someone’s life by 15 minutes, do you really think this virus was the problem?
Plenty of evidence out there that those who died from COVID were likely to have died anyway. Six co-morbidities? And, you think COVID is what killed them?
I am sure you are aware that early guidance required a patient to be at death’s door before the Dr. was allowed to provide breathing assistance. Unless the Dr. could justify intubating the patient, they were not allowed to provide oxygen, or positive pressure air flow. (Similar to a CPAP machine)
And, what about all the people who die every year from the seasonal flu? Do you even know how many people die from that?
You know Greg, this is such a ridiculous argument on its face. It asserts that if ALL measured were followed not a single person would have died. That’s ludicrous and laughable. As with any illness you will have individuals, who do not have the ability to fight off the disease, mostly due to either genetic or preexisting conditions. A certain number of deaths has to be expected, especially with an unknown viral entity.
It became clear early on that the older you are and the more other problems you have, the more vulnerable you were. Sadly most recommendation really did very little to mitigate exposure or illness, as they were not really based on any science, but manipulation.
In my opinion Anne Zink’s suppression of alternative treatment options by threatening pharmacist with license suspension, if they dispensed a properly written prescription for alternative meds, borders on an abuse of power.
I know of individuals, who were vaxxed & boosted, masked and distanced even in their own home and still had the disease more than once.
Greg, What about the Mass Phychosis that leveled you and about 1/3 of the population? What about the sharp increase in depression caused by the lock downs? What about the destruction of our society and our economic foundations? What about the attack upon our freedoms caused by the use of emergency powers? What about the sharp increase in deaths as reported by Insurance statistics in the aftermath of the Jab? (yes Greg and an increase of Cancer…)
What about the fact that Big Pharma knew that their jab was useless, had deadly side effects and would as predicted increase the rate of infection? What about the damage to the reputation of the medical community?
Seems that you swallowed their narrative hook line and sinker Greg.
You are incorrect!
O doctor, tell me how we benefitted from watching relatives die in the hospital over a zoom call or were forced out of our jobs for not getting an experimental “vaccine”, or how great it was that we lost over 200 businesses?
How did she do that?
And, I do not have to be a medical doctor to know that surgical masks, or homemade ones were meaningless. I do not have to be a medical researcher to know that six foot distances between people was a random number pulled out of someone’s… imagination.
I communicated with Dr. Zink several times during the panicdemic, and her justification for lockdowns, restrictions, masking, were all straight from the CDC. Not a moment’s consideration, if the CDC said it, it was her recommendation. I do not need to be a Dr. to know that is lazy work.
If we’ve learned nothing else from the last three years, we have, or in your case, should have learned from simple observance, that “experts” were bullied, coopted, or partisan apparatchiks against all hunanity, benevolence, oath and responsibility causing death, suffering and extraordinary costs to many and all.
Save the pious gaslighting.
So many things to say, but few positive.
Is she headed to big Pharma, or getting out ahead of the next regime?
Another government bureaucrat leader leaves government on tract toward bankruptcy. Being a medical employee she will want to get her medical community employees off of government handouts in the forms of IHS, Medicaid, Medicare, VA healthcare, Medicare. When the federal government implodes who’s going to pay for the medical employees salaries and benefits. People need to start making sacrifices paying for their own medical, dental and eye coverage, and emergency care even when they are using IHS, Denali Medicaid. My workplace who wanted a full dental plan could only get the half plan because of not enough employees choosing the private dental because they are using IHS and Medicaid. I’m like one day that’s going to be gone, then what will they do for medical care!?
This is another PR campaign that the State leaders should start weening the people toward wanting financial independence, so when that dreadful day comes there no federal money, there are more Alaskans who developed the discipline earlier to be more independent before that day of doom and chaos.
Jen if our government would pay our Statutory Full PFD everyone could afford that insurance without government AID !
Ed, try again using accurate math
The mandates she pushed on us were based on nothing. Perfect example of the incompetent and feckless leadership of Dunleavy, who turned a 60/40 red state into a 50/50 purple state as a sort of reverse-Desantis.
Her legacy is shuttered mom and pop businesses and steep declines in vaccination rates caused by a collapse in public trust.
What mandates did she push?
All of them – masking, social distancing, lockdowns, vax, trashing therapeutics, etc. You name it, as long as Fauci / CDC said it, she supported it. Cheers –
She used her position to push those mandates on the state? Can you provide anything to support that claim? I was never mandated to mask, social distance, lockdown, or get vaccinated for covid from the state, nobody I know was either.
I remember a few businesses and a few first class cities mandating various things, can you provide any links to support all these state sponsored mandates you claim she pushed through?
