Breaking: Nick Begich announces run for Congress for ’24


On the Amy Demboski Show on 650 KENI, Nick Begich announced he is running for Congress, taking on Rep. Mary Peltola, who is a Democrat.

Begich called into the show toward the end of the two hours on Thursday, and talked about energy issues, congressional oversight, geopolitical concerns, and more before saying, “I’m in.”

Begich highlighted the opportunity that Alaskans still have in front of them, with 25% of America’s estimated undiscovered oil reserves and nearly every critical mineral on the critical minerals list.

Alaska is poised to answer the nation’s pivot away from Chinese production, he said.

Begich first filed for Congress in 2021. After Congressman Don Young died in 2022, Peltola won the seat in the first open-primary, ranked-choice voting scenario that Alaskans had experienced under the new voting system ushered in by Ballot Measure 2. Sarah Palin came in second, and Nick Begich was third.

No other candidate has yet announced to run against Peltola, who comes up for reelection next year and who has already started running.

Nick Begich is from a family known to many as Democrats, but he comes from the Republican side of the family and since high school he has been a Republican; he was a member of his high school’s Republican Club. His grandfather was a conservative Democrat, Congressman Nick Begich, who died in a plane crash over Prince William Sound in 1972. Since 1973, Alaska was represented by Republican Don Young until Peltola replaced him.

“Mary Peltola also voted against legislation that would support domestic energy production, Alaska’s largest economic driver. She’s even voted in favor of lower minimum sentences for criminals convicted of violent crimes such as carjacking and robbery!,” Begich said in a press release. Peltola votes with radical squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar 98% of the time, according to ProPublica.

Edit: Nick Begich’s website is now up with a new look.

This story will be updated.


  1. Look for the morons who run the GOP to field a spoiler because they’d rather have Democrats and Murkowski-lites than actual fighters. I can’t say for certain Begich would be great, but Peltola has been a disaster.

    • I don’t think the GOP will do that as a party but with RCV it is not entirely within their control. In other words any registered Republican could run with an R next to their name on the ballot.

  2. No. Just no. You’re part of the reason we have Mary.

    Your name is too toxic, your support too thin, and you haven’t established credentials to separate yourself from your family.

    This is stupidity, ego, and hubris rolled into a re election gift for Mary.

    • The reason we have Peltola is Palin’s EGO not Begich. Palin abandoned Alaskans before and will do it again.

        • Might have come in first but your girl came in six months after he filed, and there’s no question that both Palin and Murkowski backed Peltola. Talk about negatives.

      • Between Palin and Begich, the one who had the lesser votes at the beginning should have backed out, regardless of when they filed. That was Begich. Neither backing out put Peltola in office

    • Begich would have walked away last time absent the carpet-bagger attention addict coming in at the last minute to get more fame and money while not even understanding how ranked choice worked thus buddying up to Peltola and refusing to push “Rank the Red” until the end of the campaign.

      • Hey floridian, it’s exactly what Nick did. Great we are now sure to be stuck with Mary. Once a Begich always a Begich. Vote libertarian, no more Uni Party Globalists

    • Sarah hasn’t the intellect or political knowledge to be qualified, does not live here anymore and is only show and glitter 😉

    • She’ll wait til the last minute to get more attention from the press, then come in still not understanding how ranked choice works and splitting the GOP ticket rather than pushing “Rank the Red” from day one.

      The carpet bagger needs to stay out of this.

      • SkyTrooper, I don’t blame Sarah, it was entirely within Sarah’s nature to seek the lime light in an attempt to validate her self worth after a string of setbacks.
        I blame the idiot MAGA-Bleaters who blindly voted for her.

      • And I was curious which knuckle dragging dolt would rush out to white knight the reason we have Mary.

        She’ll never love you. Ever.

        I asked if her holiness announced her intention to run. You somehow managed to translate that into blame?

    • And Palin will beat him like a drum again.
      But we all know he isn’t running ‘to win’.
      He’s running as a RINO spoiler to ensure his Democrat pals win again – he’s already proven that twice.

