Bright, shiny objects: What hiring freeze?



Among the many jobs being advertised and filled at the state of Alaska, we have to pick on a couple at least. In spite of the hiring freeze, the Department of Corrections is advertising for a legislative liaison, in the $85,000 range. And the governor just hired a deputy press secretary (yes we’re talking to  you Jonathon Taylor) in the same general range.

But because we know a lot of people who need jobs, here’s the Corrections job announcement. (Pro-tip: Don’t tell ’em we sent you.) For other interesting piecemeal work in the gig economy, keep reading.

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The Juneau Empire is looking for a news intern. This is a part-time, paid internship for six months, beginning in October and ending in March, 20 hours per week working with reader-submitted content, doing social media, writing and editing briefs, and other duties as assigned.Work hours are flexible.

They want someone with strong verbal and written communication skills, an eye for detail and solid work ethic, in other words it will be great for your resume, but not for your pocketbook. Preference will be given to Juneau/Southeast Alaska residents. Pot heads need not apply; there’s a drug test. Email a cover letter, resume, three references, and any clips and/or links to a digital portfolio to Director of Audience Charles Westmoreland at [email protected]. Include: “Internship” in the subject line. Don’t call them; they’ll call you if you’re a finalist. Tell them you want the title Director of Widgets and Thingamabobs.


A curiosity in Haines: The editor/publisher of the Chilkat Valley News is running for the local assembly, so he is looking for someone to take over his duties until the municipal election on Oct. 4.  Contact Tom Morphet at [email protected]. No word as to what he will do with the news content if he is elected. Upside, you get to try out Haines for a month.


We are not hiring because this is no way to run a newspaper. But send us your best tips: [email protected]