Then you and everyone you know never worked for an industry regulated by the Feds (airline, trucking) military, public health, etc. I guess you actually don’t know anyone.
Brett, it is amusing, and pathetic, and illuminating, how Steve-O dances around the issues surrounding the establishment’s agenda and lies when it comes to the whole Covidian fiasco. He refuses, NOW, to either demonstrate his previously rabid defense of the Covidian control agenda, and especially his heated defenses of the unsafe, experimental and ineffective mRNA clot shots, nor will he even acknowledge his defenses of those matters.
His attempts to weasel out of his former positions (which are almost certainly his current positions as well), and his desperate attempts to obfuscate and divert ANY mention of those stances that he took, are very, very telling, and very damning.
Whay authority do/did Governor Dunleavy or Doctor Anne Zink have over the Federal Government?
Here you go Steve”O” This is just a bit of Zink’s & Dunleavy’s evil deeds!
Issued: March 27, 2020
By: Governor Mike Dunleavy
Commissioner Adam Crum, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Dr. Anne Zink, Chief Medical Officer, State of Alaska
To prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the State of Alaska is issuing its twelfth health mandate based on its authority under the Public Health Disaster Emergency Declaration signed by Governor Mike Dunleavy on March 11, 2020.
Given the increasing concern for new cases of COVID-19 being transmitted via community spread within the state, Governor Dunleavy and the State of Alaska are issuing the following mandate to go into effect March 28, 2020 at 8:00 am and will be reevaluated by April 11, 2020.
This mandate is issued to protect the public health of Alaskans. The Governor looks to establish consistent mandates across the State in order to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. The goal is to flatten the curve and disrupt the spread of the virus.
The purpose of this mandate is to control the movement of individuals within Alaska in order to prevent, slow, and otherwise disrupt the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.
The State of Alaska and the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) acknowledge the importance of minimizing intrastate travel to avoid introducing new COVID-19 cases into Alaska communities and slow the spread of the virus in state. It is imperative that Alaskans heed these guidelines.
Critical infrastructure is vital to keeping Alaska safe, and as a result businesses and employees of critical infrastructure industries must, to the extent reasonably feasible, take reasonable care to protect their staff and operations during this pandemic. If your business is included in “Alaska’s Essential Services and Critical Infrastructure” (formerly Attachment A), you must submit a travel plan or protocol for maintaining critical infrastructure to ‘[email protected]. The plan should outline how you will avoid the spread of COVID-19 and not endanger the lives of the communities in which you operate, of others who serve as a part of that infrastructure, or the ability of that critical infrastructure to function. If you have already submitted a plan pursuant to Health Mandate 10.1 related to interstate travel, you do not need to submit another plan.
Critical infrastructure includes those items listed in “Alaska’s Essential Services and Critical Infrastructure” (formerly Attachment A) ‘https://gov.alaska.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/03232020-COVID-19-Health-Mandate-010-Attachment-A.pdf
Health Mandate 012 – Intrastate Travel – Limiting travel between communities to critical infrastructure or critical personal needs.
Effective 8:00 am March 28, 2020
All in-state travel between communities, whether resident, worker, or visitor, is prohibited unless travel is to support critical infrastructure, or for critical personal needs. Certain Small Alaskan communities may implement further travel restriction pursuant to “Alaska Small Community Emergency Travel Order – Attachment B.”
Personal travel is prohibited except as necessary to meet critical personal needs or work in critical infrastructure jobs. Critical personal needs include buying, selling, or delivering groceries and home goods; obtaining fuel for vehicles or residential needs; transporting family members for out-of-home care, essential health needs, or for purposes of child custody exchanges; receiving essential health care; providing essential health care to a family member; obtaining other important goods; and engaging in subsistence activities. Travelers are reminded to follow social distancing measures, including, to the extent reasonably feasible, keeping six feet away from others, avoiding crowded places, and limiting public gatherings to less than ten people. Read the “Mandate 11 and 12 FAQ’s” for more details.
No one traveling to or from any community for critical reasons or critical personal travel may be subject to any automatic quarantine or isolation on arrival except as allowed under Alaska Statutes or Health Mandates.
Air carriers and other travel-related businesses have no duty to verify that intrastate travelers meet the criteria for permissible travel under this heath mandate. Air carriers shall inquire if travelers are permitted to travel under this mandate and shall rely upon a traveler’s assurance that they are eligible to travel.
***This Mandate supersedes any local government or tribal mandate, directive, or order restricting intrastate travel ***
Good job, you alone have provided more actual information than any of those mindless sheep here repeating the same tired line of nonsense without so much as questioning a single thing…you should be commended for that as it is a step in the right direction.
