Bumbler-in-Chief: Biden refers to VP Kamala Harris as ‘Vice President Trump’ at press conference


In his “Big Boy” press conference on Thursday, President Biden only took questions from a pre-selected list friendly reporters. There were to be no questions taken, for example, from Peter Doocy, senior White House correspondent for FOX News.

In answer to a question about whether Vice President Kamala Harris is prepared to step in as president should he not be able to continued, Biden answered by calling her “Vice President Trump.”

“I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, though I think she’s not qualified to be president,” he responded.

Trump campaign Alaska Chair Kelly Tshibaka said it was one flub after another.

“This press conference showed us more confusion we’ve come to expect from President Biden. In the span of two hours, Biden called Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy ‘Putin,’ called Kamala Harris ‘Vice President Trump,’ and said he’s following the advice of his ‘Commander In Chief.’ He showed determination to stay in the race while noting that the polls show he’s doing well, and then immediately saying nobody believes the polls. He also stated that none of his advisors have told him he can’t win the presidential election,” Tshibaka observed.

Nick Begich, a candidate for Congress for Alaska, said, “Biden hasn’t been holding many press conferences in his 3 long years. Tonight he reminded the nation why.”

Prior to the press conference, Biden wound up the NATO summit by publicly introducing the president of Ukraine “President Putin,” before correcting himself.

Toward the end of the press conference, Biden said that his campaign wanted him to get in front of people in a more unscripted way. That he did, although he said at the beginning of the press conference that his staff had given him the list of reporters he would call on.

“I’m determined on running but I think it’s important that I allay fears by letting them see me out there,” he said, adding that there is a perception that the 81-year-old Biden is not prepared to sit with reporters without it being highly controlled.

“We’re going out in areas where we think we can win, where we can persuade people to move our way,” he said.

One of the unscripted things that Biden said is that if he is reelected he will institute national rent control, so that landlords are limited to raising rents no more than 5% per year. He excoriated corporations for making profits and said he will ensure their profits are driven down. He also said he had driven down inflation. He blasted Donald Trump, saying he would not be able to end the war between Ukraine and Russia — a war that started while Biden was in his second year of the presidency.

Answering a question about whether delegates to the Democratic National Convention would be released from their pledge to him and allowed to vote their conscience, he responded: “Obviously they’re free to do whatever they want. But I got overwhelming support, overwhelming support. I won — I forget how many votes I won in the primary, but [it was] overwhelming. And so tomorrow, if all of the sudden I show up at the convention and everybody says we want somebody else, that’s the democratic process.” Then in a forced whisper, he said: “It’s not gonna happen.”

The press conference had been delayed by over 90 minutes, possibly owing to the fact that Biden was finishing up the NATO summit with world leaders.

“He started off rough and he’s still having rough patches…but this is good enough to keep him in the race. Which is terrible news for Democrats and excellent news for Trump,” commented Ben Shapiro.


  1. Honest Democrats know they have been lied to for a few years. But they went along to get along, a practice some of us left in junior high School. Now they have decisions to make—go with WHOEVER their liars, whom they have followed for the last years, tell them to go with and convince themselves once again that they are not being lied to yet again. It’s a weird self-gas lighting program we are watching in real-time slow motion.

    • So many would vote for Biden’s corpse, that’s how unpalatable Trump is to them. I’m not entirely sure they are wrong either.

      • Of course. Trump is a Rino. He has flipped on the issues so often, one day he is heads, the next tail. How can any republican vote for a guy who is now pro choice? Want higher taxes? He’s your man. On social security? Yep, bend over and grab em. Shop at Walmart or Amazon or Etsy? Lol. You are so screwed! Republican eh? My pitooy.

    • You kind of get used to playing the same team…you get to know their plays etc. Are you ready for a new team and new set of rules under Harris because that’s what you’re proposing?

    • His party is trying to starve him out, freezing 90 million in campaign money. I think the stress alone will be what unravels him. Even planted, he still gets 45 % of the vote. He has to volunteer to leave . Then Harris wins the presidency with the sympathy vote.
      Trump does not have a path to victory. It all just has to play out.

      • Greg –
        How many covid shots have you and biden taken?