    • acfak, Nick’s Grandfather was a Democrat, he was right of Trump however in his politics. Nick Begich was a great Congressman and a the type of guy that got people of differing backgrounds together to accomplish good things, like the Trans Alaska Pipeline. Nick III reminds me of his Gramps. Oh, and Nick III is a lifelong Republican, perhaps if you took the time to meet him you might change your tune?

      • Why would I want to meet with a lying democrat? Also, lets call it what it is: Alaska Pipeline, Alyeska Pipeline, or TAPS. none of this “trans” garbage.

        • Because there is a chance you could be proven wrong. Or proven right for that matter.

          He’s not Hitler. You’d lose nothing if you met with him.

          A different question is, would he meet with you?

        • acfak, perhaps you might consider that your girl endorsed Bill Walker… if you object to meeting with lying Democrats.

          I’m typing this with the same hands that literally built the “Trans Alaska Pipeline” (’74-’77). I confess to being more than a little offended by your linking the name Trans Alaska Pipeline with the current deviant use of the word trans. Trans World Airline, Trans Canada Highway, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Trans Siberian Railroad are other examples of the use of the word Trans which predate the Mass Psychosis definition you cite above.
          Hang Tough acfak, we are all in this thing together. Also remember to for vote Nick III in November 2024 too and lets work to put an end to this madness.

      • Sure. Democrats support irrational policies that argue for child grooming. Everything rational is to oppose democrat policies and argue against democrat policies.

  3. Still with Nick. Glad he is giving it another shot. Maybe people will woke up, and wash their hands of the present administration. Don’t forget to flush.

  4. Hope you win against Peltola. Need somebody to stand up for Alaska Oil. And not lock down our minerals.

  5. He would with great certainty be better than Peltola, but he did vote for Ethan Berkowitz. I am having trouble reconciling that action with minimum standards for exercising good judgment.

    • And how would you know that if he didn’t honestly tell everyone? Votes are private! He made a mistake and fessed up to it. Where do you ever see that today especially in politics?

  6. I’m curious what makes anyone think he’ll do better than last time.

    He has all the same issues with nothing new to counter them.

      • And that has what to do with Begich’s issues?

        My brain is old, but I’m able to follow concepts. You…

    • I agree with you. Who is to say that Nick isn’t just playing “Mr. Republican” until he gets into office; then he’ll start voting like Sumner did right off the bat showing us his true demonrat colors. “NO” on Nick.

  7. Mary Peltola is not qualified to represent Alaska. In addition to her terrible voting record, let’s review (only) three of her lies:

    1) She lied about her lengthy delay in establishing an office in Alaska.
    It took Mary ONE YEAR to establish an office in Alaska. When I asked her about this at a fundraiser (this is the only way she is available to ordinary Alaskans), she lied and told me that no real estate broker in Alaska would lease a commercial property space to her for less than four years. This is patently untrue.

    2) She lied about supporting veterans’ causes.
    Although veterans were not mentioned in her campaign materials, she said she was fully supportive of veterans’ concerns. When I asked after the election for her support on particular service-disabled veterans’ concern and submitted a written request to her office for assistance, Mary’s DC “constituent services” employees in DC NEVER addressed my concern or provided a written response. They never returned any of my phone calls, voicemail messages, written requests, or anything else. You can confirm this with Lauren, who claimed to be a military veteran, IF she is still working in Mary’s DC office. Most of her original paid staff quit shortly after being hired. She’s a lousy boss.

    3) She lied about graduating from college.
    Somehow she thought she earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Colorado after dropping out midway through her four-year academic program. Maybe, while running for office, she thought she misplaced her college diploma? Or did she believe that this lie would not matter? Mary just about as bad as her best-buddy George Santos. She insults Alaskans on a daily basis.

    We deserve better than Mary Peltola.

  8. Begich stabbed Don Young in the back. Here’s what Don Young said:

    “I hired that young man to show him the ropes, run for the job, don’t run against me…it’s not loyalty, nor is it honest…That’s a person I don’t want to serve me in Congress.” Don Young.”

    Begich supported left- winger Berkowitz. No conservative would do that.

    Begich is a spoiler. We need a proven, honest conservative to replace the disaster that is Peltola.

    • Begich was in first last time and in first this time. Begich was never the “spoiler”.

