Bryce Edgmon reregisters as ‘Undeclared’



Lifelong Democrat Rep. Bryce Edgmon of Dillingham quietly reregistered as an “undeclared” yesterday, Division of Elections records show.

It may be part of a plan Democrats and three Republicans are hatching to nominate him as Speaker of the House, allowing him to return for another two-year term.

Today, two Speaker nominees were turned down by House members. Republican Dave Talerico failed on a 20-20 vote, and then Republican-in-name-only Gary Knopp, who has flipped to work with the Democrats, also failed to get the votes.

With the Republican side in disarray today, Edgmon’s change of party status appears to be the next move to organizing the House.

Edgmon is said to have consulted with Democrats in his heavily partisan district, and won their nod of approval to change his party in order to build a bipartisan coalition.

His official page at the Alaska Legislature still lists him as a Democrat.


  1. Isn’t changing his party a little like fraud. He ran as democrats. The people elected him to represent them as a democrat. Now that he is undeclared they don’t have a picture of how he will vote!

    • No, they won’t cross the aisle. They are trained not to cross the aisle. Their golden rule. Only Republicans will cross the aisle. According to Democrats and the liberal press, the Republicans should always cross the aisle. Power sharing. Bipartisanship.

  2. Edgmon can speak from underwater. Put the House Speaker’s chair out in the Gastineau Channel and tell Edgmon he can speak until May…… the Humpbacks.

  3. Representative Edgmon worked so well as speaker for the last two sessions didn’t he. Bipartisan? All the left over Democrats, Stutes, Le Doux and Knopp. I remember how much input to Edgmon’s legislative process the minority Republicans had the last two sessions. 0

    This is the road block to the Governor’s plan. We can expect taxes to be on Edgmon’s agenda.

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