        There is significant research indicating a correlation between higher odds of Parkinson’s and covid shots.

        Joe clearly has dementia or Parkinson’s type mental disease.
        I suspect you are in the early stages when you say Trump has no path forward when hes clearly leading everyone in the poles.
        See your doctor greg.

  2. Let’s be real:
    1. This is all meant to weaken the US on the world stage by exposing how stupid Americans are for not realizing how inept “Biden” is
    2. This is a great way to excuse the traitor’s crimes and treason all under “old age” and he walks away unscathed
    3. Democrats and Republicans can point to “Biden” as all the source of all evils and walk away unscathed
    4. Bonus if they tell us we need to have an age limit for president and poof, Trump is gone

    It’s very simple and we’re just letting them do it. Just like how we’re letting them get away with all these stolen elections. Guess we don’t need to marvel any longer about why people in Germany just stood by and didn’t do anything.

  3. …..and, Biden called Zielinsky……..Putin…….in front of 50 world leaders.
    But Biden is still the smartest man Mary Peltola knows, and he’s still Lisa Murkowski’s daddy
    Oh. Yeah!!

  4. 59 minutes of knowledge and wisdom and not a single mention of shark attacks, windmill cancer, or the Continental Army taking over airports. Seems like a success to me.

  5. Vice President Trump, under President Biden? Now there’s a thought. An alternative way to get rid of Biden.
    Lol ….

  6. This could be a case where the descendant of a deported German who ended up in America, wins the popular vote by twenty two percent. To make a country so mad at you that they deport you in the early nineteen hundreds is crazy. Only a Trump.

    • Actually, you don’t even know how bad. The tariff Trump is proposing is 10%, and 60% on anything from China. Do you want basically everything you buy from Walmart and most from Amazon to suddenly cost 60% more? The man has lost his mind.

      • No he isn’t. Those tariffs will make domestic production very competitive economically and feasible again. The surge will create a massive demand for labor, which will increase wages as more employers have to offer competitive wages for labor, and create loads of jobs. Meanwhile everyone is keeping about 20+% of their income that used to go to the IRS. We might even see the cost of goods and services drop a bit as domestic production ramps up.

        • Omg! Do you really believe what you just wrote? Americans have priced themselves out of jobs. Wages are out of control. That’s why manufacturing is gone overseas or to Mexico? Because it’s so much cheaper.You’re living in a dream.

      • Our landfills are filling up faster than they can open new valleys for dump sites.
        Wont be long and America will be the flattest country in the world filled with “Chinese junk”.

        • All you have to do is stop buying that junk at walmart. In fact, don’t buy anything from Walmart. Go back to using corn cobs, grown in the good old USA for toilet paper. Forget about fixing your car too.Because most auto parts come from over there. Take a walk through Walmart and look at the Mangan manufacturing label on most products that you purchase. I think you.We’ll be surprised obviously.

      • WalMart, wouldn’t worry me if the place went tits-up yesterday! As for Amazon, you can shop on there and avoid China made crap quite easily, just gotta do some research and read, it’s all listed in the fine print. Research is one thing Demoncrats aren’t too good at though, so I feel your pain on those tariffs, but China Joe gotta go.

        • The tariffs will affect all Americans, not just democrats. And the reason most people shop at Walmart. Instead of reading through volumes of manufacturing data is their too lazy and it’s cheap and it’s convenient, so that’s where they’re gonna buy it.

  7. Trump is turning more pro-choice everyday. Some Republican delegates are protesting his abandonment of strict abortion laws. Additionally Trump’s Project 2025 cuts to disabled veterans can’t sit well with military veterans. The tax increases for people making under 100K will subsidize tax cuts for multi-millionaires. It’s all in the Trump Project 2025 report put out by the Heritage Foundation. After 5 lame military deferments Trump somehow convinced you he was pro-military.

  8. Trump made a huge mistake going after Biden so early. VP Harris polls better than Trump and will likely be nominated at their convention

    • Careful. Making such a claim like that, even though it is documented in the Bendixon poll will get the inept on here sqealing from the feeling. He also wants to raise prices on everything you buy at Walmart and Amazon that originates in China 60%. What next….default of the trillions we owe them?

