Candidate Jesse Sumner wins as borough clerk rejects revenge-recall group


A group of activists supporting David Eastman have encountered a setback: Their ambush recall effort against challenger Jesse Sumner has been rejected by the Borough Clerk, on advice of outside counsel. Sumner serves on the Mat-Su Borough Assembly and last week a band of Eastman supporters tried to start a recall against him.

Outside counsel said none of the complaints made by the group had anything to do with his office in Assembly.

Sumner is running for House District 10, Wasilla and would have to step down from his seat on the Assembly if he wins.

The recall effort was launched by John Nelson, who himself is a candidate for U.S. House and who is a supporter of Eastman.

But the petition was thinly veiled campaign tactic against Sumner, and is a possible violation of campaign finance laws, according to MRAK sources.

The novel approach at campaigning could draw a penalty from the Alaska Public Offices Commission since John Nelson is an experienced candidate and his collaborators have also been involved in campaigning for years. APOC penalizes experienced campaigners more than novices and it would be hard to characterize Nelson as a novice. But someone would have to file a complaint.

Early voting began in Alaska today and ends on Primary Election Day, Aug. 18.


  1. In a ideologically close race, the amateur antics of one side’s supporters have made my decision easier.

    • Likewise! I’m sad to lose Jesse as my assembly rep and he is in a different house district but I am supporting him anyway.

  2. The true Ambush is by the RINOs in their attempt to remove the most conservative member of the State House because he won’t play nice with Demoncrats and RINOs. My vote will go for Eastman because he is a proven Conservative who won’t compromise conservative values when in office like the 97% of Republican Office holders do on a routine basis.

  3. Enough with the recall tactics. He was legally elected, just as our governor was. If you don’t like it, suck it up and vote for your candidate next time. This is a blatant attempt to overthrow the will of the voters and needs to stop. Recalls are to take politicians who commit crimes out of office, not allow people who didn’t get their way to turn the tables. Enough.

  4. Your negative semantics are laughable at best!
    So expecting elected officials to follow the RULE OF LAW is now an”ambush”. ?!?

    You sure are losing a lot of supporters that refuse to share your drivel !

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