The Salvation Army continues to manage the homeless camp at Centennial Campground in Anchorage. The latest situation report from the Salvation Army advises that 34 people, including four families, have been relocated from the campground to other housing.
The Salvation Army has done initial assessments with 69 of the people at the camp to determine their individual situations and needs. The camp census is 143 people at this time, an elastic number as people come and go. One person’s life has been saved from an overdose of an opioid drug by the use of Narcan by staff on site; another person died of an overdose.
Meanwhile, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, a revolutionary socialist/communist organization in Anchorage, plans a protest at today’s regular Anchorage Assembly meeting, in which they repeat the verbiage from the leftists on the Assembly, saying the campground is a “humanitarian crisis,” the same words used by Assemblyman Chris Constant and his allies.

The campground was set up in July to reduce the risk of wildfires from the illegal encampments around the wooded areas of Anchorage. A few dozen of the people who had been sleeping at the Sullivan Arena came over to the Centennial Campground, as the Sullivan was closed on July 1.
The Salvation Army assumed case management and social service coordination at the campground, and is helping find suitable solutions for each individual camper.
The Salvation Army also reports:
- Two people have been assisted in getting back to their families in other communities — one elderly homeless person is leaving for family in Texas, and another person is leaving for St. Paul Island, where he has family.
- Ten of the homeless people in the campground have been signed up for a workforce development program with Beans Cafe.
- Security continues to be a priority at the camp with checks by a private security firm day and night, and routine checks by police. Staff continues to do hourly checks of the campground to ensure it is as safe as possible.
- The Salvation Army and Parks and Recreation are meeting daily to coordinate their efforts. Some 18 agencies are now involved. A conex trailer has been brought to the campground to help expedite the distribution of tents, sleeping bags, blankets, boots, coats, and other items. Bear-proof containers are now on site.
Socialist are not interested in debating anything. They want to burn down our system and replace it . There is no middle ground to compromise on. Rats like most of the Anchorage Assembly have no interest in having a successfully governed city. Their objective is to cause the current government to collapse so we can once again prove Karl Marx was an idiot.
From the PSL website: The rights of freedom of speech and political involvement will be extended to all. These rights will only be abridged in the efforts to eliminate racism, xenophobia and all forms of bigotry, or to prevent the re-establishment of the capitalist system of exploitation and oppression.
A Neo-Nazi group protesting an alleged “humanitarian crisis”? Oh that’s rich, real rich.
Is the park now dedicated to the homeless?
Would anyone want to camp there under those circumstances?
And it used to be, I suspect, at least partially supported by user fees.
Now, of course, that money is gone, and the Property Owners pick up the tab…
Well, I suppose there is Federal money in it.
But, do you know where they get their money?
From the States.
Or…they could all camp on your property! I’m sure you wouldn’t mind!
Thank you to Mayor Bronson and his team for stepping up to help the homeless. They are helping instead of whining like the “leftist “ assembly are doing. Whine and gripe is all that they do! That’s what they are good at!
If you are protesting assumed deplorable conditions, why not actually protest at Centennial Campground? Oh silly me, that would mean coming face to face with actual reality and actual conditions as well as talking to actual residents there.
PSL Anchorage: your request to mayor Bronson is being completed. people’s needs are being met, housing accommodations are made, and job
connections are putting people to work.
Socialists are losers wishing to direct the spending of other people’s money. They’ll be guests of the camp soon enough and in the interim whatever it is they have to say doesn’t matter.
Why would they protest the supporters of their lies? It is obviously a media moment staged by the assembly for the local news. I am also certain that any of these people will be given ample time to speak to the assembly without interruption. We need to investigate these so called “not for profit “ organizations that key assembly members are involved in because they are obviously laundering taxpayer money into their own pockets. They don’t know how to make money any other way.
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