      Don Young was 88 years old running for congress and died in office. Begich was the only one who had the guts to call it like it was and take on the old man.

      • World, you say the guy that finished in third place every time, (Begich) isn’t a spolier?

        Sorry. No.

    • M:
      You are a complete LIAR. Don Young actually encouraged Nick to run because Don wasn’t initially going to run. Go lie at a different forum.

      • Little tiffany,

        Educate yourself:

        Don Young’s quote came from a Republican meeting where he described how he viewed Begich as a traitor. Recall that Young allowed Begich to be a little intern- with the condition that Begich not stab Young in the back. Well, we know what happened. Not only did Begich stab Young in the back, he ran campaign ads attacking his old boss. What a schmuck.

        Greenwire News:

        Young appears to have addressed Begich’s loyalty himself in audio recorded in February at an Alaska Republican convention that Brown posted Thursday on Twitter and described as Young expressing “sharp words for Begich.”

        “I hired that young man to show him the ropes. I knew he wanted to run,” Young said in the recording. “You run for the job. Don’t run against me. And right off the bat, he hired my campaign manager,” Young said in an apparent reference to Begich hiring Young aide Truman Reed to lead Begich’s primary campaign.

        “That really pissed me — excuse me — that really made me mad,” Young said. “You know, that’s not loyalty.”

        • And Mary is in office today because Don Young couldn’t let go of his position. Why would he run again at 88? Seriously – if Don would have mentored his replacement and supported him like he said he would do, Nick would be in DC right now!

          • Don ran because Alaska Republicans supported him time after time- for 50 years. And with 50 years in Congress, you have critically important seniority.

            The third place guy, Begich, would not be there now, he should have stepped down. Unforgivable. Selfish, back stabbing little punk who supported Ethan Berkowitz.

    • Don Young asked him to help him for Young’s last race, and then told him he would be ready to run the next time. And then Young changed his mind. And then Young croaked because he was too old to do it. And the only reason you know he voted for Berkowitz is that he admitted he did and that it was the vote he regretted most in his life. Get over it.

        • True conservatism doesn’t exist anymore. You’re fooling yourself. Just look on here. You have mostly some people that go to sleep at night thinking they are Mr or Mrs conservative in capital letters. In reality they are liberal with capital L. They’re not really looking at the big picture but see how that picture interferes with their lifestyle. You can’t fault them, human nature dictates that you always look out for yourself. But they shouldn’t try to pass themselves off as something they are clearly not.

    • Without a camera the Quote is worthless. Internet has attached anything to famous people who never said it nor lived around it like “don’t trust every quote you find on the internet “ – Benjamin Franklin. Old Benny didn’t even have a computer, it wasn’t even invented. That Don Young quote is just as believable as Ben Franklin being quoted that quote regarding internet he didn’t even know existed. Don’t even fabricate it using dum AI to convince its Dummer gullible viewers who watch too much media.

      • You are a bully, M. Don Young should have retired decades ago. A selfish old man who stuffed a lot of money in his pockets from deals made while he was Chairman of House Transportation. Not a good Alaskan.
        I’m voting for NB3.
        Go bully someone else.

      • What do you mean computers weren’t around? A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…… Considering there’s been three Extinction events on our planet, how can you be so sure of that computers weren’t here 3 million years ago? I pity you people that think life as you know it started 2,000 years ago.

  9. Love Nick Begich!!!!!
    Now, just make sure Sarah is well-satisfied with her newest boyfriend and far away from Alaska.
    Sarah is not only a family disrupter and a marriage breaker, she also knows how to put the Democrats in charge of a Republican state.

  10. This will come down to being more about the repubs and the ‘party leaders’ handling of the best/top candidate than who that candidate turns out to be. We need a strong candidate obviously, but that candidate must be strongly and SOLELY backed by the republican party in order to beat RCV. And I don’t see the likes of Craig Campbell et all, vigorously campaigning for an actual conservative. Despite the desires of the party body, a conservative is just not what the ‘important people’ at the top wish to represent them.
    Would I vote for Nick? Yes, if he is the top contender in my eyes. But when it comes down to being compared to lil mary, the bar is amazingly low. I’d rather vote for crazy Sid who waves his signs next to the Chevron station.

