Breaking: Gigi Sohn withdraws from FCC nomination after criticisms pile up about her political far-left edge


After 16 months of being blocked from confirmation, Gigi Sohn, the radical operative selected by President Joe Biden to join the Federal Communications Commission, has withdrawn her nomination.

Gigi Sohn has made a number of highly political and objectively offensive statements and personal attacks against conservatives on Twitter.

She gave an exclusive to The Washington Post, a sympathetic newspaper to her cause, calling the campaign against her “unrelenting, dishonest and cruel attacks,” and saying that cable and media industry lobbyists were out to get her.

“It is a sad day for our country and our democracy when dominant industries, with assistance from unlimited dark money, get to choose their regulators,” Sohn said in a statement shared exclusively with The Washington Post. “And with the help of their friends in the Senate, the powerful cable and media companies have done just that.”

Police officers and associations especially opposed Sohn, who has repeatedly attacked police. She called police “armed goons,” and called Fox News “state-sponsored propaganda,” … “dangerous to democracy.” She also shared a post from Twitter that called former President Donald Trump a “raggedy white supremacist president.”

Now, however, she says attacks on her are unfair and hurtful. President Biden will need to find a new person to offer to the FCC role. Gigi has left the building.

Republicans Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas were two of the senators opposing her nomination, but equally vocal was Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who criticized her for having partisan alliances with far-left groups.


  1. Keep demonizing people personally and professionally and trust the general public will live with more dysfunctional and ineffective private and public sector services . Good people just will not serve or work in the solely needed postions that could deliver the best services for the general public. This constant debasing comes at a great cost.

  2. Good once in a while the people win one…but she is a bad penny and obama/Biden cabal will likely find another post to keep her in their game!!!

  3. Imagine what the left would do if hardcore Christians were making Christianity in our government again.

    Now it’s just the hardcore left agenda being instilled in government and the decay of the once highly revered countries.

  4. Why do people feel the need to go on record on Twitter or Facebook? What do you gain from posting this stuff? Twitter post and emails sink more people then anything.

    • Jack, I am like you continually mystified by the attraction of the sound-bite echo chamber that is Twitter, and the privacy-destroying, personal data-mining operation that masquerades as social media under Facebook.

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