      • Greg, Your use of the Bendixon Amandi poll is ridiculous. These guys are known to be DEMOCRAT pollsters and have a past of skewing their outcomes accordingly. You should know better than that. Typical though, use whatever suits your opinion. What about Rasmussen, CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN polls that show the opposite? What, are they no good anymore? Have you not seen the massive difference between the Republican and Democrat presidential rally’s? And to your lunacy with the products made abroad, without work, people cannot buy things. We need to Make America Great Again by rebuilding our manufacturing industries in the US, which is what made the us Great in the first place. The current way of governance is both unsustainable and elitist and does not work for the masses, unless you are wearing your IGM (I Got Mine) hat.

        • It’s funny that most news media are picking up on that poll. I’m sure you’ve seen that picture of that chick in the audience at the hillary concession arena, screaming her fool head off.Because she couldn’t believe it. Cut and paste your face in on that chick and that’ll be you in november. So I take it your pro-choice, pro higher taxes, pro hire tariffs. And you are pro cutting social security benefits.Okay, thanks for going out on the record now.Could we please have your real name?

          • You have certainly spooled yourself up tight on this one Greg. You are the one that has gone on record here today Greg not me, I have simply identified your clear scorching case of TDS. Although you think your efforts will provide good results, your trolling rants show you to be the one who has already cut and pasted your face on the girl in the hillary concession area, and your screaming stage is none other than a Conservative website that allows commenting unlike your leftist sites that fit you soooo much better. Greg, what your man biden has done is what is killing social security benefits. Your man biden has me paying more for everything including taxes than I ever have in the past. Your shopping for china made products is what is killing our nation, unless, of course, you have your IGM hat on already. Greg, you are both sad and pathetic. Better turn back on MSNBC for some more trolling points.

    • Most recent 538 poll shows Biden at 271 electoral votes! Maybe now Trump can do an hour press conference unscripted and show us his skills on foreign affairs. Leave the electric boat discussions for another day.

      • Trump’s foreign policy is to p*** off the world inflicks, his military might. The joint chiefs already said they wouldn’t follow him into battle and would probably remove him from office for a fraud. Do you think those lifers have suddenly changed their mind??

    • If the Democrats had half a brain, they’d have endorsed Kennedy. He polls better than both sides with thinking voters. Why didn’t they endorse and embrace him. THAT, tells you everything you need to know about the party of Jefferson Davis. #truthhurts

  9. You may need to know that Lincoln said If he could have reunited the South and kept everybody a slave, he would have done that
    After the war he also said he should have moved all the former slaves to Central America. Also, do you even know what Robert E Lee did after the war. That’s right he taught college. Among other things, the cause of the civil war being slavery would have ended in a mere twenty years because of industrialization, it seems we fought it for nothing.

      • Jeff, he is The Masked Avenger, his life is dominated by suffering already. What more could go wrong for any one individual? At least he is stoic and never complains.

        • And you would know this how?

          Do you look into my windows at night, creating questionable fantasies?

          Or, more likely, you see me and project yourself upon me.

          Regardless, adults are talking child. Go play with your crayons.

      • Funny. I did damn well under Trump.

        It was only after Grandpa Bloodstains got into office did I see a measurable decline in my quality of life.

        Am I going to suffer because your side will attempt to burn the country down again?

        • The decline was mostly Hostess Cupcakes and 2 packs of non-filters daily. Don’t blame it on the President. He isn’t forcing you to put mayonnaise on your Doritos.

  10. It is all decided. The democrats are pushing the ballots for the illegals. And don’t forget the motor voters. In those sates that have this law, get a driver’s license and be automatically registered to vote. With 10 million plus illegals, the polls don’t matter. Unless something really astonishing happens, the election has already been decided. Democracy loses. RIP democracy.

    • Alas, that seems to be the case Shelia. Between Dominion, mail in voting, drop boxes, and illegals it seems certain the election has been determined by now. Why waste your time voting when it’s a done deal. Maybe in 2028 the rigged system will be fixed and we can vote again.

  11. Wow Greg! 23 posted comments on one article.
    Good to see you busy and “Focused” on DJT.
    At least students in public schools don’t have to feel your pain.


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