Did you happen to read the mandate about travel you posted and what it actually mandated and when it mandated it? No mask mandate, no social distancing mandate, no lockdown mandate, no vaccine mandate…just an honor system for traveling in state to help slow the spread of a novel disease we knew little about from April 28through March 11 2020.
Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of you. The Big Lie is “no one mandated anything”. We all just voluntarily did as told. Right? Try harder.
I was just in the hospital and all staff were masked. I guess they were all felons trying to hide from the facial recognition software.
What does your anecdote have to do with anything?
Still trying to disingenuously and implicitly support the entire Covidian agenda under cover of feigned ignorance, eh Steve?
Still don’t have any proof huh, just empty rhetoric as usual? One day you will get over your long covid, it will be good for you to see what’s directly infront of you through unclouded eyes. I wish you the best in your recovery.
Still hating I see.
Jefferson. You sure have a “thing” for Steve o. Jealous are you? Maybe you are intimidated by his even and meaningful comments. Maybe you wish YOU could make a point without arrogance and insults and hatred.
Caleb, it is interesting to observe how uniformly one establishment quisling and conformist will defend another. You pod creatures sure do back up one another!
But thanks again for adding literally nothing meaningful or intelligent to the conversation.
One can always count on a radical leftist extremist, such as you, to never fail in that regard.
She has no immunity for acting outside the US Constitution. You may want to ask her that. How many hours of US Constitution studies does she in fact have while on the public trust fund stipend. DID SHE EXECUTE AN OATH TO SECURE AND DEFEND THE US CONSTITUTION PRIOR TO HER PAY SPIGOT GETTING TURNED TO ON?
I agree 100%
So now, Jay you are an expert in the medical community. Dunleavy nor the state pushed mandates on anyone. Get you facts straight. Many government officials were terrified of this virus. Misinformation was everywhere.
Advice is totally different from Mandate…. “Dunleavy nor the state pushed MANDATES on anyone. What a kind of leader would make a Mandate then not enforce it? Not one that leads with conviction under Oath. Judy how many times do you let your children ignore your demands? Would that make you a good Mom? “Many government officials were terrified of this virus.” So be it ,that doesn’t give them the right under our constitution, to TERRIFY the rest of us. Is that how you teach your children? Yes , Judy “Misinformation was everywhere.” including your information!
I would like to believe that you did the best you could with the knowledge and instruction you had at the time of covid and for that I forgive you.
Really? She’s supposed to know a lot more than the rest of us, but many of us knew better than she! Couple that with her association with eugenics and hero worship of Fauci and she deserves nothing but condemnation from any rational person. I wouldn’t trust her to put a bandage on me. Oh, and Dunleavey is complicit in her malfeasance.
You poor thing Peterson.
So we were afflicted by a virus that luckily was not worse than it was. Being imperfect Humans, we struggled with how to deal with and defeat it. Ultimately, people’s approaches were mostly defined by their predispositions and politics. With fewer precautions and vaccinations, certainly more would have perished. With more constraints, the economic damage would certainly have been greater.
What else can really be said?
In the end, let’s just say that we did the best we could, in accordance with our own individual judgements. However divided we were, we stand united in the hope that another more serious pandemic never arrives.
Sounds like you were duped and took the experimental gene therapy.
Shame on you.
Don’t moralize to the rest of us about how we should forgive those that willingly and gleefully imposed the greatest psyops on the world – and in the process killed millions of people and irrevocably injured tens of millions.
Right on.
Practice what you preach finger wagger.
No I did not take any of the vaccine! What I did was make a comment on must read alaska and now I’m reading all of the personal attacks by folks like yourself for simply giving my opinion. You are a perfect example of what is wrong with our country. You can’t say anything without being personally attacked. You all sound like a bunch of bullies. I lost my father my neighbor and allot of friends to the vaccine! My comment only reflects my choice to forgive her so that I’m not a mean angry person. I forgive not for her sake but for mine. I forgive you too
Brother Ak Pure Blood, right along with you!
No, we did not do the best that we could! We allowed a few arrogant narcissistic egomaniacs to dictate, and force upon the public the most profitable option to big healthcare industry. Some of us lost jobs, which we are still denied to reapply. ‘Follow the science’ only when the science always follows the profits! Too many needlessly suffered and too many continue to die. In another time there would have been Nuremburg style trials and punishments. First do no harm was the first victim of pharma dollars. ‘Died suddenly’ is now a significant cause of death in under 50. Hmm. Another pandemic will surely come, probably on the hundred-year cycle. Hopefully leadership will be more competent and less self serving.
