Breaking: New York Times wins as jury goes against Palin


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, in Manhattan for her defamation lawsuit against the New York Times, took a loss Tuesday, when a federal jury said the New York Times was not liable for defaming her in an editorial in 2017.

Palin’s attorneys had argued that the Times editorial had recklessly linked her to a mass shooting that happened in 2011 in Arizona, and had done so with malice against her, a Second Amendment-defending conservative.

The verdict was unanimous a day after federal Judge Jed Rakoff said he would be throwing out the case if the jury voted in favor of Palin because he did not believe there was malice.


  1. The judge set precedence, no? And with a trial in NY? With NY’ers on the jury? So heavily biased this was. The statue of liberty should be stripped from that state, so undeserving.

  2. It’s likely that you could convict a Republican from Alaska and sentence them to death just for being a Republican from Alaska before a New York jury. That said, Sarah Palin had almost no chance of winning this suit even if it had been tried here in Alaska or in some friendly place like Idaho. The verdict, like the judge’s ruling, reflects the state of the law on public figure libel. The burden is all but impossible and most public figures just accept the abuse on go on.

    That said, a lot of legal scholars don’t like the state of the law, not coincidentally a New York Times case, and among those legal scholars are several members of the US Supreme Court. There are plenty of people who pony up money and join in as amici or attempt to join as intervenors to take this to the USSC. This isn’t the end; it’s just the end of the beginning.

  3. As if anyone took seriously the ridiculous proposition Palin prompted the moron to shoot Gabby Gifford. Moreover, didn’t Palin resign from the governorship with the excuse she was being so unfairly maligned in the media? Why engage in the rough and tumble sport of politics if you’re thin skin is so easily bruised?

  4. NY editors, or any Left-wing journalists, are allowed unfettered access to the First Amendment (free speech). However, if you are a Conservative, constitutional Republican, Libertarian …. …… your free speech rights will be heavily censored, if not eliminated. That’s the law today.

  5. Art,

    I agree completely with your comment.

    The laws need changing.

    The constitution states that, “CONGRESS shall make no law…”. (freedom of the press, etc. al.)

    The Constitution ALSO created 3 branches of government ON PURPOSE.

    This case has to go before the U.S. Supreme Court.

    I know firsthand the carnage even obscure, but locally mainstream media has had on me, as a private citizen.

    The internet has changed the world, and the freedom of the press is not exempt from evolving with the rest of the world.

    Most people, such as myself, do not have a war chest of money and influence to convince a legal team to represent them.

    Believe me, I know.

    I am grateful Sarah Palin has not backed down from this; not merely for herself, but for the many, many others out there, just like me.

    Because we do not have the means to garner the traction this issue requires.

    I know I am not alone. I am not the only one in this situation.

    That is truly the unfortunate part of today’s reality.

    It has to change.

    The purpose of the constitutional protection to shield the press, was so the press could freely carry out their job of protecting the United States people from the government.

    But, who is protecting the people from the press?

    I’ve spent over 6 years trying to find the answer to that question.

    Right now that answer is noone.

    And I am the first to say that I, myself, am a proud “jump up and down, stomp my feet” person -when there are policies, societal issues, etc that need changing….

    Another freedom protected in the Constitution…

    • Trudy, it is wrong to say, “the Constitution also created 3 branches of government on purpose.” The constitution created nothing; rather, it is a signed contract by which we, as a nation, agree to protect the God-given sovereign rights of each individual American citizen. Every word in the document points to that end; and, it sets forth six separate branches of government. Most school children are taught there are only three: executive, legislative, and judiciary; the other three are often ignored. The fourth branch is the “free press” which is specifically protected under the First Amendment. This fourth branch is intended as an independent, impartial entity to expose the misconduct of the first three branches to the fifth, penultimate branch: “We the People.” This fifth branch plays the role of controller over the first four branches previously mentioned. It is appropriately referenced by the first three opening words of the contract; it is further emphasized by reference in the Second Amendment. The sixth and ultimate branch is God Himself. Our founding fathers knew precisely what they were doing by executing that contract. The failure of “We the Peoples” to recognize the roles of all six branches is the proximate cause of all our problems. Only three of the six branches offer any hope of restoring our nation; I will explain which three in a later post.
      Behold, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2Chron7:14.

    • It is wrong to say, “the Constitution also created 3 branches of government on purpose.” The constitution created nothing; rather, it is a signed contract by which we, as a nation, agree to protect the God-given sovereign rights of each individual American citizen. Every word in the document points to that end; and, it sets forth six separate branches of government. Most school children are taught there are only three: executive, legislative, and judiciary; the other three are often ignored. The fourth branch is the “free press” which is specifically protected under the First Amendment. This fourth branch is intended as an independent, impartial entity to expose the misconduct of the first three branches to the fifth, penultimate branch: “We the People.” This fifth branch plays the role of controller over the first four branches previously mentioned. It is appropriately referenced by the first three opening words of the contract; it is further emphasized by reference in the Second Amendment. The sixth and ultimate branch is God Himself. Our founding fathers knew precisely what they were doing by executing that contract. The failure of “We the People” to recognize the roles of all six branches is the proximate cause of all our problems. Only three of the six branches offer any hope of restoring our nation; I will explain which three in a later post.
      Behold, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2Chron7:14.

  6. Did anyone really think Palin would get a fair trial and a just verdict in New York against the largest Propaganda Corps rag in circulation which just happens to be based in NYC?

  7. Palin did this to herself. Dumb comments, dumb previous ads with a gun crosshair and later dumb thinking that she was gonna win in NY courts. She’s not too smart unfortunately. When the bulk of the people understand there’s really no difference between the D and the R under the current system maybe things will start to change. All you people need to quit getting caught up in the cult of personality and stop shaking the pompom for people like Palin and trumpet. They can’t save you. Both are only about 2% better than the other side of the eisle and that’s not enough to warrant supporting them. The current governor, senators and the useless don young are all fellow travelers. But they put that big R by their name, fly the flag come campaign time and you all fall for it again and again. Wake up.

  8. The New York Times has never apologized for spreading a wholesale lie that the Soviets weren’t starving the Kulaks to death, and in fact stating the opposite. Anyone who reads that bloody rag loves lies. Anyway, the once proud New York City is now a liberal cesspool and the NYT seems perfectly happy to have let that happen.

  9. The judge had his hand in this ALL THE WAY. Sick, but not unnexpected. I pray for Sarah to go to the Supreme Court!!

  10. I’m no legal scholar, but how is this not jury tampering?
    The judge told the jury what their finding would be, or else he’d throw it out.
    What other option did they have than not guilty?

  11. Wayne,

    You demonstrate why I and likely many, many other people shut down and steer away from organized religon.

    You choose your words wisely, I can see that.

    That being said, you could have said I was incorrect.

    But, you chose to say I was wrong.

    Words are containers for power.

    Power that is granted to a person to carry out a role. That power is only effective when the man remains within the limitations of such authority.
    The power is bestowed upon that role, not the man.

  12. And to sum up what I mean by that.

    You do not have the authority to cast Biblical citations at me or anyone.

    However, I have the authority to receive them, if I so choose.

    Taking a Biblical message out of context to meet your own agenda, narrative, or pre-determined assumption, holds no authority.

    You were not given authority to pre-determine any persons destiny.

    Tgat is why there is tge doctrine of free will.

    God created free will for situations just like this.

    Have a good day.

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