    • I was on team Nick last time. I will be again if necessary. But I hope we can have a better option.

      Based on the comments already, there is no sign the Sarah people are willing to do anything to help anyone but Sarah.

  11. Let’s see. Came in 3rd in the primary for the special election, came in 3rd in the special election. Came in 3rd in the primary for the general election, came in 3rd in the general election.
    Yep, there’s your winner, right there.
    Look, I like a lot about NBIII, but the cheering going on here is misplaced. Sorry, Palin Haters, Nick was not going to win the election even if Palin dropped out. It was not Palin that caused him to lose. Bummer if the truth hurts, but deal with it, you will thank yourself later.

  12. Questions no one seems to want to answer:

    -what has Nick done to improve his conservative credentials?

    -what is Nick’s plan to convince Palin voters to support him?

    -has he done anything to improve on his ground game from last time?

    -what is his plan to teach people how to effectively use RVC? The left was ready, the right wasn’t.

    -why this race? Why not work on his credibility and go after Swampy Dan?

    -his plan to distance himself from the baggage of his last name?

    -what’s he gonna do if Palin runs again?

    • -what has Nick done to improve his conservative credentials?


      -what is Nick’s plan to convince Palin voters to support him?

      Lie. Dark money. Cheat.

      -has he done anything to improve on his ground game from last time?


      -what is his plan to teach people how to effectively use RVC? The left was ready, the right wasn’t.

      Get rid of RVC

      -why this race? Why not work on his credibility and go after Swampy Dan?

      He doesn’t know what he’s doing

      -his plan to distance himself from the baggage of his last name?

      Hope Alaskans are dumb.

      -what’s he gonna do if Palin runs again?


    • Keep in mind the jungle primary foisted on us. I’m sure plenty of donkeys will bray their votes in for someone they want

  13. Someone please please tell Sarah to sit this one out. Even better if she never ever runs for office again. Thank you.

  14. I think Begich and Palin both need to move on. Together they lost our chances last time. It’s a real shame to see him running again. Of course, better than Peltola but still..

    • So you can bring in a third candidate, a dark horse, and then you would split the vote three ways. The problem isn’t who is or is it running, the problem is the lack of unity in the party. When you guys get fed up with the river girl, maybe you’ll get together and vote what’s best for Alaska. Squabbling isn’t going to get it done.

  15. ADN says Nick’s campaign still owes Nick’s personal pocket $450,000.

    Who’s to say he didn’t file to pay himself back with someone else’s money?

  16. I made the effort to meet him in person last time, and I plan to again donate to him and to vote for him.

  17. I still would support Nicholas Begich iiii, cause who else is there other than peltola. however I think the great grandson, Nick’s son, has more chance to win when the day comes, to pickup and continue his Great grandfather’s legacy where he left off before he unexpectantly left his generation. When A generation is gone and they don’t know who is Begich.

  18. And all the whining Palin-lovers and the Dem operatives writing above are why Peltola will be in office for decades.

    • Hopefully “Republicans” don’t do anything dum by encouraging their Republican friend to run for U.S House after Nicholas Begich just announced, and Palin MUST stay out. Else Nicholas will have to bow out, since Palin and her supporters has more stupid pride and his supporters must vote for her just to send Peltola home before replacing Palin, however I thinking unless the democrats send out one or two democrats to take votes away from the one Republican candidate to better. Then Republicans may need that second Republican and Begich can stay if there is more than one democrat front runner.

      • Problem is that Palin will never again win election in Alaska.

        There are simply too many commies, I mean Democrats, and too many people who will NEVER EVER vote for her regardless of their political beliefs.

        Simply put, Palin is opposed by more than 50% of Alaskan voters, and always will be.

  19. Alaska needs a new Congressional Team to represent every Alaskan in Washington D.C. Please everyone get out and vote for Nick Begich III for Congress 2024.