AK. Which med school did you graduate from?
“in accordance with our own individual judgements” AMEN ! Unfortunately it didn’t happen that way, were you asleep during the PLANDEMIC or hiding in the basement with Joey?
If only she possessed your level of medical knowledge, right?
C meme did you hide out with Joey & Hans reading up on COVID?
At least he didn’t play chicken little and say take a vitamin and walk a mile a day. You’ll be fine.
Lori sounds like you were duped and took the experimental gene therapy.
Are we to believe the minions of state have pure hearts and do the best they can?
Is that what you said about Mao’s henchmen, the Soviet jackboots, the Nazi werewolves, Pol Pots culture watchers, Castro’s enlightened ones
Stop being so naive, please.
I am not naive in the least. I just know the Governor. He remembered what the Spanish flu did to many in rural villages. To compare him as a Mao’s hetman or Nazi werewolves is really over the top and makes you not credible at tall.
That never happened. If it occurred past 9 this morning, they easily forget it.
> you did the best you could with the knowledge and instruction you had at the time
This is BS. Many were speaking out (or trying to) at the time for alternative therapies, questioning govt/pharma data, and pushing back on masking and lock downs. Many of these people were censored, marginalization or punished.
Micah. Poor thing. Here’s a Kleenex
Good for you I don’t!
I’m willing to forgive the FIRST “2 weeks to slow the spread”. While I am convinced those at the very top knew it was a scam from the beginning, I can believe that not all of the “underlings” (governors, state health secretaries, mayors, etc.) were in on it; they were initially duped by the Fauci/WHO narrative and either believed it or were afraid of looking bad in an election year. However, after the first 2-3 weeks it should have been apparent that they were wrong and they should have admitted as much and let us be free. I will NEVER forgive the following 2+ years of rolling shutdowns, mask mandates, “vaccine” mandates (threatened and actual), etc.
Millions dead from it and the fool still don’t get it. Lol.
That is a blatant lie, Greg. But you are too ignorant, and too much of a pro-authority conformist and bootlicker, to realize it.
Even by the CDC’s own (hushed-up) numbers, less than 6% of those who are declared to have died FROM the Wuhan Virus actually died directly from it — all the other 94% died WITH it. And even that is based on the grossly erroneous numbers generated by the grossly misapplied PCR method, NOT “test”, that was used to ‘determine’ the presence of the virus in the patient, and which certainly led to a hugely inflated number of false positives.
Face it, Greg: you were hoodwinked by the fearmongering from the corporate regime media and the power establishment, and all we had in 2020 and 2021 was a bad flu season.
Millions dead WITH it.
Not because of it.
When it became common practice to test every person who died for the virus, regardless of the cause of death, the numbers shot up. And, why did they do that? Money. Feds were tossing money at everything COVID, and the hospitals wanted their share.
When you remove other reasonable factors, the number dead because of this virus (no other major life shortening morbidities) millions did not die from the disease.
And keeping on going Frau Zink! Right out out of this state! And take your genocidal agenda with you.
If you rolled into her ER in bad shape she’d do all she could to save you, and you’d probably still be ungrateful. Some people are born to help others, while others are apparently born to denigrate…
And then there’s you…
Time for another booster, Hans?
No, six or eight more! The more the better!
Those blood clots, turbo cancers and myocarditis are not going to pop up without mRNA help!
You are amazing. I thought your kind died off millenia ago.
And your kind need to die off now, Greg, for the good of humanity.
But really, in your blind and ignorant refusal to think for yourself and to exercise any modicum of independent judgement, you are not really even fully human.
Naw. She’d do what Providence did – put you on a ventilator, deny you therapeutics, and make sure you were completely isolated from family and loved ones. Cheers =
Hans. Please get your booster! She is one I would never let touch me!
She helped no one by pushing the narrative on COVID. Although, speaking out against the narrative would have cost her career.
Bye, good riddance. Any modern doctor is nothing more than a pill pusher for big pharma. They have no actual experience and waive their hypocritic oath for the all mighty dollar. Ask AL Gross
If I rolled into her ER and she saved my life, I would be very grateful.
However, a trauma doctor and a contagious disease doctor are two very different specializations.
Would you use a tax attorney to defend yourself against criminal charges? Even if that tax attorney saved you hundreds of thousands of dollars? I doubt it. Instead you would be grateful for what that attorney did, and look to a different attorney when needed.
Love the FIRE & Brimstone !
