Breaking: Trump wins Michigan in landslide


Another primary and another landslide for Donald Trump.

Tuesday’s Michigan primary gave him yet another decisive win against Nikki Haley. With 18% of the precincts reporting, Trump is at 65.6% and Haley is at 30% The results will change as the vote continues, but AP has called the race for Trump.

Michigan Republicans have 55 delegates to the national convention. Some will be awarded through Tuesday’s primary, while others will be at the party convention, which is Saturday.

In the Democrat primary, with 15% reporting, Biden won with 116,778 votes, or 79.5%. Some Democrats didn’t vote for Biden because Michigan is a state with many Muslims, most of whom do not support the U.S. policy for Israel. There was a Muslim movement to vote for “Uncommitted.” They account for more than 15% of Democrat primary voters in Michigan.

Striking is that Trump, even though he had competitors on the ticket, appears to have received more votes than Biden, who was only running against “Uncommitted,” Marianne Williamson (withdrawn), and Dean Phillips.

In the Republican primary with 18% reporting:

Trump: 128,700 votes

Haley: 59,012 votes

Uncommitted: 4,208 votes

Other Republican candidates received a smattering of votes, even though they had dropped out. For instance, Ron DeSantis received 2,103 votes.

In the Democrat primary, with 16% reporting:

Biden: 116,778 votes

Uncommitted: 22,177 votes

These numbers will be updated as results continue to come in.

Republican primary update: With 99% reporting, Trump has 68.2% and Haley has 26.5%.

Democrat update: Biden has 81.1% and Uncommitted has 13.3%. Marianne Williamson has 3%, Dean Phillips 2.7%.


    • A known fact: I will not vote for him under any circumstances. I cannot set the bar that low. If it helps to know, I will not vote for Biden either. Either way, the United States may be finished.

      Have a wonderful day.

    • Yes and these political candidates are the best that this country can put forward. They are the brightest smartest, and most American patriot we can find.
      330 million people and politicians continue to be clowns and the voters continue to be sheep.

    • More butt hurt than usual, I see.

      It’s past time to grow up, but that is probably asking too much of you.

        • That would require my taking you seriously and valuing your opinion. So you can rest easily you didn’t and can’t.

          • Well, you responded to my comments so obviously you do care. Of course, it could just be your bottomless arrogance talking as well. Talk about needing to grow up. Man, you just totally owned yourself!

        • When it comes right down to it, with regard to modern-day intimidation to the point of a mass apathy/questionable adulation, putin is right up there with caligula, vlad the impaler, quin shi huang et al, but it makes me wonder where trumph is in a democratic republic lineup.

  1. Anyone see Joe Biden on the Late Show with Seth Meyers on Monday night? PATHETIC!
    A moron interviewing an embicile.
    The Democrats are really in trouble with this bumbling criminal in the White House. If he actually debates Trump, it will be better than any comedy show.

        • Graduate degree in the sciences, so I’m sure that must make me a sheep to most of the crowd here. That’s OK though. I’ve voted for democrats, and I’ve voted for Republicans, as well as Libertarian on occasion. I don’t, however, swear allegiance to one party and certainly not to one man like Trump like so many on here do. Talk about sheeple.

          • @Cman:
            There are a lot of people at MRAK with graduate degrees, law degrees, medical degrees, and 40-50 years of work experience……which counts above and beyond any degree. So, your graduate degree in science hardly qualifies you as “smarter than others”, even though that’s what you want everyone to believe. You are probably a climate activist too. Many people in the sciences today have followed a path of projecting and advancing theory, before ascertaining true facts of the matter asserted. And that means taking scientific measurement at locations where bias can be eliminated, or at least factored into a conclusion. You may be one of those “sheeple scientists” who was brainwashed by your academic mentor/advisor. That’s more less a standard procedure in today’s academic environment… order to procure government funding and obtain employment with another “worthless degree.” And if you want to argue the points that man’s use of fossil fuels is the boogyman for climate related change, I’ll see you in court, buster. There’s nothing we attorneys like better than exposing truth twisters and the protagonists of make believe and fairy tales.

    • Good comment Andy. I saw the show too. It reminded me of a college bar room event hosted and attended by 20 year-old Democrats who never worked a day in their lives. Then comes Biden who couldn’t say anything substantive during the interview. Democrats have devolved into a mindless sub-species of lemmings who will take commands from their inept and demented leaders, and head right over the cliff. And that’s a good place for them to end up.

  2. Though Trump argued “the numbers are far greater than we even anticipated,” Nikki Haley outperformed the polls predicting a nearly 50-point victory for the former president, per the Hill. She nabbed 26.5% compared to Trump’s 68.2% with 98.6% of votes counted, per the Post. Another 3% of votes were “uncommitted.” That shows “a sizable group of Republicans are either firmly opposed to [Trump] or still to be won over,” per CNN. It also suggests “polls might be overselling Trump’s strength,” per the Post.

