Breaking: LeDoux has a primary — Aaron Weaver files for House District 15


A well-known Anchorage photographer has filed to run in the Republican primary against Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux in House District 15. Aaron Weaver, formerly a videographer with KTUU, left his journalism job and filed on Tuesday.

In 2014 and 2016, LeDoux was not opposed in the primaries, and in 2016 won against Democrat Patrick McCormack 67.83 percent to 32.17 percent in the general election. After being elected, she quickly caucused with a new Democrat-led majority and rose to the position of Rules chair.

It came as a surprise to no one, as she had signaled she intended to jump the Republican ship.

With the new liberal majority in the House, and a conservative majority in the Senate, work in the Legislature has been painful for many to watch. LeDoux prevented legislation from reaching the House floor that would have prevented her from developing her special-favors political action committee, “Gabby’s Tuesday PAC,” that she has used to force her will on her fellow legislators.

Weaver has not held elected office before, but he plans to walk the district for the next nine months. Athletic and far younger than his opponent, he has time on his side, as LeDoux will be prevented from campaigning so long as the 2018 session is active. That will give Weaver plenty to talk about as he goes door to door.

Will LeDoux be able to handle the pressure of a primary opponent? Will Republicans even let her run as a Republican again?

This will be the race to watch in 2018.



  1. We must replace all of the Rinos. Ledoux is a tyrant. Look at her videos when she is the chair of the committee.

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