Breaking: Valley Republican Women’s club endorses Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate


The Valley Republican Women of Alaska endorsed Alaskan Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate at its Thursday meeting. A resolution was read aloud and a voice vote was taken of the membership, which appeared unanimous. There was no consideration of a resolution to support incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

Tshibaka is running as a Republican against Murkowski, who has held the seat since 2002, when former Sen. Frank Murkowski appointed her to the seat, as he won the governor’s race.

Formed in 2007, the VRWA club is an affiliate of the Alaska Republican Party and is the third affiliated Republican women’s club in Alaska to endorse Tshibaka, after Republican Women of the Kenai and Anchorage Republican Women’s Club.

The state central committee meets on July 10 in Fairbanks and there appears to be a push by these women’s clubs to have the party endorse Tshibaka. The Kenai Club has passed a resolution asking the State Central Committee to endorse her.

At its last meeting , the Alaska Republican Party passed a resolution by an overwhelming majority (77 percent), censuring Murkowski, asking her to not run as a Republican, and withdrawing all party resources from her. That means no party club, affiliate group, or state party officer can aid Murkowski’s reelection campaign.

Tshibaka won former President Donald Trump’s endorsement on Friday.

Read: Breaking: Trump endorses Tshibaka.


  1. Is it possible to revote on this tiered ballot style crapola?
    How the heck can it be audited under these procedures?
    That approval voting was so confabulated even the smartest I know had trouble explaining it with any certainty.

  2. Seriously doubt that the “rank” voting process is constitutionally sound. We’re not voting for our favorite restaurant or favorite color. We know the lockdowns took a toll…but was everybody drunk??

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