Bronson fundraiser hits $32,000 as momentum builds with Robbins’ help


A fundraiser at Saint Coyote restaurant in Anchorage on Thursday, hosted by Mike Robbins, hauled in dozens of donations, for a total of $32,630 for the day, which was double the amount Bronson had raised just one day prior.

Bronson is running against Forrest Dunbar for mayor of Anchorage.

Last night’s event brought out over 100 people to support Bronson.

Most of Bronson’s donors are from Anchorage, while many Dunbar’s individual donors are coming from out of state — San Francisco, the East Coast, and other liberal strongholds.

Hosting the event was former mayoral candidate Robbins, and political figures attending included former Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell and former Mayors Dan Sullivan and Rick Mystrom. But there were a lot of new faces, too.

Dunbar, at the end of March, had raised $251,376, while Bronson had raised $207,800. Since Thursday of last week, Bronson has raised another $108,000.

Alaska campaign law limit donations to $500 per person per candidate in a calendar year.


  1. As this race goes to runoff, I will not be surprised when Dunbar wins by a landslide. Statistically Dunbar should lose if you look at the previous election as conservatives received more votes but now that the lefties have a second chance, they will not blow it and will pull every trick in the book to win.
    Congrats Mayor Dunbar.
    Just think, if the other Republicans would have worked together, it would all be over and a Republican would be mayor but for who knows why, the other two could not back out and support the leader.
    All of Anchorage will pay for their selfishness.

    Rather than complain about an outcome that hasn’t yet occurred, get off your butt and start campaigning and asking around for donations for Bronson.

  3. Sorry I missed the fundraiser, was not aware of it. Of course I normally do not participate in Municipal politics, but in this one I have become a Bronson fan.

  4. Ellen, if I lived in or even near Los Anchorage I would. I am considering a donation but being that I don’t live in the area I don’t want to be a hypocrite while chiding Dunbar for making most of his money from outside of town.
    I do however hope my post stirs the pot and gets the republicans to vote and to watch for fraud.

  5. I do not live in Anchorage, however just yesterday after watching “Felix the little despot”” drone on about acceptable speech at a recent Assembly meeting my hand grabbed my wallet and via the internet a contribution was made to Candidate Bronson.

    I would encourage ALL Alaskans from Ketchikan to Kotzebue to please consider doing likewise.

    We cannot allow these mask mandating, speech squelching, business busting, Troll-alitarians control over 1/2 of all Alaskans.

    Bronson as Mayor would serve as a firewall against this Bolshevik gang.

    If you reside in Anchorage and have a pulse that beats for liberty and free speech, please get out and vote for this Bronson fellow!

  6. Brad
    You can’t team up with a
    Loser that is not really a conservative and doesn’t want to support someone like Dave. Robbins is a man of his word. Evans obviously not!

  7. Robbins is an admirable man of his word, with a future. Evans is a wimp, that by his actions, can’t be trusted, ever in the future to do the right thing and will never get my conservative vote!

  8. Absolutely right. Be on guard for funny business the the leftist Dumbar supporters at the polls & counting of ballots. The GOP needs to be ready with a legal team, poll watchers & observers.

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