Breaking: Census reports total population of Alaska at 733,391


The U.S. Census today released population counts for every state, as the first information made known prior to the process of congressional reapportionment.

Alaska is reported to have 733,391 people. In the 2010 Census, the population of Alaska was set at 710,231, while in 2000, the population was 626,931.

Overall, the United States has 331,449,218 people living in the country, according to the U.S. Census, a 7.4 percent increase in population over 2010, and a number that represents the second-slowest growth decade in U.S. Census history.

The Census began in January, 2020 in the small Western Alaska village of Toksook Bay and took place amidst pandemic panic, wildfires, hurricanes and unprecedented civil unrest.

Texas gained two seats in Congress, which is one seat lower than what was expected by earlier Census estimates. Colorado, Montana, Florida, North Carolina, and Oregon each gained one seat.

Seven states will lose seats, including California -1 (now has 53 seats) Illinois -1 (now has 18 seats) Michigan -1 (now has 14 seats) New York -1 (now has 27 seats) Ohio -1 (now has 16 seats) Pennsylvania -1 (now has 18 seats) West Virginia -1 (now has 3 seats).

California still has the largest population of any state, at 39,538,223.

The six states that have one seat in Congress are unchanged: Alaska, Delaware, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming, which is still the smallest state in terms of population, with 576,851 people.

The constitutional basis for conducting a census of the population every 10 years is to reapportion the U.S. House of Representatives and ensure that the 435 seats in the House are distributed fairly between the states. The first census was done in 1790 and today each congressional seat represents over 700,000 people.


  1. About half of Alaskan’s never responded to their questionnaire.
    Of the ones who did respond, probably half lied about everything.
    They’re seriously guessing how many of us there are.

  2. It’s hard to believe that Alaska actually gained in Population between 2010 and 2020. I want to read the tea leaves on this one, need to see it region by region. Some regions are actually dying.

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