Bronson pulls ahead by 416 votes


Mayoral candidate Dave Bronson has pulled ahead of Forrest Dunbar, who was leading earlier in the race. With more than 10,000 votes yet to be counted, Bronson’s lead may grow further, because the last three days of voting appear to favor conservatives.

Bronson is currently up by 416 votes; that’s 18,716 for Bronson, and 18,300 for Dunbar as of Friday evening.

“What it tells you is that people don’t love Dunbar the way he thinks they do,” said one political analyst.

After a slow trek to the polls during the first days of the election, conservative voters made up for lost time in the latter days. The runoff is May 11.

The Municipal Clerk’s Office said that election officials will be working at the election center on Saturday, April 10, from approximately 10 am to 3 pm. Election Officials will be processing ballot envelopes through the sorter and signature verification process, opening ballot envelopes, scanning ballots, and tabulating results. There will be additional results will be released on Saturday.


  1. Yippee! This is great news. Let’s hope for a similar change in several of the school board races.

  2. Keep it going!!! We need to get conservative adults in every institution in Alaska. These socialist “Democrats” have destroyed every city they represent in the lower 48. We cannot let this happen in our State

  3. But Dunbar was winning when he went to bed! Stop counting the votes!

    Dunbar can only lose if the election is rigged, and I will not recognize Bronson as the legitimate Mayor of Anchorage! Fraud is rampant in the election system. Dead people are voting! The voting machines have been compromised!

    To arms Patriots! Storm the vote counting rooms! STOP THE STEAL.

    Sounds silly, now doesn’t it, when a Conservative is wining…


  4. JOSEPHDJ- as a Bob Dylan parody song might go, Flakes, Good Lord there is a Host of them, Anchorage has the Most of Them!

    Proof of the above is that the chipmunk cheeked Felix was not recalled…

  5. This is hopeful. If he gets elected, he’s got to shut down that office of equity and social justice, fire everyone in it and shut it down forever and then shut down the office of equity and compliance in the school district the same way.

  6. When you show us videos and sworn affidavits of shenanigans at the polling stations, we will happily agree to formal investigations. Why?

    Because we’re not fascist cheats like the democrats.

  7. Imagine what would have happened if the establishment hacks would have backed an actual conservative? There wouldn’t be a runoff. There would just be a win that the corrupt left could not steal. Now they’ll get another shot at stealing it.

  8. This is good news. Once liberals learn that enhanced mail-in and early voting might lead to a conservative winning…… they will probably stop promoting it!

  9. Wasn’t some political wag predicting doom and gloom for conservatives on these (virtual) pages recently if we didn’t abandon “unelectable” Dave Bronson in favor of his pet RINO? I’m glad I stuck to my guns. Seems Anchorage may not be nearly as purple as he thought.

  10. Whidbey, whidbey… it’s well known that conservatives don’t cheat when it comes to voting. Name one instance. Therefore, your little demonstration carries no water.

  11. I like how Andy came here to insult rather than engage. That’s the difference between the right and left – we support a difference of opinion while the left seeks to persecute anyone who disagrees with them.

  12. This not just a conservative verses “progressive” election. Forrest Gump Dunbar is a weak candidate with limited experience. He is a grasping, political reptile – not a leader. Serious people, and I hope there are enough of them that vote in the run-off, would not entrust the future of this community to Mr. Dunbar.

  13. The big lie is the best thing that has happened to the Democrats in years.

    The maga crowd is so confused that they do not even vote anymore.

  14. I hope Bronson’s voters challenge the questioned mail-in-ballots during the Run-off election. By golly gosh! Alaska needs Voter I.D. law like Georgia courageously passed. As a I passed a Robbins sign, I thought, I hope this isn’t the last time we don’t have the chance to support him and any of those voters supporting him. The momentum needs to continue spilling over into changing people’s district city councils and eventually the Assembly seats will be up since there are term limits on those seats.

    • Anchorage city councils need a shake up by seeing new-old neighbors showing up at meetings who hold different opinions and views other than the current members liberal pro death views.

  15. My hearing is a bit off. Can someone tell me if Bronson’s Ad on the radio said “idiots on the assembly” ? Thanks

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