    April 10, 2021 I wrote a letter to U.S. Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland. U.S. Secretary of Interior Haaland along with Eugene Peltola Jr. Director of Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in Alaska have done nothing to protect the trust responsibility to Alaska Natives. I wrote Congresswoman Mary Peltola September 19, 2022 about the need for her immediate assistance to ensure Alaska Natives are afforded the broad U.S. Constitutional rights that are secured to other Americans here in Alaska. December 1, 2022 I wrote to S. Lane Tucker, U.S. Attorney for the District of Alaska regarding the immediate need for a remedy/solution to the horrific injustices (breach of trust) many Alaska Tribal citizens face within the State of Alaska.

    Do our elected officials care about every Alaskans constitutional rights? About our children and grandchildren and their rights to be free from abuse, neglect and abandonment? Alaskans are left without a remedy. SCO 1993 by Chief Justice Daniel Winfree violates every Alaskans constitutional right to go before a grand jury.

    1982 WL 43801 (Alaska A.G.)
    “…By this opinion, we hope to make state officers and employees aware of an ethical code which is not in the Alaska Statutes but which is in force in Alaska: the common law…”


    Alaska is a P.L. 280 State. Governor Dunleavy has the responsibility and authority for the faithful execution of the laws. Governor Dunleavy can take court action. (Article III Sec. 16)

    Alaskans need judicial reform. Alaskans need a remedy/solution to the injustices that have happened too many citizens in the great State of Alaska. Governor Dunleavy, please take immediate action on behalf of all the people of Alaska.

  20. We need a True Champion who can BEAT Mary Peltola, the Democrats Machine, and the Begich, Redrick , RINOS. The only one who can no that is Kelly Thishbaka.

      • Kelly was born in Alaska to a poor family homeless on the streets of Anchorage and left the state to go to harvard. How is that not a great Alaskan story, and how is that disqualifying when Alaska is literally the most transient state in the country?

      • Howdy 3rd, does that mean your voting for Mary. Nick didn’t grow up in Anchorage with all the other Begiches.

  21. The Palin/ Begich crybabies will once again make Peltola the winner. They are too STUPID to understand rank choice voting. Amazing. That by the way is a curse we are stuck with, because of, well just listen to these fools who claim to be conservatives. But by golly their locked and loaded! RLMFAO!.

  22. I’m with Forkner. We’re our own worst enemy. Ironically, I just saw this on a Newmax alert: “Rob Schmitt talks to Sarah Palin and former NHL star Ron Duguay…. about 2024 and more!” That should scare the h-ll out of you. She doesn’t have an original thought in her head. This time, anyone who considers voting for Palin, remember that Begich at least filed while Young was alive. Palin is the one searching for a reason to exist and Begich announcing before her woke her up. Again. One can bet she’ll jump in again. I have 2 brothers who are far left and one whose world view aligns with mine. So, I don’t buy the opinions here that discount NB3 just because of his last name. I’ll be voting for Begich again.

    • Don’t underestimate Palin’s supporters. Most are still convinced and would vote for again. Don’t be too proud that we all repeat 2022 victory for Peltola. To get rid of Peltola the game changer may have use Palin just to get rid of her best friend unless the Democrats change up the game to have Four strong running candidates running all against one another two strong democrats against two strong republicans palin and begich. Don’t be too proud. If it turns out to be a two-way race some has to bow out. I doubt Palin once if she enters would bow out. I be willing to vote for her just to get peltola out.

    • As well as we have to anticipate AI will be used. Some reader here is already hinting the democrats could formulate a realistic video of Don Young talking disparagingly about Nicholas. “Republicans” already struggle with remaining steadfast loyal to their candidate even under questionable behavior. They get too judgemental instead of remaining in unity for Begich or for Bronson.

  23. I’m really not looking for a redo of 2022. I was hoping Tshibaka would run for congress. She’s more popular.

    • It is not a matter of what Nick plans on doing, it is what that attention-whore Sarah Palin plans on doing that really matters — as well as what all the low-information voters who supported Palin the last time plan on doing with their votes the next time around.

  24. I agree Ceak. Kelly ran an incredible race against Lisa. Her first race, and she had Lisa begging McConnal and the Swamp GOP for Millions of Dollars so they could BEAT her. That shows real Power on Kelly’s behalf. I think she can RALLY a majority of ALL ALASKANS to beat Mary. There is no Gray area between Kelly and Mary, a true contest between Good and Evil.

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