As a healthcare provider I interacted often with her early in the ‘pandemic,’ quickly discovering her to be an inflexible bureaucrat worshipping at the satanic altar of Fauci. How much damage did we in the healthcare industry do, and how many lives were needlessly lost, and continue to be lost, by allowing the healthcare industrial complex to dictate profitability over best practices? Sadly, she will likely be replaced by another big industry drone.
If the Standard of Care dictates a specific approach, who has the nuts to deviate without knowing they’re risking everything? But yeah… the healthcare industrial complex is a booger. When’s the last time a clinic of merit didn’t have lunch provided every day for the entire staff?
No inappropriate influence there. Ever ponder where that lunch money came from?
Dinners, too. Entertainment, too. Travel, too.
There is the standard of care. So how does it apply to untested, unproven experimental vaccines and medications? Antibody infusion (first used on patients in 1901) cut the death rate in half during the Spanish Flu 100 years ago. They are proven. So why did FDA withdraw approval in lieu of expensive, experimental, toxic Paxlovid now? We had great success with monoclonal antibodies, almost miraculous recoveries. Then one day the FDA said no more, as soon as they gave Pfizer drug the green light. And Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are shown in study after study (those not Pfizer sponsored) to be effective to both treat and prevent COVID. But they don’t generate big $$$$ for the healthcare industrial complex. Some of us lost jobs over it. Some of us still have principles. Some of us still care about the well-being of people over profits.
That pretty much sums it up. Despicable. Thank you for your courage and to your courageous colleagues.
That is a BS story and you should check your sources. The Spanish flu, like most viruses, went throught the entire population until herd immunity was attained. There was no readily available vaccines in 1920 for any virus. Vaccines were not widely available until the late 40s-early 50s. These isolated incidence of progress on the road to innoculating humans against viruses in the 1700s up until the early 1900s in now way made the treatment widely available. And the attempts made to develop a vaccine against the Spanish Flu was no more successful than the farce being perpetrated on the people today regarding Covid.
There was no proof of a virus!!!!
This is not about a vaccine, it is about using antibody infusion to treat illness. This was first used in 1901 and widely used during The Spanish Flu (which hit my family hard). Below is just one link about it, if Susan allows.
We used monoclonal antibody infusions on people with severe COVID (most of whom were vaccinated) and saw excellent symptom relief. Not immunity, symptom relief to give the body a chance to build immunity. I highly recommend the book The Great Influenza by John Barry for thorough education on viral illness and specifically on that epidemic. And best immunity came from prior illness, not the fake shot.
Until COVID rolled around, doctors were routinely prescribing HCQ and ivermectin off label, and no one cared. As soon as it was discovered that patients got relief, and were better able to beat the disease, those “off-label” prescriptions were suddenly verboten. Why?
A drug that has been around for decades, the side effects and contraindications were well known, and it was cheap. Worst thing that happened would be the patient did not get as good of results as they were hoping.
And, all of it was perfectly allowable under standards of care prior to this virus.
And, it was equally weird that Drs. were not allowed to provide breathing assistance to COVID patients until they required intubation. No positive pressure masks, no oxygen. Let the patient suffer until they cannot breathe at all. Until COVID, no doctor would see that as outside the standards of care before COVID.
I have lost trust in the medical field in general. That doesn’t mean all health care professionals are bad, just that they have to prove to me that they can be trusted. I have worked in the medical field not as a doctor or nurse, but I did go to nursing school, and I do have a functioning brain. I never trusted the vax and felt so bad for the people who trusted the “science” particularly the older folks which I am a member. I can only hope someone who cares about real people will take her place.
So real, say it again AK !!
How many Died suddenly deaths is she responsible for? Never forget our “leaders” in Alaska capitulate to what is essentially a UN death cult.
No……how many did she save?
Good question, Greg.
How many?
Please provide the “this led to that” justification for your answer. If you cannot point to any action on the part of Dr. Zink that actually saved a life, then your answer must be zero.
When I think Zink. I can’t help but think about those poor souls that were allowed to perish at Alaskan largest hospital. Patient showing up with Dr. prescribed medicines and not allowed to take it.
That was & still criminal!
Mjd. Horse paste isn’t effective against the Covid virus. It just isn’t.
She told us to wear masks while engaging in outdoor activities. They still haven’t stopped running all those vaccine PSAs.
No she didnt.
Two years too late. Good riddance.
With you, Brother Alaskan !