    • 68% and the fact that there is even a mention of Muslims controlling the voting in ANY state should be of great concern to any American. In the belief of world Muslim leaders, you aren’t human if you aren’t Muslim and America should be destroyed. To say Muslims aren’t committed is to be ignorant of the world view of the Muslim faith, in the main. And Trump is the conservative option for President, regardless of the TDS in the population. A landslide, historically, has been over 59% of the popular vote or over 60% of the electoral votes.

    • Biden getting 80% as a sitting President running unopposed is pretty bad. Trump getting 62% while he has a very well funded primary challenger that is soliciting Democrat cross-over voters is pretty good.

      If RFK Jr had been allowed on the D primary ballot, I’d consider 80% a respectable result – but this was a stage managed coronation, not a primary. Whether or not Biden makes it to November I can’t say, but one thing for sure – Democrats do not want that decision to be left up to Democrat voters. When you look at what passes for the average Democrat – I don’t blame them at all. They learned their lesson back in ’68 and ’72.

    • Since there was a second candidate vying for the party nomination. Correction, a second candidate that someone outside of their immediate family has heard of. Kind of easy to get 80% of the vote when no one else (serious) is running against you.

  3. As of Wednesday the 27th of February, I believe the Uncommitted Votes in MIchigan are over a hundred thousand. Most of these votes came from what used to be Biden stronghold counties. Sloppy Joe is toast. The amount of election fraud required to put him over the finish line in November will have to be unbelievably gargantuan!

  4. “Michigan used to be a fine state, a fine state.”
    “But now? Too many Muslims, too many”
    “I don’t know, there are some good Muslims, but too many Muslims? No good. not so good”

  5. Trump said Israel is the capital of Israel. Trump says he would encourage Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough. He’s so stupid that he doesn’t understand that countries do not pay money to NATO. NATO is not a club like Mar a Lago. Plus, obviously, he has a shirtless Putin poster in his bedroom.

    I could list a thousand more reasons why civil and criminal defendant Trump is spectacularly unfit for office.

    • Really? You actually think Trump was serious with that NATO comment?
      God, you leftists and TDS sufferers are too much.
      And, yes, countries do pay into NATO. The peace treaty requires member countries to dedicate a portion of their GDP to support the defense of the NATO nations as a whole. And, most of the NATO countries are failing in providing their share. I am surprised you do not know that, since you seem so smart.
      From the NATO website:
      “NATO is resourced through the direct and indirect contributions of its members. NATO’s common funds are composed of direct contributions to collective budgets and programmes, which equate to only 0.3% of total Allied defence spending (around EUR 3.3 billion for 2023). These funds enable NATO to deliver capabilities and run the entirety of the Organization and its military commands.”
      In case you are not sure, the term direct contribution means MONEY.

  6. I remain unconvinced. After all, trump is running against an 81 year old man who is clearly so far into mental decline that he cannot make a public appearance without badly botching even the most basic speaking parts, seems to no long be well oriented to person place or time and half the time and often cannot recall the names or recognize key foreign leaders.

    All that and Trumps is in a neck and neck race?

    • Bob. Trump has 91 felony charges against him in four different courts. He has been ordered to pay one half BILLION DOLLARS in fines for rape and real estate cheating. Is this the man you want to lead America? Do you share his values?

      • Just because “charges” were filed does not mean they are real.
        The fines levied because of the E. Jean Caroll case are because of libel, not rape. There was never any demonstration that any rape occurred in any way, and the claims by E. Jean are laughable. (I cannot recall the year, the department store was practically empty, I was wearing a coat that was not made until several years later, etc.. etc…)
        And, the real estate cheating? Explain how 1.) applying for a loan, 2.) saying your collateral is worth $XWY, 3.) which the bank accepts without question, 4.) getting the loan, 5.)paying off the loan, and even 6.) having the bank testify on your behalf saying they were very happy with the transaction and would like to do business with the defendant again, is somehow cheating?
        If that is somehow fraud, then everyone who has ever applied for a business loan at any point since business loans were created is guilty of real estate cheating. The Governor of NY actually implied as much when she said other business owners should not be afraid of doing business in NY because of this case.
        Nothing but lawfare, and if you believe it, you are uninformed at best, and stupid at worst.

    • Trump is in a neck and neck race because 47% of the country will vote Democrat no matter who is running. They would rather see Briben returned to office for a second term than vote for any Republican of any sort.
      Given the large number of never-Trump Republicans, the fact he is running neck and neck with Biden is an serious accomplishment.

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