Breaking: Mallott forced out as lieutenant governor


Lieutenant Gov. Byron Mallott resigned today and Commissioner of Health and Social Services Valerie Davidson was sworn in as lieutenant governor. The events took place quickly in mid-day.

The announcement of Byron Mallott’s resignation was leaked before noon, but came after a secret swearing in of Davidson.

Davidson has helped lead Gov. Bill Walker’s charge in abdicating the State’s authority in favor of tribal sovereignty. And she led the charge for Obamacare Medicaid expansion in Alaska. She will now be in charge of the Division of Elections.

One decision the Walker campaign will have to make is who will be on the ticket with Walker. Mallott’s name is on the ballot now and some ballots have already been voted via absentee. Some 21,000 ballots were sent out absentee and 1,000 or more have been returned.

Intelligence that Must Read Alaska has indicates that this relates to Mallott’s behavior.

Update: Mallott is said to have made inappropriate comments to a woman.

Governor Walker and Lieutenant Governor Davidson released the following statements:

“It is with profound disappointment and sadness that I accepted the resignation of Lieutenant Governor Byron Mallott.

“Byron recently made inappropriate comments that do not reflect the sterling level of behavior required in his role as Lieutenant Governor. I learned of the incident last night. Byron has taken full responsibility for his actions and has resigned.

“As leaders, we must hold ourselves to the highest standards of conduct.

“Valerie Davidson was confirmed as Lieutenant Governor-designee earlier this April. She was sworn in today as Lieutenant Governor. Doctor Jay Butler has been appointed Commissioner of the Department of Health and Social Services. Alaskans can be confident that Valerie Davidson will assume the duties of Lieutenant Governor with grace and dignity.”

“Alaskans deserve the highest standards of conduct by their elected officials. While I am deeply saddened by the resignation of Lt. Governor Byron Mallott, I am profoundly disappointed by his conduct,” said Davidson.

“Respect for women, and the dignity of all Alaskans, is our responsibility. I stand ready to serve as your Lieutenant Governor,” Davidson said.

Mallott became lieutenant governor after he first was the Democrat nominee for governor in 2014. He stepped aside to allow Bill Walker to run in his slot, and he filled the lieutenant governor slot on the “unity ticket”. The two of them beat Sean Parnell in the General Election.

What did Lt. Gov. Mallott say and to whom? Some say it was this story:

[Must Read Alaska broke this story on Monday.]

This is the fourth Democratic forced resignation in 18 months due to misconduct involving treatment of women. The others include Representatives Dean Westlake, Zach Fansler, Justin Parish, and now Byron Mallott.

This story will be updated.



  2. Well somebody (insert guess here) needs Walker out of the race & seeming how Walker is his own worst enemy, it would be awfully convenient if his #2 were to have a “Scandal” right before the midterm. I mean it wouldn’t help to hit Dunleavy with a scandal for the Oct. surprise if Walker was still in it now would it? It might just be Déjà vu but didn’t a random out of the blue Scandal hit Uncle Ted when he was running against someone????? Can’t remember that other guys name???????

    • I don’t think Begich was behind Ted Stevens’ bogus criminal investigation, but of course he was behind this October Surprise.

      And Walker put a token native up in Mallott’s place to cover that base.

      • If you knew Ms. Davidson you wouldn’t label her as a token anything. She can hold her own in any forum. I’ll give her brownie points for loyalty and not forgetting where she came from but it may be time for her to lose that middle moniker.

  3. I have probably become paranoid over the decades, but I fear that this is all part of some larger play to figure out a way to a “unity” ticket that avoids splitting the votes on the Left, to the advantage of Mike Dunleavy. I have to think that there is a second part yet to come that will twist Alaska’s electoral process beyond any and all recognition.

  4. Is this the predicted October surprise? Walker is reaping what he has sown since 2010 and certainly the seeds he sowed in 2014 when he falsely accused Gov. Parnell. Walker’s administration has been tumultuous, haphazard and without clear direction. It seems only fitting and poetic justice that he go out the way he came in – in scandal, lies and secrets.

  5. From the Fox News story on this:

    Walker campaign manager John-Henry Heckendorn said the campaign has been in conversations with Begich’s campaign for several days about a “path forward for Alaska.” He declined to go into details, but he said the conversations were prompted by concerns about Dunleavy and the dynamics of a three-way race. The talks so far have been “inconclusive” but will continue, Heckendorn said.


  6. Alaskans are desperate for fresh, progressive ideas that will make the state great again. Fortunately I have a hard time thinking of a scenario where Begich and Walker could actually conspire and beat Mike Dunleavy.

  7. This thing totally reeks. No doubt about it. The optic were horrible with his pay for votes through the gift to villages for increasing votes (First Alaskans Institute). I’m sure Byron said something unsavory but there is something more to this story. But Mike better watch his back. Mark is slimy and even though Mark and Bill aren’t buds, it is clear they both would do anything for power. They disgust me. Vote Dunleavey and lets move on from this grotesque mess.

  8. ” do not reflect the sterling level of behavior required…. ” Sorry but nothing about the Walker reign of doing nothing but grabbing the PFD is “sterling.”
    None of this is surprising. Walker (and Begich) were frustrated by Dunleavy making his own way, garnering favor, contributions, and most of all promises of votes from the ordinary common Alaskan citizen.
    I can only hope every voter can see through the smoke screen and vote for the only honest politician (is that an oxymoron?) politician in the race for our governor.

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