Anne Zink’s maternal grandfather, “Al Bartlett, was a University of Colorado Boulder physics professor and a nationally recognized speaker on exponential growth and humans’ inability to comprehend it — a lesson not lost on Zink as she navigates the COVID-19 pandemic. “I think about him all the time,” she said. “Particularly in this world of trying to understand exponential growth, and trying to keep our state from getting into a place of exponential growth.” From the website Limits to Growth, a student remarked on Bartlett – “His timeless, internationally revered lecture on the impacts of world population growth+ will live beyond his passing, a distinction few professors can claim,” DiStefano said in the release. Also from the website – “In his decades as a Boulder resident, Bartlett worked to preserve open space and initiated the “Blue Line” charter amendment that restricted growth in the city’s foothills by limiting the elevation to which municipal water could be delivered.” Anne Zink was given full reign in our state as shown in the long list of draconian health mandates including the closure of schools, mandates to “control the moment of individuals” and dictating certain businesses be considered “non-essential” and therefore closed for business, many of them were subsequently shuttered permanently. Our largest population center was completely brutalized by municipal mandates, many of which followed the recommendation of Zink. Governor Dunleavy was insistent these mandates originate from local governments and took no stand to defend individual freedoms. Dasvidaniya, Zink.
Well, if dasvidaniya means means “until the next meeting,” then I hope that the next “meeting” is the crimes against humanity trial where she is sitting in the hot seat knowing that her end has come.
Kassie you couldn’t of said it better!
Denver we’re all the vampires hide in MK Altra secret underground bases and have satanic rituals all paid for by our military!
Child trafficking tunnels were they are extremely violated and brainwashed!
Thank you Kassie for your comment. You are exactly right. I was going to link that but remembered we can’t on here. Lets not forget Zink had her family on long road trips out of AK during the scamdemic. Zink also said in an interview, that if you came into her ER with covid and you didn’t get the poison jab that there was nothing she could really do for you. Zink is a murderous sociopath and needs to be jailed.
“Governor Dunleavy was insistent these mandates originate from local governments and took no stand to defend individual freedoms.”
Governor Dunleavy understands the role of government and that he had no authority to mandate anything and likewise had no authority to deny the authority of local government who hold that power (which SCOTUS has held time and time again have that power during public health crisis). Standing for individual liberty means standing for the rule of law, Governor Dunleavy did this admirably so. The extremists on the fringes who do not understand basic constitutional rights and responsibilities are the only ones upset with a Governor acting within the lawful bounds of his office.
You are still trying, in your most weasel-like fashion, to stand up for and support the entire tyrannical Covidian agenda and fiasco, Steve. And unapologetically so.
It is truly amazing that after ALL the evidence disproving the entire official Covidian tyranny has come to light, from innumerable sources, you still defend the indefensible.
Quislings like you I will never, ever understand.
So you still have nothing to support the beliefs that were given to you to repeat ad nausuem? You can’t even discuss the issue at hand, just same old Jeff repeating the same tired nonsense and never once even trying to inform yourself about what is it again you are lashing out about…tyrannical, quisling, authoritarian, weasels? But you can’t be bothered to tell us which mandates you claim Governor Dunleavy or Dr. Zink enforced upon you?
Good luck with the long covid that you so clearly suffer from.
You missed the point of my comment. Anne Zink was appointed by and served at the will of the governor. Her policies, recommendations, guidelines, etc are therefore a direct reflection of him. Hindsight is 20/20, however the question will always remain – How would we have fared had the governor not appointed a Malthusian?
So are you admitting that Governor Dunleavy and Dr. Zink didn’t force any mandates upon the people of Anchorage but your local elected representatives and their appointees did. Facts matter, rhetoric is cheap.
The local elected (and unelected) officials who made policy under the recommendations of the Malthusian appointee?
Zink and Elizabeth Ripley met with CDC to figure out how to get the vaccine-hesitant people to take the jabs. Maybe it was not “forcing,” but if I remember correctly Ripley wanted everyone to be forced to take the jabs. Through their “strong” influence, a lot of people took the jabs and are now passed on, suffering injuries or will be suffering injuries and cancer. Fact.
We have no need for this position. At all.
“Doctor”? Anne, don’t let the door knob…well, you know the rest. Thanks for nothing!
Vilified for simply doing her job. Very sad but not surprising.
Justly vilified for promoting Covidian fearmongering and anti-scientific tyranny.
Zink deserves to rot in jail for the rest of her life. At best.
Cman, you never seem to miss an opportunity to lick your master’s boots and to kneel to corrupt authority and tyranny.
You’ve gotten yourself all lathered up with brotherly love, Jefferson! Trump himself was taken by his own medical brilliance and mused about injecting light and disinfectant directly into the human body to fight COVID-19. I too began to wonder at the time if we might be able inject a little enlightenment directly into Trump’s mind or encapsulate it so that he could to pop it on demand as a nice booster to make him shimmer! Remember, the satanic Fauci worked for Trump!
