When it comes to balance, it’s not just about balancing out a left-wing Anchorage Assembly that seems determined to break the law and bust through the tax cap with the city’s budget.
There’s also the balance sheets in the Anchorage Municipal election runoff, which ends May 14.
The required seven-day reports filed at the Alaska Public Office Commission show that Mayor Dave Bronson’s reelection campaign has raised nearly $570,313, while Democrat-backed Suzanne LaFrance has raised $739,393.
But LaFrance has spent almost everything she has raised and has just $13,000 cash on hand, and she is nearly $84,700 in debt.
Bronson has about $134,000 cash on hand for the final six days of the campaign and has only $800 in debt.
She spent $35,000 on staff, while he has spent $8,000.
The cash and spending difference is stark, although LaFrance is getting help from the side with the major groups like Planned Parenthood, AFL-CIO, and NEA-Alaska, which are using their resources and union dues to work to take the mayor’s office. Bronson is getting nowhere near the help that LaFrance is getting from independent expenditure groups in this race.
However, LaFrance may be illegally coordinating with Planned Parenthood, which supports her. According to records, she not only attended a fundraiser put on for her by Planned Parenthood Votes Alaska on Sunday, her campaign paid money to promote the event on Facebook and elsewhere. It appears they coordinated expenditures for the event, and the candidate participated in the event. According to APOC, this is coordination between a campaign and an independent expenditure group, which is illegal.
The receipts appear to show that LaFrance, who is backed by the Alaska Democratic Party, violated the campaign law by advertising the event being put on by Planned Parenthood. The Bronson campaign was told by APOC that it was not allowed to coordinate in this way with independent expenditure groups.

Has anyone filed an APOC complaint, yet? People, do not complain without action! File complaints against the left just as they do against the right. The difference is, our complaints will be merit-based and their complaints are frivolous.
APOC could care less, unless you’re a conservative breaking the rules! Then they will go after you. Personally they need to be disbanded or audited themselves.
Whoa….. LaFrance is scary with her spending .
Elect her to the Mayor’s office and see how bad it can actually be.
Rules are for little people. Not the Politburo which rules Anchorage.
Again, rules Anchorage.
La France looks all sweetness & roses in her ads. But why isn’t the Bronson campaign showing her ugly looks while trying to shut down public testimonies at the assembly meetings? That says it all for me.
Bronson definitely has: explaining the illegal unauthorized operations that she along with the rest of the Assembly has done throughout his last 4 years. Overspending the budget and the rest of the “crap” she along with the Assembly has done.
She hasn’t been on the Assembly for over a year. Facts matter. She is not responsible for any actions that the assembly has taken recently.
However, she holds full responsibility for the Assembly actions when she was chair. Which is the MAJORITY of the four years.
I’ll do it. More than happy to.
I voted by mail for the former fighter pilot Mayor Dave Bronson, who’s with me?
You THINK you voted by mail.
OK, I get it 😉
$739K to be Anchorage mayor?
How much does it pay? Doesn’t pass the smell test.
Your comment seems to assume the candidate themselves ponied up those funds. LaFrance did no such thing. She is spending other people’s money.
To be fair, so is Bronson. The cost for the campaign is (almost) always funded by others.
They need to sell more fetal tissue to get out the vote.
Before we start pointing fingers, let’s remember this : ‘https://alaskapublic.org/2021/07/26/utterly-confusing-campaign-reporting-leads-to-52650-fine-recommendation-for-bronson-campaign/
LaFrance the infil-traitor we Alaskans are so messed up we need this democrat telling us what’s best. Hope Alaskans are smart enough to see through this BS.
Really! A leftist is fast and loose with money? Spends more then they have on hand?
No wonder the Muni is in such poor financial shape, leftists cannot help themselves when it comes to spending other people’s money.
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