Cautionary tale: Candidate for Alaska House takes child to drag-themed adult events, and crows about it on Facebook


Andrew Timothy Gray is a frequent figure at the Anchorage Assembly meetings, most often testifying on behalf of leftwing causes and perspectives. He is a rising star in the Democratic Party.

Then Gray decided to run for an open seat for the Alaska House, and his judgment to serve the state came under greater scrutiny. This month, Gray posted a photo on Facebook of a child — his child — appearing at a drag-themed event at an Anchorage cafe, and winning one of the coveted prize cards for a card game that involved drag queen personalities.

Drag Queen Loteria is a bingo game with drag theme cards. A monthly event at Cafecito Bonito in cooperation with local drag artists, it takes place every final Friday and Sunday of the month.

“Between rounds of game play, there will be incredible performances by local drag artists,” the event notice advises for the upcoming show. “PLEASE BRING $INGLES to show some love for our all-Latinx lineup of drag performers! This month’s event features the talents of Glenn Coco, Dela Rosa, and Brenden Badd.” Those single dollar bills are presumably to stuff into the garters of the drag queens as they perform their burlesque acts.

Gray is running for District 20 against two Republicans, Paul Bauer and Jordan Harary. District 20 is part of the University of Alaska Anchorage area and is a subsection of Senate Seat J.

With three people on the ballot for the district, all will appear on the Aug. 16 pick-one primary, and all will appear on the November ranked-choice ballot. All seats in the Alaska House are up for election this year, a result of the redistricting that has just completed, redrawing the House and Senate seat boundaries.

Must Read Alaska has blotted out the face of the child in the drag queen event referenced above by Andrew Gray.


  1. That is child abuse, and his child(ren) should be taken away from him. He obviously does not have the moral capacity to raise children.

  2. There are laws against child abuse, grooming, pedophilia, and luring. Enabler Bill Walker knows. His soul-mate Byron Mallott was a practitioner.

  3. Drag Queen Burlesque for children?

    That’s not ok for any orientation. Mr. Gray should be reported to Child protective services.

  4. This is grooming of a child. There’s nothing OK about taking children to performances where women’s qualities are exaggerated, mocked, and made to be something grotesque. Drag events are a highly sexualized demeaning of women. What is the matter with Andrew Gray?

  5. This man is sick. What adult deliberately sexualizes children?

    He’s probably headed to the Assembly, or state senate.

  6. Children – innocent(ce) – are the root, end salacious trophy for all degenerate, perverse behaviors. Enough with ‘mental disorders’ and ‘behavioral anomalies’. Evil.

  7. People are confusing “drag” with “transgender.” A person who does drag may or may not be gay, non-binary, or transgender, etc. this is a person dressing and performing in a costume. No different than Halloween or a play at ACPA. The homophobia in the comments is disappointing.

    • Lorenzo, you are deliberately obtuse. This really has nothing to do with the gender alphabet soup currently in vogue, but with grown men dressing in exaggerated clothes and make-up, pretending to be sexually suggestive and vulgar women. There would be the same objection if this father had taken his child to a strip club. Exposing young children to images and experiences they neither have the emotional not developmental maturity to assess and process properly, is cruel. It furthers perpetuates the objectification of women.

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