Dr. Zink is to be commended for her work. A fat man that I once knew had gotten into the habit of mocking her. But then he caught COVID-19 and died within days of being smitten–poof! It’s not that gross ignorance and stupidity have been eradicated: why they are as pervasive as venial sin and arguably damning!
Jefferson, this aside, thankfully we’ve both been able to dodge the grim reaper’s scythe. But as age creeps on up on me, I know that I wont be as nimble on my feet as I’ve been in the past.
You are completely correct, LRH, that Trump shares his portion of blame for the entire Covidian tyranny and fiasco, even if he did not much himself engage in the highly dishonest and unscientific fearmongering of Fauci, Birx et al. that promoted that purely fear-based psychosis and tyranny.
Back at you.
And you never miss a chance to show your absolute scientific ignorance. Well done.
Regret getting the experimental gene therapy Cman?
Feel duped, taken advantage of?
Lose any respect for the medical profession?
Questioning the intent of government?
Not at all. I got it and experienced zero side-effects, just like 99% of all who got the vaccine. Thanks for asking though.
Me too.
Commie Man, vilified for doing her job?
Poor woman, she just like another physician named Josef Mengele was only following orders. Zink was lockstep with Collins, Fauci and Pfizer not unlike that servant of the Third Reich Dr. Mengle, who also was only doing his job.
Pity that the” only doing my job ” defense failed so many well meaning adherents at Nuremberg.
Really? Comparing Zink to Mengele? The fact that you couldn’t even be bothered to spell his name correctly for your entire retort is a proxy for the validity of your argument, as is your resorting to name-calling. Try reading a book every now and then,. It can help with the tricky ABC’s and with knowledge of reality.
Cman, I hope you don’t create more of your kind in Alaska! Join her wherever she moves to , preferably south of our State border. Maybe they need her in some location the Illegals are coming across the mexican/ american border!
She followed the narrative without question, not one question. She’s a political hack.
Just like Mayor Bronson, and President Trump.
Makes me wonder how many needles deaths happened under Her regime using CDC Fauci murdering procedures, Thank God she is leaving!!
In memory of Paul Kendall and many others. Good riddance.
Business permanently shuttered, elders dying alone and afraid, children two years behind on development scholastically and socially, millions of dollars wasted, people like having to sue to get care only to go out the back door of hospitals in a bag.
The horror can’t, nor should, be forgotten.
To see her get rewarded with a national position where she can further failed policies for covid fascism is grievous insult added to injury.
Wonderful timing. Our moderate liberal governor kept her around to control the population during the plandemic, then removed her when the plandemic “ended.”
You got it with a state retirement check!
Moderately liberal? NFW
My issue with her isn’t being wrong initially. It’s with her insistence on maintaining as more and more evidence came out the “initial wisdom”
was wrong.
But she did a Fauci.
Yes, yes and yes again. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. We will not miss you.
Anne Zink…medical bureaucrat who toed the party line without consideration to common sense to the great expense of Alaskans who made the mistake of trusting her. Now she’ll likely move on and up in her career with her Dunleavy letter of recommendation for a job well done clenched in her hand. Hopefully we can replace her with less of a groupthink order taking team player who just wants to go along to get along. We need independent thinkers in government.
Yes JP who have read & understand our Constitution with regard to individual LIBERTY!
Hmmm. We were told to keep track of all of the people resigning or quitting or dying. Another one.
I was rolled into ER from big pharma poisoning and she did help keep me alive until I got to Providence.
Glad to hear it.
However, that does not mean she is qualified for a position that makes (and enforces) sweeping statewide policy.
What was her job? To steal, kill, destroy and Annihilate the truth out of science? Bye Felicia!
The RINO Governor’s affection for the Eugenics Witch Doctor will continue even after she moves on.
> Anne Zink… is resigning this year.
Wonderful news. Replace her with someone who is not a tyrannical zealot.
She’s moved to Mat Su Regional in Palmer to corrupt the valley now. Buckle up.
V, she has been at Mat-Su Regional as the Chief Medical Officer and the head of the Emergency department since before the plandemic happened.
“Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO’s New Board President and Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer, looks at the year ahead and the work she hopes to continue; Mike Fraser, ASTHO CEO, discusses the White House request for emergency monkeypox funding; and you’re…”
Anther one escapes back to Seattle!
Or to Davos Switzerland?
WHO knows?
Her leaving couldn’t be any sooner. Don’t let the screen door hit you in the ASS! What a disaster she was! Dunleavy will never live this hire down!
