Chief Justin Doll leaving APD


Chief Justin Doll is leaving the Anchorage Police Department. Deputy Chief of Police Ken McCoy will serve as acting police chief until the new mayor, either Forrest Dunbar or Dave Bronson, appoints leadership at the department.

Doll will take leave on Friday and will return June 30 in order to retire, Must Read Alaska has learned. The new mayor is sworn in on July 1.

Doll has been with the department for 27 years. He was recently a finalist for the police chief of San Jose, Calif., but was not chosen. He is considered highly competent and is respected in the field. He is also well liked and has been someone who has navigated the political minefield of city government and union politics.

McCoy will start as acting police chief on April 26.

McCoy has also been with the department for nearly three decades, and has been deputy chief for four years. He is a graduate of Bartlett High School and has a bachelor’s degree in justice from the University of Alaska Anchorage, and a criminal justice certificate from the University of Virginia. He graduated from the FBI National Academy and the FBI National Executive Institute.


  1. I’m thinking he will be a significant loss at a critical time!! Perhaps our new mayor can convince him to stay for a few more years. The blue line desperately needs quality leadership in these tenuous times !!

  2. I beg to differ. This man might have been the stupidest public figure in the state of Alaska. I can’t remember how many laughable quotes I would read in the Alaska Daily News from him. After a double homicide in Valley of the Moon Park he suggested that the number one safety precaution was for pedestrians to “walk in pairs”. After another profound crime he mentioned that the APD “Discourages citizens from committing crime.” I was kind of hoping he would go out and arrest those who committed crime instead of just discouraging it. Under his leadership Anchorage has experienced a crime wave. Anchorage was often a national example of a safe midsize city with high gun ownership. Not any more. Good riddance!!!! He was a complete moron. Just about anyone else could do better.

  3. First, the police union doesn’t endorse either runoff mayoral candidate. Now, Doll drags-up before either one is going to be sworn in. Methinks the chief sees the writing on the wall……

  4. You all know… That Crime Does Pay!!!
    It pays very well, it just depends what form it’s in and what side your on.
    Are not politicians criminals? Without druggies and thieves the judicial system wouldnt be so busy. Or is it murders and rapes that keep those jails at full capacity?
    Perhaps the profits from all the drug dealers that pour into stores and car lots as those entrepreneurs spend there hard earned cash. Yes crime does pay, at times better than a desk job. If you don’t think crime runs this country maybe you better keep watching your Flickering Strobe Lights you call Media… after all it’s This Hypnosis has already made up your mind via algorithms. Yes Crime Does Pay!

  5. This man was a very competent leader of the department and some of the people commenting on this thread have no idea what they’re talking about regarding pensions and other things. The pension fund for those employees that have been there a long time… Those Pension funds were funded and overfunded through Investments years ago, the city does not pay a dime into that and your property taxes are not affected. Still, there are those that always need to find fault and place blame. A pity. Senseless uninformed angry people. The man replacing him is also a good officer. Those that always want to criticize the local police department are truly Clueless how good they have it here. Despite the occasional anomalies that happen. Every one of which has been vigorously prosecuted and the offenders are now behind bars. This department has never been shy of cleaning house as needed. If you all want to go back to the days of Tom Fink who believed that no City employee needed vacations did not deserve to have an RV, should not make more than x amount of money per year… Then be careful what you wish for. You’ll end up with cops that are truly incompetent and abusive which is not the case here. You get what you pay for. Any naysayers who think it’s such a gravy boat should go on down and sign up for the academy and spend a year on the street in this town dealing with the garbage. Think about it.

  6. Not glad to see acting mayor Quinn rainbow flag picking our Police Chief.
    Couldn’t wait a couple weeks for the
    Elected mayor to choose.

  7. The big spike in crime came from the state level politicians like Walker and Matt Claman who basically decriminalized property crimes. Doing so resulted in a surge of property crimes. Justin Doll didn’t cause that.

  8. Correct. Unfortunately most people that feel the need to comment on public forums 10x daily… Can’t figure out the truth they just light off and fire from the hip.

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