Campbell, Treadwell: Mike Robbins is Alaska Republican Party’s most qualified for chair



Our state and our nation face the greatest challenges testing the foundation of our freedoms and prosperity since the election of Ronald Reagan.

The Second Amendment is under direct attack by our own federal government, jeopardizing our constitutional rights. Meanwhile, inflation has significantly reduced the buying power of Alaskans, and soaring interest rates have placed home ownership out of reach for many.

Additionally, our public schools, some of the lowest performing in the nation, are distracted by non-educational agendas which often sideline essential educational objectives and marginalize Title IX protections for women in sports. To reverse this progressive destruction of our state and nation, we must have strong leadership in the Alaska Republican Party (ARP).

Over the next four years, our state needs an inspirational leader who can articulately communicate the conservative message of the ARP across our state. A person who can instill confidence with Alaskans that the ARP provides the best opportunity for achieving their goals in life. A person who can stimulate grassroots action to elect conservatives at the local, state, and federal levels. A person recognized for past achievements in fundraising, campaigning, recruiting, and teamwork. That person is Mike Robbins.

Mike Robbins, a steadfast conservative and the current ARP Vice Chair, stands out as the most qualified candidate for ARP Chair. Under his leadership as the Freedom Club Chair, Mike substantially increased financial donations to the ARP and established the party’s major donor program, the Founders Club, ensuring that the party had the financial resources available to support local and state elections. Mike’s ability to articulate conservative values and mobilize grassroots support has provided electoral successes across Alaska.

Looking forward, Mike envisions an ARP that not only safeguards our freedoms but also fosters policies that enhance the quality of life for all Alaskans. He is committed to advancing solutions that address our educational challenges, strengthen our economy, and uphold our constitutional rights, including the Second Amendment.

Please join us in supporting Mike Robbins for ARP Chair—a principled leader with the vision, credentials, and experience needed to lead our party and effectively advocate for the interests of our great state at the 2024 ARP State Convention. He is the right choice for ARP and Alaska.

Craig Campbell and Mead Treadwell served as the 10th and 11th lieutenant governors of Alaska, respectively. Campbell is national committeeman for the Alaska Republican Party.


  1. I look forward to this election or whatever being over. I’m tired of hearing how this member or that member is a “true conservative”.

    Endorsements from the people who rescinded the censure of Princess because she won an election ring very hollow.

  2. Our rights are under attack by the democrat party, unfortunately many establishment Republican are helping them. We don’t need an establishment Republican as Alaska’s chair.

  3. So, Mike is good at keeping the financial grift going, how about someone who can make the investment actually yield results!!

  4. Let me think about this. Both Campbell and Treadwell are long, long-time government workers and recipients of big government paychecks. That alone, is cause for suspicion. Does anyone see the word “RINO” appear anywhere? Just asking.

    • No, but if ‘inclusive’ means RINO I won’t support. These Republicans who live off of government can’t be trusted.

  5. He’ll be better than the other three candidates for Chair.
    I still see Former Rep Pruitt will be Best choice if he thought of running.

  6. We need some non politicians or lawyers to run for office.
    Just look at what we currently have and where we are at now.
    Everyday is bad news and some politician promising everything for a vote.

  7. I wouldn’t want either one of these two Rinos, And that tells me all I need to know about Mike Robbin’s! Go Jerry Ward

  8. What’s the ‘effective’ plan to get Republican Voters to the polls to cast votes for respectable Republicans?
    What’s the ‘effective’ plan to hold Republican Senators and Representatives personally accountable to uphold the AK GOP Party Platform?
    What’s the ‘effective’ plan to “WIN” … ???

    • Good questions, Rob. With more than twice the number of registered Democrats, the ARP can barely get majorities and then hands over what they did earn to Democrat led coalitions. Go figure. Mr. Robins, what’s the plan?

  9. Isn’t he the guy that’s married to a Ukrainian and has a Ukrainian relief program called new chance Inc? I believe he is involved in multiple churches as well, one being an Apostolic Church on Huffman called Life Church. Nice guy.

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