She hopes to be part of elevating health corruption above American civil liberties to extinguish the US Constitution. I’ve got news for you ma’am it ain’t happening. You never get to chase the ninnies border to border as is your current fervent misplaced dream. No place from Geneva to Argentina nor any places will tolerate this ever again on the earth. Data? More like a corrupt cancer. Garbage in ? you know the rest.
I suppose the loyal to the US Constitution military have ALL per the interpersonal, agent to agent communications to look at for however long it takes. The trouble with arrogance it blinds one. They were difficult days.
Guess everyone would have felt better if she had fought the Feds and lost her job like so many others that spoke out. Many doctors lost their livelihood and licenses as you recall. It would be interesting to know how she personally felt, but during the pandemic, if you didn’t follow the rules, your life would become hell. Most of the population believed the government was doing the right thing. Maybe not much in this state of independent thinkers. What is sad is that in the aftermath, with the facts coming out, most people still believe that the actions were justified. Look at how many people are still in masks.
She opposed proven therapies, and persecuted the good doctors who prescribed them. With her it was the Covid jab or nothing.
To Hell with your job! Who wants to work with witches and vampires?
Walk away
Say No satanic agendas
Those with other health issues had to wait. I know a lady who died of escalated heart problems who they wouldn’t treat as they would have treated urgently absent the “Covid-19 hospital protocols”. Thanks again. :*(
For what you did to Alaska, her people, to the credibility of every public health official in the name of China flu hysteria,
… may you, (former) Peoples Chief Medical Officer Zink live forever, haunted by the faces of people who died, who were ruined physically and financially, who’ll suffer from vaccine-induced adverse events for the rest of their lives, all because of your China flu “policies”.
Under her guidance new great doctors in other states could not get licenses to practice in Alaska. A closed shop for some secret reason. Lots of ways to harm the population if so motivated. I’d be fine with never filling it again.
Downing knows her poorly educated and superstitious audience.
And WE know unquestioning and spineless conformists and quislings when we see them, as we do in you, paolo.
You spend your Sundays trolling conservative news sites, paola?? I thought you had a street corner to stroll.
there is no immunity of any public servants acting outside his delegated authority or for breaking the US Constitution. Ignorance by public servants receiving a stipend from the public trust funds of the US Constitution is no excuse. They have no immunity or authority to act outside of US Constitution express authority.
We have the right to be secure in our persons and our conscience. everyone has his own conscience. everyone’s conscience is in formed by his (religious) beliefs. Some religious believes are trainings to abstain from taking particular substances into our bodies. Big pharma has not been forthcoming about what exact ingredients were in the injections. Early and not disprovable sources said the prototype contained fetal tissues. some religious thoughts would have made it impossible to take that intervention in clear conscience. no one may substitute his own conscience for someone else’s. The mandates such as the concern in the military accountability act would respect individual conscience so when the UN wants to remove more western human life they will be precluded by the US Constitutional right of freedom of conscience or religion. Here is an international “treaty” which is right now being slid through preliminary acceptance which elevate Tedrose of the WHO health organizations statements above the US Constitution. The Congress has already approved it. they know what they are doing. It is a period of time to give comment to the world Health Organization for”amendments or it is set in stone. That health woman knows this. What has she said about it? only great Britain can amend this health treaty and they don’t feel like it at this time. the medical specialists are horrified that Great Britain has already purchased over 200,000 injections to further inject their population so they aren’t evidently going to amend this takeover health treaty. She probably thinks she’ll elevate within that eugenic plan. I certainly hope the course of history changes because these items are ruining our DNA strands and at this rate no one will be on the earth without God’s intervention.
The data on how dangerous and deadly these fake vaccines are has been reported for 2 years ! You can go to https://dailyclout.io/ and read the Reports on these disastrous results of this bio weapon released on us by the CCP. It is Zinc and Dunleavy’s responsibility to protect Alaskans! They are either corrupt or too stupid to hold the positions that they do. All Alaskans should be furious1
I’m surprised she lasted this long. Remember when she was publicly telling Alaskans it would be best not to travel during the pandemic, only to find out her husband thought it was a great idea to take the kids on an extended West Coast surfing adventure in a van? Perfect example of “rules for thee, but not for me”! She should have been fired then. Good riddance.
I remember her being interviewed on an Anchorage AM station and stating unequivocally that children should be vaxed to prevent them from contracting or spreading Covid to their elderly family members. I called in and tried to call her on that statement but they cut me off and said on-air that “the caller was confused”. My tray is dead. She’s a political shill and nothing more.
This article is particularly relavent. Well worth. The read as we wait for the next dictates:
Chief Scaredy Cat. She never moved off of anything Fauci espoused.
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